I have 4 alts, shadowlands feels more alt friendly

More evidence for another of my theories



I was going through wow memories and i think i’ve legitimately only played endgame content at the end of an expansion. Dragonsoul in cata, siege in mop, warlords S3, legion i skipped, nyalotha bfa :joy: this is my first endgame start of expansion. The other patches i was focused on non max level pvp

It depends on the person, but “alt friendly” many times translates to not having anything significant or worthwhile to work on, which by extension makes it easy to play alts.


Just curious, has this ever worked? Arguing with someone over the definition of “alt?”

Seems like the response is still going to be “OK and I’m not having fun trying to get that other character up to par.”

My alts will probably just have basic leggo. Right now I have 2 with level 4 leggo, but am playing fewer alts than in the past.

is it really alt friendly? or is it time gated enough you might as well get on an alt?

I think the people that consider Shadowlands alt friendly are looking at a very narrow vision of what alts are.

If I thought alts meant, “level characters to 60,” well yeah, this is absolutely one of the most alt friendly expansions.

But, if you expect to gear up past 200, it’s not at all alt friendly. And, if you want to do stuff like collect things, then Covenants and Anima are not at all alt friendly. For the the stuff that I personally like to do, I would say Shadowlands is the least alt friendly we’ve ever had.

The problem is, people don’t seem to be able to understand that everybody plays differently, and everybody has a different definition of what “alt” means, and for many people, perhaps the majority, the stuff they used to do with alts in past expansions was a lot easier that it is now.

It’s really all about what you want to do with alts, and comparing it to how you were or weren’t able to do it in the past. I can see both sides. I don’t really understand how some people don’t.

I think that once you open up a Covenant, then any other alt should be able to just to the front of the line with that same covenant. Simply, as a PLAYER, we should only have to run through the individual Covenant campaigns once. But we shouldn’t have each Covenant handed to us.

My Warrior leveling and getting renown I felt was pretty painless. Only took me a couple of weeks, but without M+, he’s essentially capped for now. He’s waiting for catchup mechanics to boost him higher, my other alts are waiting for flying (and they will be doing the other two covenants than what I’ve already done).

For me, the M+ grind was simply exhausting. The Fortified and Tyrannical have nothing on the Drama affix, it was just too powerful and made M+ unfun for me, so I’m not motivated to drag another toon through it again. I’ll probably push on with my main, but the others will just have to be a patch behind and rely on catchup mechanics and LFR for their power.

Not for being any sort of competitive for PvP. Besides BfA all the other expansions were way way way more alt friendly.

torghast, renown and conduit system killed alts.

but good for you op if you think it’s alt friendly
 I strongly disagree.

You had to bring azerite on all characters per week in terrible island expedition with no varying story.

Shadowlands is way more alt friendly than BFA

Shadowlands, alt-friendly? This is sarcasm, right?

Nothing like grinding hundreds of thousands of anima all over again! Even a single alt is too much work.

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The covenants seem like a more limited and poorly executed mechanical replacement for Legion class halls. I haven’t even bothered with the cosmetic armor collection in the covenants. It just seems like a huge PITA.

the thing that killed alts was player power being gated later in the patch. let people grind soul ash without weekly lockouts and you’ll do just fine, blizzard.

Exactly :100:. Legion was enough. It’s not worth it. Systems upon systems of grinding. I applaud those that do somehow.


Torgast, Maw, conduit grinding makes it so your alts will always be behind unless you going to grind out all that.

I don’t even need Anima to get high ilevel so what are you even talking about .


The funny thing is besides legendaries, I don’t even do the maw on my main
 the maw sucks so why would I participate in it at all.

I’m in that boat with you. I enjoyed trying out the new covenants and having that extra layer of fantasy to my characters
 Torghast always ruins the party though