I have never, and will never, look at a single parse

Still better than your greys :smiley:

I’m willing to bet you’re not going to prove that

This is my alt, that is your main LULULL.


Not going to link you main?


No I’m not… Trashcan

So you parse grey

We get it.

Once again though a 59 is still above average and I’m willing to bet your lower

No I don’t care about parsing.

I am just making fun of your parses because you bragged and it turns out you are a trashcan.

But im all purple/oranges with the lower ones being achievements.

We get it. You parse grey.

Trashcan is embarrassed. I would be too if I bragged about parsing and had blues and greens.

You seem upset for a grey parser.

You seem upset for a parse andy with blues and greens :slight_smile: The WOTLK warlock rotation is more harder than TBC . You can’t just spam 1 button friend.

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This whole thread is a master class lesson in proving OP right.

Which is exactly why I’m parsing purple/orange.

not sure who hurt you OP but I’m here for you man

You have 2 organges and like a ton of blues and a greeen.


You got good RNG on a couple of fights. You are still a trashcan.

I mean you lose all credibility while you try to trash someone while you hide…

Not really because people know that blues and greens are bad. It doesn’t matter what I have.

The parse is literally a comparison against all other warlocks.

Nice try dumb gnome.

Feel free to check past xpacs. Notice you’re ignoring those.

Whatever blue and green parser.