I have 4 alts, shadowlands feels more alt friendly

If anything the covenants made playing more characters more enjoyable from the unique covenant campaign and just new abilities.

The thing that killed alts was Torghast.


Well, in 9.1 you will able to transfer soul ash (with a small fee) to your alts so it will be a little better


I can’t imagine even keeping one alt sort of current, let alone 4 lol.


i don’t really understand this. unless you feel the need to have multiple 235 legendaries on each alt, it’s really not bad. i have 2 235s on this character and my shaman has a 190, a 225, and a 235


People think that alts all need to be Mythic raid ready at all times.


I initially swore I would not level any alts. But a couple of months ago decided to level my other two, and then I made a fourth and leveled her up from scratch. She just turned 57 and I completed Threads of Fate. I was hoping to finish the campaign before 9.1, but now will probably be just getting started.

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fair enough, and if the OP is in a CE guild of that caliber i apologize for jumping to conclusions :cowboy_hat_face:

I have 7 alts at 60, with one more I plan to get there and Renown capped before 9.1.

SL has been super alt friendly from my experience :man_shrugging:t4:


I mean, you really have to of you want to do more than one kind of content above a casual level.

I have 3 toons all with KSM, AOTC and 3 mythic raid boss kills each, some on different bosses.

Joining active communities helps a lot

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You’re a better man than me :slight_smile:

Long patch…have to pass the time somehow

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For those with a few alts it might be alt-friendly but the more you have the less friendly it is, mainly due to questing for me. Legion & BFA even without the abilitiy to do world quests still offered way more variety in questing so you didn’t lose your mind having to do the same things on every single character.

I have 17 characters at 60 with 19 more that I want to level and it’s really start to drag. I would have liked 1-2 more weeks before 9.1 as well to reach renown 40 on my most recent ones.

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I have all classes to cap, a couple are heroic geared, and most of the rest are normal raid ready…

I don’t usually do this until the last patch, but there’s not been much else to do…

Expansion features that are accound-wide create alt friendliness. SL has very few of them.


I agree. But in my case what killed my alt bug, was the maw intro.

I already have done 8 times, i want to skip that.

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Most people would want everything to be account wide, i do not.

The most account wide thing i want, is to have at least, my covenant sactums upgrades shared between covenants.

But thise are optional, so, i can live without those in a few alts

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I had no intention of making more than 1 alt this expansion… The boredom of waiting for the patch drove me to 3 alts that I barely play. Yea SL is alt friendlier than BfA, but not for very good reasons…

This is why I have level 60’s that are just going to collect dust.

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No… the thing that killed alts was literally all of Shadowlands.

And that’s coming from someone who maintains 5 characters at 60.