I hate the NE bias in things

Why take away from the night elves again? I mean, they’ve always been the first druids in lore since the beginning of real druid lore (start in wc3 and expand over the decate in wow)

Also this time, the night elves got no deus ex machina from their Religion, i mean, the loa seems more active atm and give deus ex machina then elune.

I cannot fathom actually wanting the spotlight after everything that happened in BFA.

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i think, with the comment of baine in bfa, blizz means with the deity earthmother the titanspirit of azeroth .

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Look I’ll agree there’s quite some Night Elf bias in some things where they whinge and have their way (Though since the Burning of Teldrassil they could probably use some more now) and it can be quite vexxing — but I absolutely disagree with that statement of yours having 'Elune isn’t real and Mu’sha is just the eye of earth mother’.

1. The concept of ‘Elune’ has been around a LOT longer than ‘Mu’sha’.

2. Many including myself like the idea of having other supreme entities in the universe than just Azeroth, having Elune / Mu’sha as ‘just Azeroth’s eye’ seems boring and destroys more story than it gives (Because instead of two narratives with two beings, it’s just 1 narrative given it’s simply the single being of Azeroth).

3. There’s been quite a lot of references already made to Elune reacting or blessing / thrashing. We saw quite a lot of that in Legion, and some more when Tyrande was infused with the Night Warrior power by Elune too.

At the very least I could potentially see Elune as an immense being of tremendous power and will - who was entranced when they saw Azeroth with marvelous wonder & decided to ‘watch over’ Azeroth, becoming known as the left eye of Azeroth and thus became known as Mu’sha. Then probably build on that, with the Tauren knowing other secrets and details that the Night Elves do not.

Perhaps come across an ancient hub of the Tauren, before they were driven out years ago by the marauding Centaurs with various artifacts of Mu’sha and An’she.


OH here you go again with you bias non sense about how every thing is taking away from the night elf and how night elf should have everything because of the bible call WC3 that night elf and male human paladin revere so much…

How??? The only think that loa did for the horde troll was to make Talanji destroy a few boat and kill some sethrak and blood troll. Meanwhile the loa of kind got kill like nothing and the loa couldn’t help Rastakan who got kill by the alliance.

What did Elune did lately? Helped the night elf to kick the horde out of darkshore, make Tyrande wreck the hell out of Nathanos and make Tyrande soloing thorgast like if it was nothing…

OH yeah it true, the victim night elf player will claim that she do nothing as long as she don’t help the night elf to destroy the all the horde and kick them out of the game.

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Thread could have ended right here but yall gotta bring up poor old night elves who’ve had the spotlight since WoW began :roll_eyes:

Too be fair idk why people want elune to be killed off or fake, just make more entities like it.


has any playable race ever been annihilator in wow? But I will take a tarun genocide to get all the screen time NE’s get.


To be fair, the OP brought it up first when he put “NE bias” in his thread title. :stuck_out_tongue:


Tauren should be built upon without destroying any other race’s things.

Don’t hold your breathe though.


Not really. Not that any one religion is “more wrong” then the other. After all, much of the Night Elves’ beliefs have been proven incorrect but that really hasn’t changed the overall religion of the Night Elves’ worship of Elune.

No reason the Tauren’s worship of An’she wouldn’t also survive just fine.

That doesn’t contradict anything in that quote.
If they’re both wrong then they’re both partly wrong.
If you want to say it is fine for religions to be wrong at times, that’s a fine opinion. I don’t think that’s necessarily an issue.

My point was you don’t need to “recon” the story to “explain inconsistencies” and clarifying the lore wouldn’t be destroying either religion.

Both religions seam to have misunderstanding of the Moon’s role in relation to Elune and Musha (though from different perspective) and that’s OK. Not every detail in Myth needs to be spot-on to be valid.

I once proposed the idea that Azeroth’s Moons aren’t even “moons” at all but rather satellites that Elune placed in orbit long ago to monitor Azeroth’s life and maybe use it to focus and enact her power while far away. So, the Taurens seeing Musha as a focus of the Worship of the Earthmother is just as valid as the Night Elves revering the White Lady in their Worship of Elune.
Eitherway, I’m convinced Elune and the Titans are enviably connected in ways we haven’t considered.

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To me, clarifying something to be necessarily different than what it was/everything we knew is the equivalent of a retcon. And that’s fine, I was just asking how they’d handle it. There’s no right answer.

I read this thread in the morning, and that one particular comment stood out to me all day. It doesn’t mean much… but it stands out. I also have been considering it.

Like… wtf is he on about?

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Not really. I mean, it’s not an impossibility that Elune is the “Mother” of the Titans.

You know, it occurred to be recently that Elune could be the First One of the Mortal Plane and as such the creator of the Titans. In a sense, the only thing the Taurens would of gotten “wrong” is that she’s the “Mother” of the Earthmother. The EarthGrandMother?

Well that actually would be a retcon.

Lotta ways they could go, certainly.

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It’s a very interesting reach.

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No, that would be a clarification of Lore.

The Chronicle says it was random shards of light created when the universe was created by forces hitting that infused planets to make them. That’s not a clarification, that’s a change.

And that’s fine if people want that.

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That’s neither because that’s irrelevant to what I posted.