I have a question that sounds like a sunday topic

i’m telling you to shut up and i’m taking personal responsibility for the perceived badness of bfa, sl and df. you can ignore me if you think i’m crazy, they do call me schizophrenic after all.

Okay, I’ll just ignore you then.


Mid-30’s millennials. They’re not likely to be getting huge numbers of new, younger subs (though there will always be a trickle), so they’re probably focusing now a little bit on broadening their female demographic in the target age range.

Value judgements aside for better or worse, Dragonflight especially has catered strongly to more female-normative themes, aesthetics and politics, and I see a trend in that direction earlier, and continuing into TWW. Dragonflight itself might be something of an outlier, but I’m confident the trend is there.

Either way, the focus is on maintaining consistent subs with as little churn as possible, and the means of doing that is to cater to individuals in stable living situations with relatively stable income who are willing to devote most of their time to one game.

the real question about that, is why?

i mean, i don’t think that modern audiences have the income needed to afford paying a 15 bucks a month for access to a single game. i mean, they could afford it, but it’s not cost-effective for them. modern audiences pay subs for various movie/tv streaming services, and probably game-pass as well. y’know, services that ensure you get to enjoy just one piece of content?

i’m not dissing the devs.
i’m just not understand who they’re trying to appeal to. i’m an old-time gamer, i’ve been playing games since 1995 (i was 3 but it counts!), i’ve played many games over the years, and i can tell who they’ve been appealing to (bad-example: mysims. it was blatantly cute, and was appealing to young children) but with WoW? it’s hard to tell. it’s rated T for teen, so you’d expect certain types of content. but instead we’ve been getting the opposite.

…why are you making this about yourself? this is a thread about trying to figure-out who blizz is attempting to appeal to with modern WoW…

Because every company dreams of making a game which is so vague in it’s target demographic that literally everyone on earth will love it and subscribe to it. So they water it down as much as possible to the lowest common denominator. When they do this, however, they don’t usually end up with a giant audience, their current audience just leaves. Companies have yet to learn this and have continued trying to chase down this green grail.

It’s why you see slogans like “GAME is for everyone!”

However, when you try to target everyone, you make a game for no one.

This might explain why Blizzard is trying to run six different versions of WoW at once, to make the player feel like the 15 dollars is going for a lot more these days than it used to.

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Judging by the DF trailer and various marketing it looks like the young adult crowd.

huh… had’nt thought of that… if that’s the case, i have one thing to say:

big, sweaty, orc men. how come we’re not getting more of them? i mean, surely women like big muscular dudes, right? it’s why jason momoa and chris hemsworth are so popular with the ladies, how come we’re not getting more big buff dude content?

i mean, WoW was literally built on the backs of orcs and humans, you think they’d make some ultra-buff, ‘chad’ (not sure if i used that term correctly) characters for both sides, so they’d get more ladies… plus, it would appeal to older-WoW fans because that’s the type of thing that got most of them into the game in the first place!

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For the most part I do agree with you on this but in saying that d4s marketing was insanely good and done by the marketing team. Too well I would say given the games release state.

The genshin impact dolla!

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Definitely not me.


Existing players.

Except there are still so many that it’s impossible to please all of them so they keep pissing everyone off by trying to.

Meanwhile the actual solution to player decline is literally rotting in the basement as new players have been neglected for a long time.

Hearing they intend to improve this gives hope that they might find the niche they want to strike.

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I think it’s been anyone but existing players. Do existing players really like this eye-rolling, overly emotional writing?

For the past few expansions it’s been a bunch of weepy nonsense written by a team of people who have clearly never seen two people talk to each other in real life.

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There was a dark dark rumor that when Metzen proposed his story ideas to the team there was a ruckus and some didn’t like the direction it was going. Perhaps it was too dark and eerie and not what they wanted.

After a long battle Metzen was victorious and thus WoW was trying to appeal to the legends of Warcraft such as myself once again. A storm is coming, are you ready heroes?

Winter is Coming

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Not when the theater is designed to hold 7 million.
Have to look at it based on capacity and not raw numbers.

1% is small no matter context.

If a theater can hold 400 people, that 1% equates to 4. I’m not going to care about those 4 people when what I’m doing is going to make the other 396 happy

i would’nt say it’s the solution… it’s more like a bandage for an open wound. it’ll slow the bleeding, but it won’t fix the problem. the real fix? getting back to making the game what it once was. i’m talking about the tone/theme of the game needing to go back to what made this franchise appealing in the first place.

…i hate to paraphrase sylvanas of all characters, but… they have forgotten, what made then strong.

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The theme once was pretty metal, but recently it’s been trying to be hip hop.


I was thinking less hip hop and more like a badly written, slice-of-life anime.

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They are a business first who wants to make money. They want to appeal to as many people as they can.

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The writing was always garbage.

It was edgy garbage, now it’s sappy garbage.

I’m not sure what you think changed.

Metzen is literally no better at writing than the rest of the staff.

It’s always been bad.

It’s going to shock you when TWW is also poorly written.

It literally is. Any copium about bringing burnt out players back by pandering to them is the bandaid. The game needs new players to survive, leaving the new player experience in shambles in favor of further attempts to pander to LITERALLY EVERYONE is futile.

Will literally do nothing. We could go back to Vanilla wow’s writing and we would maybe claw back a few players but it would go down the drain when they burn out even faster because they were already burnt out before.

Classic Era is not exactly hustling and bustling.

“Human good orc bad” is very bland metal.

Wow has always had comic book tier writing.

Or are we forgetting green jesus.

That’s adorable. Tell me more, but this time, be more like your hero, Garithos.

I love this community so much.

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