I have a question that sounds like a sunday topic

who is world of warcraft attempting to appeal to?

i’m not joking, this isn’t a meme, or a troll, i’m legitimately curious… who is this game attempting to appeal to?

is it the 15 - 18 year-old demographic? (i mean, it’s rated t for teen, so…), the old-school gamers? i know they want the whale gamers, but that’s not exactly a demographic…

who is it they’re trying to get play the game?.. aside from the whales, of course.

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WoW casts a very wide net, always has.


As many as possible for that sweet, sweet cashola!


john jingleheimer smith


that’s true i suppose. but like… i can’t tell who blizz actually want to play the game (aside from whales, as mention before).

cause they keep on ticking off the old harcore-players, the new players don’t exactly have a ‘great’ starting point (it dumps them off in bfa… poor guys), the dad/mom-gamers who don’t have much time to play don’t get much out of it, due to how much time is needed to do anything…

i just can’t picture the theoretical person blizz wants as a customer, y’know?

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I think you can chalk all of that up to incompetence on the part of the developers.

And that assuming they can do their jobs well, and are actually conforming to some grand design, is mistaken.


nah, i know how incompetent they are. but like… with the quality of the product they’ve been putting out since legion, i’m really questioning who they think/hope their playerbase are.

WoW always has been and always will be the “log in for 30 minutes and accomplish something” game.

Not sure whats taking you hours to do


Something, something lack of hands on engagement and love of gaming and having fun versus vacuuming as much milk money out of us…

Used to be twice every quarter WoW dropped silly Commercials and Ads, and suddenly stopped…

Not to forget about, including honoring players who posted fan art and fan made comics to the site that those posted got little in game goodies, as well having the entire DC/Vertigo Warcraft Comic on the site for a while too.


well I’ve played with people as young as 12 to as old as 80. I don’t think Blizzard cares who plays, if they could they’d have the whole world pay a sub

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That’s just because of changes to video game marketing, these days.

People who work in gaming marketing now hop from publisher to publisher, chasing a constant series of hiring bonuses and golden parachutes.

They never stop long enough to actually learn about any of the games they’re meant to market.

So instead they fall back on the universals. Streamers. Social media. Blah blah blah.

And, incidentally, in order to bribe the streamers into doing their (the marketing dept’s) work for them, they need to give them stuff to give away. That’s where stuff like “twitch drops” come in. They’re not done to promote the game, they’re done by clueless marketing people to bribe streamers into making it look like they (the marketing staff) are doing their jobs.

And along the way, the developers got shanghaied into doing the marketing team’s jobs for them, too. That’s why we get so many developers doing marketing roles instead of… working on development.

Because the marketing people certainly can’t talk about the releases; they don’t know anything.


As of lately I’d say the alphabet soup crowd and the mythic plus crowd.


Personally I think they should scrap the T for Teen ordeal. :person_shrugging:

It’s hard to do grittier & more mature dialog options in their story telling when they have to tip-toe around certain antics & become overly anxious about it.

They removed Garrosh slagging Sylvanas off with the B word, which I didn’t find all too much at the time tbh — yet they removed it anyway … Made me question if any of them had kids or been around teens, as teenagers can say a lot more than the B word, let me tell ya :joy:

:eyes: Funny enough there’s a Pandaria quest that uses the male-equivalant of the word they’ve yet to remove, so I suppose it depends on the context? … Anyway, I’m all for their diverse audience targets, but I just don’t want the game to be overly-censored & have a hinderance / lackluster in its humour + storytelling because of it.


You can actually get away with quite a bit with a T rating, making the game sunshine and rainbows is 100% a developer decision.


Yeah, that’s true.

Oh my. I did not read cashola first time. I read cat a…hole and was insanely confused.

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Well, the game does attract a lot of furries nowadays lol.


Yeah, cause IIRC the last of these types of Ads / Promos Blizz did was Lemmy the Gnome (Made in honor from Lemmy Kilmister from Motorhead, who played a gnome cause they had staches that could match his).

And apparently the drummer Matt Sorum played a Goblin for a bit and used to gank Lemmy often when they didnt need him to fill in for Mikey Dee, which is rumored to inspire the rivalry for these promos.


btw, the reason i was asking who they were attempting to appeal to… well, i was thinking about games from the past, and how many of them were made to appeal to the 15 - 18 year olds (most-likely 15-18 year old boys, but still).

like, look at tomb-raider. lara croft runnin around fighting wolves, dinosaurs and… whatever else? just gonna say it: short-shorts, probably not the best choice of clothes for going through the jungle.
halo, with master-chief, fighting aliens and delivering one-liners with his ai-girlfriend while blowing stuff up.
god of war (technically rated M, but c’mon, teens buy those games too) with kratos chain-whipping enemies, ripping monsters apart, and… well, we know how he is with the ladies :wink:

all those examples being said, with blizzard’s constant shifting and changing of things the game, i’ve been confused who they’ve been making WoW for. surely it’s not for the old WoW fans who know the lore (shadowlands proves that), so… i dunno. i can’t tell who they want to play this darn game. also,

i feel like they don’t care for blizzard’s attempts to hook’em, and see it as pandering. i mean, my step-sibling (formerly step-sister) is part of that crowd, they see all the crap the big companies like disney have been pushing out, and instantly recognizes what they’re doing as pandering. they don’t care for it. so… their attempts are’nt working.

…at this point i’ve done a lot of typing, and my adhd seems to have dragged me all-over the place, so… gonna stop now. but yeah, that was my line of thinking, and i don’t think they’re gonna get the lgbt+ folks. maybe one or two, but not a majority i think.

also i’m sleepy… been up all night, so… brain-filter is a little loose…

No it isn’t, it’s just harder to appeal to edgy teenagers with boobs and swearing.

Case in point: the mature aspects of the Silverpine storyline - horrifying war crimes, the deal with the devil of choosing worgen blood over forsaken undeath, tensions between the brutal megalomaniacal dictator who thinks he has “standards” and the one who knows she doesn’t - are all still there, in the flesh. The only thing that was removed was a bit of coarse language. That’s not “mature”, it’s childish.

You can write a mature story without shoehorning in a bunch of cursing. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that if you can’t do that, you can’t write a mature story at all, just a bunch of edgy 90s comic book nonsense.

(This is not to say I support that change, which has nothing to do with age ratings and everything to do with Sylvanas simps getting their precious feefees hurt. But I don’t think it’s some sign of the apocalypse either.)