I have 4 alts, shadowlands feels more alt friendly

I know right? Not sure what these guys are on :joy:

BFA was certainly more alt-friendly. Gearing up felt fast, which is the most important thing imo.


I find the covenant campaign and anima rewards to be the least alt-friendly part of the expansion.

At this point, I’ve done all four campaigns. None of them left me with the desire to do any of them again.


Shadowlands is fine for alts.

The people that are complaining don’t want alts, they want multiple mains, but they are calling them alts for some reason.

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how about AP?

AP was not really that big a deal, it would “catch itself back up” just with casual play. I liked how “passive” it was and I didn’t really need to think about it.

You didn’t need to min/max on AP grind on alts unless you were some sort of Mythic raider or top 1%er. Most of my alts ended up like necklace 60-70 just with casual content and some random BGs here and there, it was fine :man_shrugging:

Renown is way worse imo, it’s grindy and it’s directly tied to a character’s power level (for example: certain soulbinds only unlock at X renown).

And also, conduits are character-specific, so you have to regrind them again on each individual alt. On the other hand, BFA had account-wide essences so your alts could easily get their essences to max rank with some minor grinding for echoes.

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SL is probably super alt-friendly if you spend 100+ hours a week trolling the forums and playing WoW, or you don’t and having an “alt” means another character who managed to hit 60.

Past a few characters, the daily / weekly time sink for maintaining all of the systems steps into the realm of “I have no other responsibilities”.


yeah but it takes no time at all. my shaman hit 40 renown like 8 days after hitting level 60. and i did no pvp, no lfr, etc. that was just quests and dungeons.

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I think the leveling experience is almost perfect. I can derp around Shadowlands doing whatever the hell I want. Story line, side quests, bonus areas, dungeons, pet battles, etc.

Once we get that Maw skip SL will probably be my favorite xpac to level through since Cata.


Shadowland do feel more alt-friendly to me. I have 8 alts i got to 60. what i consider my ‘‘main’’ (well, as much a main an altoholic can claim) is higher and have a rank 3 legendary while my other alt are mostly content with 190ish item level,maxed renown and maybe a rank 1 legendary. They good enough to play casually without feeling like a weak noodle like during leveling to 60 and that enough for me, and if i would decide i want to change main next patch, not a lot of work to bring them up to speed if needed.

All of my toons have that…even the fresh level 1s :man_shrugging:

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How do you people do it?

I have 3 Horde at 60 (with only 1 that has any appreciable endgame progression), and 3 Alliance at the 197ish soft cap with 40 Remown/complete covenants. So technically 5 alts. Just doing that took about 3 months of fairly hardcore playing. I’m disabled and technically have endless time and less incentive to go do outdoor things due to physical limits and this STILL took up too much of my personal life!

When you factor in Legendaries/KSM…How?! Even running LFR on multiple alts back in Pandaria to progress their legendary cloak was easier to manage.

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My two other alts are 220ilvl and i disliked the process. One of them still has 145 conduits and its gross

I’m at an odd spot, I hit 60 and nothing looks, feels all that interesting or fun to do. Pugging stuff isn’t fun for me so I end up just abandoning it once I get to the covenant bit.

Lately halted mid SL leveling for some alts. Not worth, for me.

My warrior is 194, having never set foot in a mythic dungeon. It’s all covenant, world bosses, WQs.

He seems to be quite comfortable beating large packs up in the world and in the Maw.

He still doesn’t have his legendary, been running torghast to get enough ash to get him the max legendary on his first go, not going to buy it twice.

Beyond that, I have no real drive to run him through the M+ cycle. LFR is enough, I don’t need M+ drama.

No real drive to get him much more than he is.

inb4 Kaurmine goes on his “alt friendly” rant

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I think it’s more that “alt friendly” is a spectrum, not a binary thing. It’s possible to be “more alt friendly” than BFA without automatically jumping to “you’re instantly granted renown 40 and a heroic raid ilvl gear set on every alt the moment they hit 60”.

I thought BFA was very unfriendly for alts, so to me SL feels better. Is it MoP where I was able to raid on 5 or 6 characters? No, it’s not that alt friendly.

The measure of alt friendliness is how much easier it is to get an alt to the same level as your main.

In shadow lands. there is no difference. Maybe renown catch up but that’s just general time gate catch up.

It’s like the line from Contact, “why buy one when you can buy two for twice as much.”

Alt friendly but trash.

I only came back in bfa s4 so the alt friendliness i experienced there was amazing. Get level 120 from speedboosting dungeon at 110, heart of azeroth is automatically caught up to 80, unlocked essences are account wide, buy a heroic nyalotha carry with funnels for instant big gear, start farming echoes for corruption, get big gear from assault and 5 mask weekly

Catchups will prob be nice at the end of this expansion, i just find the chore list really miserable right now since we’re at the start

So it’s alt friendly as long as you don’t want to play your alts?

By that definition, yes, SL is alt friendly if you don’t play alts.