I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

No one cares you want to play in the bottom 13% of your class.

Lmfao… You just won’t be doing it in my groups, you would get kicked on site.

I’ve beaten every mage in every group I’ve been in. LUL.

Maybe you should reroll?

I don’t give a damn what you do.

I just find it hilarious you complain other people are holding you back, when everyone else says content can be cleared with partial groups and people in greens. :woman_shrugging:

I wish they posted on their DK so I could check their logs

Sure in phase 1…

Let’s see these grey parsers do no light yog.

Y’all really trying to flex on phase 1 content lmfao.

Y’all didn’t even do sunwell pre nerf

I quit TBC in P1 cause it was trash LUL. Get real kid.

I killed M’uru prenerf Sunwell, I’m not pretending to be some end game super star.

I just find it hilarious to see people both complain content is too easy that 8 people in quest greens can clear naxx, and people complain that people need to be in full pre-raid bis or they are being carried and not pulling their weight in Naxx.

Regardless, I’m far more proud of my Realm First Alchemy and Herbalism achievement than any raid achievement. :joy:

It’s not like Parses actually matter for healers anyways.

who said the parse people are not having fun?

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The fact they like to throw a fit when other people don’t play the game like they do leads me to believe they’ve min-maxed the fun out of the game.

Generally the people that hyperfocus on parses are not fun people to be around, their attitude is generally hostile in my experience, and overall are wholely unpleasant people to play video games with. :woman_shrugging:

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Agreed just look at his posts here. Just a hostile tiny brained little person.

They are worse than the most annoying sports fans.

Honestly you should look at your parses, it helps us know what we’re doing wrong and what we’re doing right and if you just straight up refuse to look at them and you ignore people who bring it up just makes you look bad. I understand that centering your focus around a parse is bad but when it comes to self improvment it’s an invaulable tool that will help you attain more consistant high parses.

Classic parsing was fun but very flawed, stacking warriors for less downtime, world buffs were honestly great for community but made parsing toxic (or so i hear). Being able to stack every potion one could get made it so that only the people that went all out on consumes actually got good parses.

In TBC people were stacking heroisms and Mages were getting multiple innervates making the self improvment aspect of parsing for the most part useless because even if you did everything perfect it wouldn’t matter because they had more innervates.

In WotLK heroism has a debuff, innervate is nerfed (at least for Mages) and tricks of the trade isn’t recorded in the logs. WotLK is the perfect time for parsing and in turn perfecting your class, using logs to understand how to perfect your class is in my opinion the best way to use logs.

Now if your guild is downing bosses without any issues then that’s fine that you’re not looking at your parses and looking to improve but being that harsh to people that bring up your parses is in my opinion too much. Ignoring them for simply talking to you about your parses to me seems pretty childish, it’s like the WoW equivalent of covering your ears and going lalalala.

Going through my logs is how I and others improve their DPS and the way you worded this…

To me, makes it sound like you know you’re holding your raid back but don’t care because you want to play the way you want even at the detriment to your own raid.

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Yeah wiping for hours seems way more fun

No one wipes in NAXX you troglodyte.

You’d be surprised.

No your run took four and a half hours and you wipe seven times


It’s not because of dps if it happnes LUL.

It’s because of tank usually.

And it doesn’t happen much.

You guys are trying to make your kindergarden soccer into world cup soccer.

I wasn’t in that raid you stupid gnome. Grow a brain and stop it.

I think literally the only time we wiped in Naxx was having a few people accidently get their rights and lefts mixed on on Thaddius.

We all kinda chuckled it off and then everyone got it right the second time around, and it was downed without issue.

We did die to KT once on 10 man when we didn’t realize his stupid iceberg was bugged and always iceberging the tank as well as everyone else.

But once we knew that we were able to compensate for it. :woman_shrugging:

What? I watched a stream where they wiped like 15 times.

Might’ve been for the stream but kinda hard to tell tbh.

Yes you are you’re the 13 parsing Rogue