I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Ok… Thanks for sharing…

To a point everyone should strive for some sense of elitism. The point is doing something to get better at it but not to the point of completely playing a spec or playstyle that doesnt suit you.

Notice all the people agreeing with the OP are low level alts, or grey parsing mains.

Hilarious isn’t it?


It is fine if you don’t want to look at parses, but where I become suspicious is when you start using words such as “perfectly.” It makes it sound like you’re using hyperbole to correct for some insecurity about your quality of play. Knowing your rotation and using it perfectly are entirely different things. Minimizing movement, maximizing uptime, pooling a resource for a trinket proc that is about to fall off ICD, all of these things are small dps increases that add up over the course of a fight. There is probably no single fight that anyone has ever played entirely perfectly.

On a side note, unless you have some obviously horrible troll spec with poor stat allocated gear, if you were playing perfectly, your parses would still be decent at minimum. If you’re grey parsing, you are playing poorly, regardless of whatever spec you walked into the raid with.


Analyzing others’ play to improve your own is a good thing. Analyzing others’ play to bludgeon them for how “bad” they are is not.

(Not saying you do that, just contrasting you vs. the elitists)

Not even talking about mythic my guy, talking about wrath content being easy for what it is. I could care less about mythic raiding, mythic+ dungeons, or cutting edge for that matter. It’s tedious and means nothing. Get off your high horse, that content is stupid easy.

And you haven’t done any of it lmfao.

Don’t worry tho I’m sure Yog 0 will be easy for you tho…


Mythic is the hardest content wow has to offer I wouldn’t be calling it easy when around 3% of the players get cutting edge.

Talks about OP calling out toxic people, makes blanket statements about people that enjoy minmaxing

The jokes write themselves

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So, you are saying I shouldn’t be able to say anything because I don’t do cutting edge, mythic raids, mythic + dungeons in retail? You are high. Wrath classic is nothing similar to retail. They’re vastly different and miles apart. And I disagree that mythic is “actually harder”, maybe if you lack critical basic brain functions, sure I can see it being hard for you.

I could care less that I have never beaten yogg or LK, Have I done those fights? Yes, and I could care less that I never downed them. Are they hard fights? Nope. Just players not being able to deal with mechanics to the best of their abilities, or explain the fights.

Ah the old I tried it but couldn’t beat it and it’s not hard excuse.


You mean you would of beaten it if people did mechanics?? Wow such insight.

Don’t worry you won’t be doing it this time around either.

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Haters gonna hate.

Some people’s fun is min maxing, mine included.
I don’t want to waste my time being mediocre, i do enough of that IRL.


Good for you? Some folks enjoy improving themselves and comparing themselves to others that play the same spec.

I always love these edgy “HURR PARSING IS SO BAD!” scream to let them play how they want to play while also trying to make tongue in cheek shots at those who care about it as these horrible people and try to change public opinion into that way of playing being wrong.

In TBC, I looked at my logs because my guild mates did. I didn’t want to raid at first, but we needed bodies. And because of that, I needed to make sure I pulled my weight. And being short on bodies, that meant I needed to squeeze out every bit of dps we could. I mean, we were doing Vashj with 24, 23 people and still amost getting her down. KT same deal - who finally went down after we had a full guild of 25 in for a very long time. As soon as Hyjal and BT came out and we had enough people I quit raiding. I’ll parse and worry about being carried when we’re struggling, but if it’s just for the sake of looking at numbers, I’ll pass.

I took one for the guild last xpac, but i already made it clear this time around that if they wanted me to raid again, if the content is already on farm, I’d be there as a warm body only. No enchants. No gem’s nothing.

No hate.

What do you actually play the game for?

Parses are like blood pressure. It only matters if it’s really high or low, worrying about it will generally make it worse, and there’s all kinds of ridiculous things people do to try to make it better. Often involving seafood.

No worries.

Totally legit question. Everything I say is pretty much negative and cynical. I am what you call I guess a Vanilla Andy. But not just any Vanilla andy, but an OG Vanilla Andy that progression raided from day 1. So that makes me a pissy, elitist snob that doesn’t think very highly of the current Classic player base. I enjoy gatekeeping. I enjoy that “totem pole” of players and guilds. And I like it when not everyone wins.

I did tried a few months of Retail - the panda one I think but in no real capacity. Last xpac i played was a few months into OG TBC before I quit because I burnt out. So, I came back pre-beta Classic Vanilla forums when Classic was originally announced. Not necessarily because I wanted to play it again (not like I once did), but because WoW was such a large part of my life I genuinely cared. Yes, I wanted encounters to be re-tuned, Strath, Scholo, UBRS returned back to their pre-nerf 10 man 15 man with the 10 minute respawn timers. I didn’t want it to become a 1.12 private server. I wanted Classic Vanilla to be a faithful re-creation of the overall (keyword) experience - even though, i probably wouldn’t have been able to replay 1/20th of it. Although it was probably easier for me to say since I already been there done that.

The second reason is simple. The people. It’s a big reason Vanilla will always be the best in my book despite that it was a pain in the rear. Raiding with 40 people and having huge guilds trumps having small ones imo. Despite me quitting once I hit 60 in Classic Vanilla, I still hung out in Discord after I quit. After the guild split they convinced me to come back. I was going to quit like I did prior, but they needed people for their 2nd Kara team. So i stayed “temporarily” lol.

I will end it like this though. I only really cared about Classic Vanilla. What happened to TBC and Wrath I couldn’t have cared less. I did advocate equally however, that each should represent the overall experience. Not an individual experience, but the overall experience - something that only a small fraction of the actual player base would know. I always been consistent in that regard.

Edit: Fwiw, even though I despise everything that RFD is and what stands for, I do believe Blizzard made a huge mistake by not including it in the game. Now whether or not it is indicative of the overall experience, I’m not one to say.

This is like criticizing other chess players for studying their losses, they choose to look at the game from a more analytical PoV, it doesn’t affect you.

Who you trying to convince, us or yourself?

The funny thing is WoTLK is kind of probably the best time to start caring about parses or performances because classes start to get interesting around now. I never cared about my parsing in Vanilla/TBC because it was too memey. Oh I got all my world buffs, oh I got fed three lusts.

To be fair I don’t really care about parses that much, but I do like to be competitive on the meters. Of course PI, Unholy Frenzy, and Tricks is still a cheesy mechanic, but it’s better than before at least.

Then again: Parses have always been about being cheesy in some regards. Just as an example I never parsed particularly well as a Warlock on M’uru, and it was clearly because the top locks were being allowed to parse on that fight in a way that wasn’t feasible for my team. And that’s fine, I don’t really care because I was competitive with other locks on my team and as warlocks we carried that fight anyways.