I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Yeah a pug is not going to be smoothe. Any guild run will clear fine.

I wasn’t and you have no proof. You are just a tiny gnome with no friends and low self esteem.

It was a guild run.


Oh and the number was 22 not 15

You admitted it above stop lying

Yeah do I want to do that run or a 90 minute run that’s a tough choice

I didn’t you are just bad at engrish. And you use parses to validate your self worth because nothing else in your life matters.

Parsing is all you have left to attach your fragile ego too.

Some would say that the wipes make it worth.

For me though I’d go with a 1h 30 run.

I’m guessing your wife, kids, and job have sapped all joy from your life and so now you come to the forums to argue with strangers to spark the sense of life you once had. So you can feel anything again.

Parsing is just a vehicle for you to be able to spark these arguments so you can have that thrill of emotion once again.

Sounds like you’re projecting…

Maybe you just feel really inadequate because you’re a 13 parser

Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten married if you can’t handle kids and a wife without being a toxic little nerd on the internet.

Sad to see a grown man this crazy and self involved. You should do some life reflection.

You sound like a mental patient. You sound like some crazed sports fan getting mad at people on the internet over fantasy football picks.

LUL, get a grip on yourself. You are supposedly a grown adult.

Oh you’re mad

No I’m just destroying you because you know I’m right. Imagine what your IRL friends would think seeing you act like a petulant child on this forum.

Bro you are getting smashed atm lmfao…

You think you won this like you think you parsed high in that naxx lmfao.

Says the gnome with ego issues who values his self worth on a number from a 3rd party website for a dying video game.


Look in the mirror you clown.

Interdasting. Now I have something else to go google. Thanks!

You have been arguing on this thread for my whole shift lmfao.

You projecting again?


I wasn’t in that raid. Your entire argument is for something that didn’t happen. You are a clown and have severe mental issues.

I’m not telling you my main’s name. I know that is what you want.

Enjoy being a malding, degenerate, deperessed, egomaniac with severe learning deficiencies.

You literally confessed.


You think this is making me mad because you actually think that’s me when it’s not so how can it make me mad. It’s literally not me.


I"m literally laughing my butt off at how stupid and obsessed you are with me. That is how I know I’ve triggered you so much that you probably won’t sleep tonight.

That is how I know I’m winning and you can’t stop thinking about me.

You are telling me I’ve won with every post you make to me.

EZ GG :rofl:

Its my weekend, just got home and my boots are off!

Ima sleep wonderful, smiling and laughing at Mr 13.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m stitting here laughing at how i’m living in that tiny head rent free because you can’t stop replying.

HINT, you are doing what I want.

It is sweet to my taste. The obsession with me is delicious. Your anger is sublime. Please keep telling me you are triggered with your posts.

Yeah, people like you who are parse andies are ruining this game. You are the problem with WOW. You suck at everything else in your life and hold on to a number in WOW to prove you are good at something, anything, when in reality that number is meaningless, is easy to game, and easy to get.

You are playing the special olympics of video games to prove you are a pro athlete. You are a joke. You are delusional. You are an egomaniac.

I am glad this triggers you. I’m glad the OP triggered you into the stratosphere and you landed in my replies.

It just shows how fragile and what kind of snowflakes parsers are. Everyone knew this but it’s on superb display here.

Tell us how your meaningless number in this video game matters at all in real life or to anyone besides other obsessed, delusional nerds like you?

It doesn’t and you know it. It can’t get you anything. It can’t improve your life. It can’t solve any of your deep, deep issues that you try and hide behind this facade.

:grinning: :joy: :slight_smile: :thinking: