I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Seems more productive than sitting on some dead forum throwing insults all day. But who am I to judge.

Except he is doing that too LUL.

Yeah, I’m sure his gear delayed the entire raid completion by about two minutes.

Except you have literally 5116 posts on one of your many accounts.

This is all you do. Go seek mental health help brother.


Post envy is a serious issue. Seek help.

I do transport things from point A to point B, I have a lot in common with your raid team, like how they carried you from First boss to last boss in that raid…


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Way more than 2 minutes

Gnome, that isn’t me. For the 100th time. You are delusional. You need to take your meds.

You have to be insane or this is a desperate attempt for me to tell you my main’s name. Which I’m not going to do.


Don’t back pedal now you admitted to it

I never did…

It’s literally quoted above

My main is a male undead and that person is not. I also wasn’t even 80 when that log was recorded.

I’m not telling you my main you can give up now.

Stop being salty over people pointing out facts.

It has nothing to do with his gear and his raids performance as people can full clear with greens. It’s diffusion of responsibilty, the fact he goes into raid with the wrong gear performs badly then turns around and say gear doesnt matter, disingenuous.

If his entire raid group adopted his mentality it would take his guild a whole lot longer to clear it.

Bro his run was almost 4.5 hours with 7 wipes lmfao.

Yep and if they were all like Xzzy it might of taken them even longer.

I mean just half everyone’s damage :person_shrugging:

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And then the people on the forums wonder why gatekeeping happens…

Most teams do not want to carry that

You seem to think NAXX is hard. Maybe WOTLK is too hard for you?

Its not about it being hard.

Its about not wanting to spend 6 hours raiding, when we can do it in 2. The more dead weight/grey parse/off-meta 75% activity players you have the longer it takes.

By weeding out the turds, you get a fast, effective, clean run. I would much rather play with sweaties and clear Naxx, VoA, Sarth and Maly in 2-2.5 hours versus spending 8 beating my head into the desk, just to most likely lose loot to some 12 parser (because lord knows those runs are not LC, they are either SR or MS>OS)

The Grey/Green parsers can make their own groups with other grey parsers and go slog through at their own pace.

All the “WOTLK is easy” chants are going to flip when all the turds cannot get 0 light yogg achievements and start QQing on the forum for nerfs. Or the fact they will never even see Algalon.

Not about being hard…it’s about not wasting my time carrying 13s like you…

I was in Naxx for my raid under 90 minutes…you were literally in their for 3x as long lmfao…

Maybe it’s hard for you? And you had 7 wipes… And can’t 3 Drake.

It’s funny too when they call someone a “sweaty” like it’s an insult…

I did my run in 1 hour and 28 minutes and he did his run in 4.5 hours lmfao…

I got to do my run and get off the game and he had to do the same content I just did for 3 more hours lmfao.