I have a question that sounds like a sunday topic

It sounds like you ARE sure what I think changed. I was sold on this franchise with edgy garbage, and I want my edgy garbage back. It used to be metal, now it’s lame.

I try to forget about green Jesus. Thrall’s character has been butchered pretty badly since WC3.


true. horde was literally like the cover of a heavy-metal album. i mean, can you picture it? orcs and goblins on hotrods, painted-up with flames, trolls holding shrunken heads, blood elf men and women wearing collars and leashes in skimpy silvery outfits, angry pandaren monks, fangs-bared breathing fire- it was pretty-darn metal.

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Whoa you want me to lead to my own downfall? That’s so metal bruh.

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How are the hardcore players pissed off?

Be true to your kind, and speak your mind. We all know what you’re thinking.

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Mr Orc we’ve done this before, do we really need to do it again?

Why don’t you calm down?

And you are?

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It went from: “Edgy is bad, be a good person” to “EDGY ALL THE TIME” to “Edgy is bad be a good person”.

You want a return to Legion through Shadowlands writing?

Because If you think Cata and MoP’s writing wasn’t a direct attack on the “I LIKE BEING EDGY” archetype where we literally kill all the edgy characters, I think you missed something.

Vanilla to TBC was about as unplanned as a story could get. TBC didn’t even have a plot or narrative. It was just a boss rush.

Wrath was “edgy” but only Arthas got to be a character and even then his character is questionable at best.

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I dont like Cata and MoP’s writing at all, so I think you have the wrong idea about me.

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I haven’t seen any of you speaking like garithos for couple days. It is weird seeing you all pretend to be decent human beings.

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Then what do you want “To go back to”???

Some inbetween of WC3 and WC2 style writing.

That would require we stop playing our own characters and go back to playing Metzen’s OC’s.

Which will never happen.

No it wouldn’t, we’re just talking about tone, not literally WC2 and WC3.

Metzen WILL save this game. It’s time to crank it up a few notches to crazy town.

It is going to go down!


Metzen wrote all the stuff you guys say you hate…


Again, we would have to be playing Metzen’s OC’s to set the tone. Not faceless, nameless, “heroes”.

I think this extends from beijg disingeous. You think leveling in bfa (soon dragonlands) is awful when its not. Bfa wasnt even that bad. The first season was a little rough and s4 was wild kn purpose. But was still fun. S2 and s3 were perfectly good.

There are many people that wa t to play it. The other mmos also dont hit and feel as good as wow imo. Ive played most of them. And i would orefer an action oriented combat system. But none of them feel that good

I dont know what you think would have to change. We already follow around warcraft IP characters while they do everything important in the cutscenes.

This requirement is something you’re forcing. It’s literally not a requirement at all.

The subscription numbers seem to disagree, it hit it’s lowest point since the start of the WoW in BFA.

I think the last couple expansions were fine outside of the horrible gating and systems that we had to use in them.

I don’t even say this lightly either… Bfa and shadowlands are loooow on my favorite list.