I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

People playing at their own pace is fine. I have no issue with it.

If people want to grey parse and take 4.5 hours through with like minded players let them if they are having fun. Thats what its about, fun.

Don’t try to force yourself into raids with people of a different mind-set then cry when you get booted or not invited at all.

My issue comes in with the entitlement some of these casuals that spam the forum have. They think just because they pay a sub they are entitled to go into any raid they want, entitled to get all the pvp gear they want, the same gear people had to grind points for. They think their lifestyle should dictate the direction and flow of the game, because all they see it from is their perspective. The entitlement is ridiculous.

“Wahhh I have to get X rating to get gear, but I cant get it because of gear(False)”
“wahhh I cant join a raid of purple+ parses with my grey parses”

Its all this forum is. No wonder the devs never post/respond here.

I finished my raid got off took a shower got dressed took my kids to a movie after the movie I took them to ice cream world we all have banana splits went home walk the dog came back home took my boots off walked back up to my computer sat down and he was still in Naxx.


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Thats great.

If hes having a good time, why do you care. You seem to try to be exerting some type of superiority complex over him because you cleared faster and he clearly doesn’t care. I don’t know why you do so much either.

You two have been going back/forth for like 100 posts to see whose e-peen is bigger and they are both tiny. You have decent parses, congrats. He has awful parses, congrats.

It’s because he’s easy to mess with. Dude is a forum troll but gets riled up so easily and triggered. He just fits the stereotypical loudmouth forum dweller: Bad opinions (rabid anti RDF spammer), terrible player, and loudmouth with a serious ego complex.

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I mean you guys are literally getting off on admittedly bullying a guy with mental health issues.

If hes that much of a problem to you just mute him and move on.

You must be new here if you don’t know who that is.

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He’s not a problem. He’s entertainment. Why else would you post on the forums if not to get a laugh?

You think they are bullying me LUL.

They are like gnats. I have 5k posts. They aren’t even near the top 10 of annoyances on this forum.

They are amateurs.

Yikes you have kids. I’m sorry for their loss.

Can you explain to me the correlation regarding Forum Post Count to the conversation going on?

I can’t seem to find the link. I can’t seem to understand why you think having so many posts is a good thing.

No worries, it is because you are slow.

I’ve interacted with far more annoying people then them during my 5k posts. They are nothing but gnats, easily squashed by basic logic.

Clearly I am very slow.

Can you explain to this slow individual how forum post count matters and why having a high number is good?

Surely someone of your greater intellect should be able to explain this no problem.

Aren’t you glad you stuck up for him?

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I just explained it. You are slow or a teenager.

One of the two.

And I Quote;

No worries, it is because you are slow.

I’ve interacted with far more annoying people then them during my 5k posts. They are nothing but gnats, easily squashed by basic logic.

I fail to see an explanation here on the correlation to the conversation and forum post count. You gave a scenario where you have dealt with “more annoying” people, however seem to have not answered the actual question.

So I will reiterate;

What does Forum Post Count have to do with the conversation? What weight/meaning does it hold exactly?

Yeah you seem to be very slow. You need a picture probably to understand basic concepts.

I make 5k posts where I interact with lots of people. Some of them were far worse than this dumb gnome.

Therefor he isn’t even a challenge.

Do I need to draw you a picture now? Hurrr durrr.

Who asked or cares. Like, I get it, you’re hiding your parses (inb4 my greens in a 25 man week 1 naxx pug get leaked, which has my fresh 80 rogue in there with fresh 80 gear because I came off of a 10 day zucc for ratJAM’ing in /1 in the Nexus) and got beat around, and now you’re what, flexing your job because you want to hate on manure for checks notes driving a truck.

Weird bro. Weird.

I don’t have parses to hide I haven’t done NAXX yet.

Hurr durr.

Way to jump into a conversation you are ill equipped to be in. Why don’t you go into one of the RDF spam threads where you belong.

Thats not the question being asked.

The question being asked is very simple.

What does Forum Post Count have to do with the conversation? What weight does it hold?

Your explaining your reasoning why hes not offending you. Your not answering the question. I am aware you have interacted with a lot of people during your 5k posts.

My question still stands and has not been answered;

What does Forum Post Count have to do with the conversation? What weight does it hold?

you telling me you have dealt with worse than them isn’t answering the question. You seem to value your post count highly, but under what metric does it create? Do you think because you post more your opinion is greater/correct? Do you think because you have a higher post count it makes you correct?

Its a simple question you are deflecting to answer.

Uh huh, so this down here

is just a cope filled lie, because you can’t hide something that doesn’t exist.

HAHAHAHAHAHA oh seethe more trashcan.

What a great way to segment this into a pro RDF thread though.

Imagine getting this mad over someone calling you out for bringing RL jobs into this omegalul.

You are slow. I explained it. If you can’t understand it that is your problem chief.

I’ve dumbed it down as much as I can for you.