I have 4 alts, shadowlands feels more alt friendly

i recall in wotlk, i wanted to make a disc priest: it took like 1 week to hit lvl cap, 2 weeks of grinding heroics for gear, and then i got my first LK normal clear in an all alt run the next week. and i wasn’t carried either, i was the top healer and did my role well. i also did other characters too. i miss those days. oh wait…/play tbc instead

You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If gearing up was too much of a PITA, then there’s no reason you had to do any island expeditions whatsoever. The only reason you felt like you had to is because your own personal goals required it. Nobody needs to have the highest ilvl in the game.

I mean, that’s what high gear oriented players keep telling the people complaining about Anima. “You don’t have to do it.”

None of the modern expansions are alt friendly. The time gated systems ensures that. Sure you run out of stuff to do on one character while progressing, so if you want to play 6hrs a day youll probably need an alt to have things to do beyond mount farming or chasing an item from an older instance.

Thats not alt friendly imo, its just shuffling around the time gating to allow free time for people to do more than one line of treadmilling.

This is far different from the old school, raiding two different raids with two different characters.

Its more like they left room on the treadmills for people to run two characters on the treadmill if they have more than the allotted daily game time for progression.

Like i said earlier, its not alt friendly, its time gated in a way you might as well do it all over on another character if you have time.

Yeah it definitively is. I have 5 max level characters, which is more than i had since… MoP?

Problem is that a lot of people would want alts to be pure loadout swaps, so there’s always going to be a push for “more friendliness” but they’re the people unaware that this game isn’t just a math simulator who’d happily still play it if our characters were plain stick figures.