I hate the NE bias in things

As a repeatable quest, you’d never be able to finish that goal, and there would be a point where post-content malaise is JUST beginning to set in and when you’re bordering that IC/OOC gaming disconnect horizon, you inevitably get that moment where you’re like “ugh I’m tired of saving night elves from WoW hell; I’m just going to leave them there this week.”

Or maybe I’m just overthinking it. :stuck_out_tongue: But anyway, as a one-and-done quest, I think it adds a bit more finality to it because you can handwave away the exact number that’s still in there and go with whenever the game says you’ve finished saving however many you could.


Do we even know for sure how many night elves actually died? The game and two short stories all contradict each other, the short stories make it seem like we actually got the majority of them out of the city, while the game implies a good portion of the population died.

Да, я не чувствую, что мне следует быть честным по отношению к другим расам. Впрочем, я и не чувствую, что надо быть не честным.
Most likely I messed up again with a few negative particles.

All who have druids are thieves! The other elves blame us for the Sundering, although the Highborne, of which they are descendants, are mostly to blame! Our lands are distributed to anyone hitting, if only they did not beat, but they continue to beat!
So, goblins and orcs steal land, the Forsaken - characters, tauren - druids, blood elves and nightborne do not want to admit guilt for the Sundering (though this is only forum, I don’t hen about the characters). Only vulpera and trolls are innocent, but the latter I doubt. Either to be offended that we are descended from them, or angry that their Loa is more useful than Elune and the Wild Gods. For now, there will be just resentment against the druids.
Book of grudges. (Scream). Me too, dwarf.

@Micâh Definitely the majority, not just a huge crowd? Yes, a million saved is good, but with a population of one hundred million it looks … doubtful.

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No. We don’t.

Agreed. And as a one-off, for a Horde player, it’s pretty okay. Yeah, the actions of my faction leader sent these night elves to space hell and I’m cleaning up the mess. Sure, there’s a twinge of guilt that we’re responsible, but it doesn’t feel overburdening.

But as even a weekly quest? It feels a bit like being beaten over the head with the guilt bat. “Hey Horde, remember these guys?? Yeah, go save them you terrible monster!! What? Saving dead orc souls?! Idiot, dead orcs have no souls!! Go save elfses!!”

But a one-off is perfectly fine.


I think the story’s trying to have it both ways as “a tragedy that will shape the remains of this race forever (actually it’s not that bad at first glance)” so it’s to the plot’s “benefit” if it never commits one way or the other. I think the closest anyone can get to a hard number is in the ballpark of that impossible-to-reach amount during the burning itself.

Yeah, no, I don’t speak or read Russian (assuming it’s Russian).

And now that the crazy is starting to really come out, where IC and OOC bleed together in some strange, twisted way, I think I’m completely done with you.


That certainly sounds a lot more plausible. Not that blizz cares about actual population numbers, the kaldorei will have as many people as the story requires

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Shernish is Russian and uses an online translator to both read and respond to posts, so there’s a heavy degree of automated Engrish going on. My guess is that the “why be honest” remark was meant as something else altogether.

I vaguely remember one instance where they were trying to suggest that a certain race is adaptable in new situations, and accidentally called the race slime.


Oh, trust me, with how far they’ve come most Horde Druids only wish they were allowed to have more defined life domain usage. We have Tauren and Troll druids that should have years ago been allowed to grow into their own thing; especially since none of them live in territories comprised of giant Fey-Wild Forests. I would also love to see Vulpera Desert Druids pop up, if I were allowed any one Horde PC race to get that class. Their relationship with their natural environment culturally would more than justify it.

We are only “stealing” NE druid stuff at this point because Blizz is too lazy to write our own. The NEs aren’t the only ones to have a brand of Life Domain Magic, and it be nice to give them the cultural “Druid” term back.


I will not be honest with others. I will not lie to them (knowingly). This would probably describe the original phrase better. Yes, it’s Russian.

What is IC? OOC - is the character acting differently than previously described, or is it just for fanfiction?

Ok, that actually explains quite a bit and makes a lot of really off takes sound quite less… Troubling.



IC - “In Character”
The speaker is pretending to be their game character.

OOC - “Out Of Character”
The speaker is just talking normally.

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Role play and normal talk? Well, initially I had the idea to imitate the famous NEFPA, it seems, not far from that went. Okay.

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That makes sense, I just liked to imagine that if a high amount of players save a few night elf souls here and there, I could headcanon that actually a lot of them were saved.

Well, those in Ashenvale, Darkshore and most of Teldrassil. Something that has been consistent in the story and ingame is that the majority / too many are dead now. My assumption is that it’s around the same amount as the High Elves that were killed by the Scourge.


Cenarius is a wild god because his father is a wild god and he is a physical being born of nature unlike his mother, who his daughter is named after. Until blizz says he not Elune’s child he remains as such. You have presented ZERO evidence, lore or otherwise that would discredit this. Find some and then come back and you may have a point.

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That’s a fairly loaded question. I wouldn’t call it a Night Elf zone, but the Ardenweald campaign pays more attention to Night Elves than any other player race. Trolls are a distant second with the Bahswamdi storyline. The rest is Kul Tiran badguys without any Kul Tirans present.


Chronicles states that the Night Elves believe this legend to be true. That’s it.

The Centaur origin story is still canon though… so… it could go either way.

That’s a fair assumption to make, especially from what we’ve seen in game.

I mean if this is the case then the same can and should be said of the taurens. The Circle is composed of BOTH night elves and Taurens initially. If Highborne lore is night elf lore then by extension Taunka/Yaungol lore should be considered Tauren lore.

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