I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Uhm, what?

Are you trying to say someone who efficiently uses their skills/CDs/Regen is going to be the same damage as someone who just clicks randomly/no macros/sometimes uses CDs? (Assuming same gear/spec)

Um no? Nobody is going to be clicking abilities at random. I’m saying the skill floor to do near maximum damage is so low that it doesn’t even matter. The difference between between being barely competent and the best is very small.

Get 100 people of the same class and spec and take off all their gear and get them the same exact weapon and have them do a 5 minutes dps test. The margin between the top and bottom will not be large.

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Yet you couldn’t even make it half way in BWL during classic era.

Wotlk Classic parses are the only accomplishment in their life that they can hold over others with.

Cringe so hard when guild recruiting players and say parse focus :rofl: like the game is severely undertuned, 18 years old and most classes have less than 3-4 buttons in their rotation:man_facepalming:

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Gear matters. The ones that worry about their performance are going to have more effort into having the stats that increase said performance. The ones that don’t will be wearing whatever. The margin between top and bottom can easily be over 100% difference. 5 min naked with just a weapon you’re not testing anything.

When you have to decide between 4k dps and 1.2k dps the choice is easy.

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So like I said… your DPS is primarily a direct function of your gear. People in the same exact gear, enchants, spec and everything will have basically the same DPS.

It’s best to stop pretending having more gear makes you more skilled.

I am in love with you, i am the opposite of a sapiosexual.

But classic has pretty much no mechanics or complex rotations. What is there to analyze? If you enjoy the analysis game, pick apart some retail raid logs.

Logs, like all the other tools players have created since early Retail, have their place, but get misused by mid-maxers all the damn time.


I use them to see where I’m messing up. 5 min fight, 60 sec CD, and only used it twice? Need to work on that. 27 procs but only used 21 of them? Gotta work on that too. 2k dps down from others in about my stat range? TAKE OFF THE FISHING POLE YOU DERP! (Still working on that one)

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Yep, they are a great tool for personal use. But yet again, we have the unwashed masses thinking “only big number good.”

Jeweled Fishing Pole w/ High Test Eternium Fishing Line is BiS raid fashion, though.

Wouldn’t be so bad if it was the jeweled as it has FAP… sadly better than most weapons you’ll see while leveling!

Arcanite doesn’t lmao. Don’t need the extra +fishing, but can’t bring myself to use any other pole.

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And warcraft logs shows that people with your gear level do MUCH more dps than you do.

You’re not good. Accept it.

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I feel like that’s the reason people should be using logs. Who actually cares how they compare to sweaties who play 100 hours a week, or people with 500k gold to spend to get that 0.5% dps extra. I enjoy looking at parses within my guild as I feel it gives a more accurate understanding of skill/error than straight up dps due to the disparity in gear/ilvl. When I parse high it’s comforting to know that me being further down the meters than others has more to do with a lack of stats, or being 15 ilvl lower, or being specifically assigned to manage a mechanic. I also don’t let it discourage me if I parse low, and only look at logs after a raid. It is after all a game, and is meant to be fun.

Look my guy, im not here to convince you to read logs, but your take is hella disengenious.

Obviously if the tactical nuke goes off and wipes your raid, you dont need a log to tell you that.

Despite the names, details isnt very detailed, and logs are very detailed. Logs track every piece of information from the start of the log to the end of the log. If you want to improve, you can compare yourself to others of your class and spec. Maybe its internal and youre doing your rotation just wrong. Maybe its external and you lacked buffs or overall raid dps so the kill time was longer.

During BT/Hyjal we had a zug shaman who wasnt preforming how we wanted. He wasnt doing bad damage, but he was being massively out damaged by a lesser geared zug shaman. The logs showed me his gear, and he stat prio’d poorly. The logs showed me his sometimes lack of buffs like might. The logs showed me his exact sequence of casts which was backwards and scuffed his party members in the process while wasting uptime on his own personals. I watched his movement and noticed that he moved awkwardly, artificially lowering his uptime and thus his dps.

These arent things you get from details or recount. These are things that make logs important.


Have you never played with bad players? There can definitely exist a significant difference in skill to observe large DPS differences. Raiding and even 5 mans are not the same as hitting target dummies.


You are arguing a different point. My premise was that if you do the mechanics perfectly. Please re-read what I said. Damage is primarily a function of gear when all other factors are controlled for.

If thats true why is your dps so much lower than other rogues with the same gear?

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They don’t have the same gear. Even with worse item level gear it would be better for PVE if it has haste, crit or hit instead of resilience. Or agility, attack power instead of stamina.

If your idea of the same gear is just gearscore then I don’t know what to tell you.

Damage is primarily a function of skill when all other factors are controlled for as well. That’s the whole point of control variables and experimental variables.