I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

So you think someone could do as much as 2 times the damage when all gear is removed on a target dummy? Hitting that ability is skill and that skill translates into the ability doing more damage?

People are doing 2x-3x your damage with the same gear you’re wearing. Why you ignoring this? Guessing you mute anyone that points this out so you can live in your bubble?

You are giving factually incorrect information and making disingenuous arguments that aren’t relevant to my point.

No and I never said this or even implied this. When you control all other variable, and only one variable is changed, of course that variable is the one responsible for the changes; it’s literally why people use sims to determine gear upgrades because it takes the player skill out of equation. You’re not making some profound argument here, you’re literally just stating something very obvious. Player skill is very much another variable, and that’s why you will see players in the same BiS gear doing different amounts of damage. In that scenario the gear is controlled and the player skill is the variable affecting damage output. It’s why people with the same gear as you do more damage. Skill issue



See the part where it says ilvl%?

Yeah, youre not good at all. 7% on patchwork in comparison to other rogues using the same gear. LOLOLOLLOLOL

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Your idea of the same gear is item level. You have no argument. :man_facepalming:

It’s a very minor factor which is the point of this experiment. The raw DPS from alternating a few abilities is not a skill. Doing the mechanics and positioning better is somewhat of a skill and is where you are going to see these differences.

They did 2.2k less than the other assassin rogue that was wearing less gear (lol 187 blues). Definitely not a player skill issue right?

Alright then

Heres your gear

Yet you did 5x less damage vs the guy in the same raid as you that was wearing blues at the time


Brah your a grey parsing bad player, its obvs to anyone that you dont know how to push keyboard buttons in the correct order to play this game lmao. But you do you and make all the excuses you want wont change the fact you bad. Git gud

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Lmfaoooo trash rogue coping hard.

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Super hard

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He did the mechanics on patchwork perfectly tho.

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Lol what mechs

You know the one where you stand behind the boss and attack him

Care to explain how you managed to die to such an easy fight?


Nobody is doing 20,000 DPS and you are missing the entire point. Feel free to do this experiment yourself.

Naw we get the point dude, youre bad and need to make excuses

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You don’t, but you are sure proving OPs point in a glorious manner.

Oh look. Such an easy game.
