I have a question that sounds like a sunday topic

Yeah but people had to kinda ruin it by sneaking in spicy fanart. Multiple times.

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I’d give this a “well yeah but also no”. You absolutely can do dark topics without going overboard with kids and teens.

The issue is I’m unsure if I can trust Blizz to do so. Doesn’t help that folks nowadays miss nuance and GOD I sound like a snooty film snob when I put it like that. Ick.

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The last commercials I saw for Warcraft were the DF ones with David Harbour and Pedro Pascal.

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The same target audience as every other popular franchise. Nostalgic Millennials who desperately want to feel like kids/teenagers again.

That is why you have so many different versions of Old WoW (Era, SoD, Cataclysm, MoP Remix).


Easy,not every single player has the rush mentality.

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You are right, they really tick off several hundred or maybe even a couple thousand of the older players. Of course there are seven million people playing this game and of that group we never hear from about seven million of them. Add to that, WoW is still one of the biggest MMOs out there.

But boy that fraction of 1% is really really angry.

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They are trying to appeal to everyone. That is how they both have such a large player base and manage to keep pissing everyone off.

I chalk it up to a weak hand on the tiller.


I never mentioned boobs, but as for swearing — I don’t obviously mean all the time, but there’s cases where when used it can emphasise the emotion of the situation.

:person_shrugging: As for appealing to edgy teenagers, most I knew who did that quest with Garrosh dropping the B bomb seemed to love it.

Aside from the Garrosh + Sylvanas thing there’s been other mild things removed from the game too, such as the Hozen wanting a kiss from the Forsaken girl until she removed her mask & realised he was undead — To which I thought was goofy & fun at the time, I wouldn’t really call that far fetched.

To give benefit of the doubt, I’m not saying its hard to do stories or dialog options in general full stop — I just meant it’s not-as-easy for conveying particular scenes & such.

:face_exhaling: Although on second thought, at the end of the day I suppose it simply comes to the writer. It can be terrible either way or it could be breathtakingly great either way.

We few are becoming a rarity though

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Ture indeed

video games like most entertainment requires huge amounts of money to develop before sold. rising interest rates have made borrowing funds more difficult.

certain notable lenders have required political changes to games in exchange for loans and often 3rd parties who have no game development experience are involved.

the result is a mess and often financial failure.

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Thats the beauty of it. Go as fast as you want or stop and smell the roses, 30 minutes is still plenty of time to accomplish something.

Its the way the game was/is designed


1% of a million, is still 100000 people. that’s still a lot of people they’re ticking off.

y’know, there’s a saying… if you try to appeal everyone, you end-up appealing no one.

there we go, fixed up that sentence for ya. :slight_smile: teens of either-gender like low-brow content. without those things, teens get bored. let’s face it, teens like that sort of thing because they’re an energy filled, unbalanced bundle of angry/sad hormones.
and lets face it, teens are the reason most franchises get their start. i mean, how many folks started WoW as teens?

I mean anything in game requires long grinds, so you need to alot of time to play if you want to accomplish anything so im would assume to people with no jobs ,


Not really all that many honestly.

You’d get better results asking the people actually playing the game and not trolling on the forums

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still enough to fill up a theatre, or a football-stadium (i think, i don’t watch sports, so i’m just guessing).

also, how many folks are still playing WoW, vs how many left it over the years? i’d say that fraction is just the folks who refuse to leave, because they’re holding-out hope that WoW will one-day go back to the way it was.

sure, there’s a vocal minority, but the vast majority that does’nt play the game anymore… i think that says more about WoW’s mass-appeal than anything else really.

They want the MyStErIoUs MoDeRn AuDiEnCe! What is that comprised of? I have no idea. Everyone keeps trying to make games for the MyStErIoUs MoDeRn AuDiEnCe but they keep failing horribly. I am starting to think that the MyStErIoUs MoDeRn AuDiEnCe doesn’t exist.

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i wish you trolls that enjoy veiled dev-dissing threads would grow up. maybe unsub forever if your panties are that bunched. i imagined bfa sl and df so blame me for the problems, i only imagined part of tww so it will probably be much better by your standards than the previous three expansions. you can go back to the game and say “Yay, ChrisNP’s not playing dev from afar anymore, the game is saved!” and you can stop dissing me and I can maybe redevelop some self esteem from not having to read these hate-me threads all the time.

The hell are you on about?