I hate the NE bias in things

Minor correction on this bit but it appears that the quest to rescue more generic NE souls is no longer repeatable. Either it wasn’t meant to be, or they changed their minds on it. I keep an eye out every time the Torghast daily comes up and I hadn’t seen it show up again since the second time I did it.

It seemed a bit in poor taste to make that a redoable quest anyway.


@Droité be honest with others? Why, if I’m only interested in night elves? And I still don’t know what content is considered “orc”, but the orcs themselves reject it. Can you tell me?

@Alynsa the existence of the theme So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf? influences your argument by the fact that she is and ascribes to the night elves what is not theirs. Yes, my logic is probably wrong, but why should I think that all that mountain of content that “belongs to the night elves” really belongs to them? It belongs to the druids, Illidan, the Highborne, some great events, but not the night elves who die in Ashenvale while everything described earlier fights a great event, and then goes into neutrality. And we owe it for beating us (Azshara).

Huh, weird? I guess I’m on the fence of that. Thanks for the update! :smiley:

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Knack wrote those books with Blizz behind him and his statement is Blizz’s view on Cenarius. There is no new lore that says Cenarius is not Elune’s child, him being a wild god does not take away from that. May I remind you that his father is also a wild god. The ancient night elf temples even depicted him as Elune’s son per Wota. Lunara is not her own thing, she even has a line in HoS about any her name is what it is and how it relates to Elune. That’s a deliberate effort of Blizz’s part telling you who her grandmother is. Now cut it out!

Because that’s her physical representation. She’s the goddess of that moon.

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Then isn’t this your problem? If you’re “only interested in NEs” than doesn’t that make you prone to scouring through content associated with a fine tooth comb; and holding it to different standards than other PC races?

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Womp there it is.


(Scream). So can you tell me about orc-non-orc content?

No, it actually doesn’t. You’re once more trying to create an argument that I am not making, while attributing it to me. What has influenced my argument is the history of the game, which began well before Shadowlands was even a dreamy thought in a little Ion’s eye.

Your entire argument to date has been to handwave away actual night elf content as “not counting” for some arbitrary reason that only works if night elves are involed (IE, other races can’t handwave their own lore away like that, only night elves), overly inflating two single bits of tauren lore to a height overwhelming everything developed for night elves, repeatedly trying to falsely force a position upon me that I not only never made, but also has nothing to do with the discussion at hand, and now openly admitting you don’t feel you should be honest because you’re a fan of night elves (which I’m sure was just a big ol’ typo, but it’s hilarious nonetheless) in your response to Droite.


By your logic the entirety of WoD doesn’t count as Orc content, because technically it’s about brown Orcs and the Draenei also take a bit of screentime.

I know he wrote those novels. No he isn’t an authority on the matter and yes we have new lore. That’s simple: Cenaruis is a Wild God. That’s it. Yes being Elunes Child would take away from that, because she is a “real god”, whatever this means in this franchise. of course the Night Elves are depicting their on myth, it only makes sense.
But if Blizzard is still going for the weird Greek myth angle… ok. It doesn’t seem to be mentioned in Chronicles at all, only that the Night Elves are believing it to be true. Which is essentially the death to this idea.

OK, so … WC3 is great Orcish content. BC BladesEdge and Nagrand have small doses of Great Orcish content. Within WoD, I would say really only story-wise, FFR has some pretty nice Orcish content. There are several external books that do have doses of good Orcish lore. Generally, “Good Orcish Content” (with how Blizz uses the race) tends to be content that builds up and enhances the lore and characterization of groups of Orcs; even if at the same time we are being forced to kill some Orcs. Even WoD’s portrayal of the environment of Draenor was neat.

Orcish spiritualism, ancestor worship, shamanism, relations with the Elements. The nobility of parts of their warrior culture, and the sacrifice that can come with it. Like, the entire story of AU Ga’nar throughout FFR with him having that awesome last stand with a Loktar on his lips. Small doses of what helped me fall in love with that race in the first place surrounded by quite a bit of muck. But like, WoD as whole was no different for me than say … the Dark Horde was in Vanilla. Just a group of Orcs we’re killing with little to no relation to our own.


Yes, I don’t feel like I should be honest with other races. However, I don’t feel that one should be honest. I just know that others have disassembled my cup, it cannot be poured to the brim - the neutrality of the druids - and besides, they refuse to repair it, because it is very old and there is a huge history behind it. Antiques, although they seem to be repaired. Or is it called something else? Exhibit?
And to look for pieces of other people’s bowls in other people’s bowls, to watch those who do not pour water for them - why, if they beat me? They are also allowed to renovate because their bowls look new and their cracks need to be sealed.
And I did not try to look at the world through the eyes of Horde. Need to try.

@ Droité interesting, thanks. Can you call Dark Horde was in Vanilla some kind of abstract “murloc” that you hit just because?
Were there such “murlocs” who only help? Titans? Aspects of? He heals you, all that, but he’s not yours. The same Covenant?

I was going to go off about the mistreatment of the worgen ironically enough, but it’s not the time or place I think. I’m sure people are tired of me bringing them up when we talk about races getting mistreated :headphones:


Pretty much. Like, the Dark Horde had no relevance to the Vanilla Horde. Sure, Eitrigg’s son was there to give us an introduction quest to some of the area, but we had no reason to be there. No reason to kill these people. They were an Alliance storythread up through Redridge, and a threat to the people of the Alliance. They were, in many ways, just the equivalent of local threats like Harpies, Murlocks, or Quillboar. But instead we were killing them … in the Alliance’s backyard. They weren’t local to us, and killing them provided no additional positive characterization for the “New Horde” Orcs or Trolls in return. Just … killing Orcs and Trolls. Its a weird situation.

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Sing, sing the insane song of resentment! Sing without stopping, groan, get in everywhere, bring everything to yourself! If you are like us, and then nothing will stop us from groaning, at least there will be an argument “You are the same.”
Is the W symbol instead of a character - is it just me or is it somehow connected with something?

Eh, we all have our posting pet peeves. Even I started getting sick of how often I was writing the term “good monster” lately, and my current thing has somewhat shifted to whining over no playable tauren mages. :stuck_out_tongue:

There was also something oddly amusing about how human or night elf threads inevitably shifted to a worgen side-discussion. It was like forum meta lycanthropy.


It is funny, but kind of sad though, because the worgen are soo…intrinsically tied to the NE now, it’s hard to talk about one and not bring up the other though :headphones:

Wow. Well. I really hope you’re not trying to admit to arguing dishonestly, but it’s becoming harder to make that assumption.

Except these other races didn’t “take pieces of your bowl”. All lore and content doesn’t automatically belong to the night elves, just because you want it to. Night elf content belongs to night elves. Kezan does not. Orgrimmar does not. Orcs do not. Gnomes do not. By existing and being developed, they are not somehow “stealing your broken bowl”.

Your entire analogy only works if lore and development are somehow being stolen from the night elves by orcs, gnomes, tauren and goblins. This is not the case. Even trolls and worgen aren’t stealing from the night elves; they’re having their own lore refitted into the existing night elf cosmology, wedged and beaten of all uniqueness until they become less interesting in favor of MORE NELF, ALL THE NELF!!


Seems like my forum buddy gets itHands over a cookie. Tauren fans, like every other neglected race just want something to call their own. I don’t see what the big deal is with that.


How come? I think it would’ve been better to free more night elf souls instead of leaving the majority in the maw to be further tortured and forged into weapons.