I hate the NE bias in things

I’m not sure I totally get it. Cenarius is the son of Elune and Malorne. He has no shared lineage with the Tauren in that respect. At most for “betrayal” is you could point to his lack of intervention while his grandkids (the Centaur) rampaged around and drove the Tauren near extinction. But that would be the angle you’d need to approach.

That being said, I do agree that Tauren are absurdly neglected. They are used as a Token Good Horde race ONLY far too often, and as a result their Racial Reps tend to be shoehorned into being accessories for Alliance reps. Hamuul for Malf, Baine for Anduin. It is also hard not to notice that SLs here (so long as Blizz has no representation of spirit worship cultures, or relevance for the one Rep we have in that expac … Baine) is subtly undermining Tauren faith and culture. But HEY, it wouldn’t be a proper WOD “escape from the consequences of our Faction Conflict expac” without that destruction of Horde lore being a part of it.


Not to the Tauren.

I believe I mentioned the Light, the Earthmother, and An’she. Including a few of the major religions and religious icons of Azeroth.

She is equal, if not more so.

I agree and that’s perfect fine. The Tauren are over looked but you can make that point without trying to bash the Night Elves lore and religious identity or wishing that their goddess turned out to be false. You didn’t even need to bring them into this. Why not talk about what you want to see with An’she or The Earthmother? What is it that you want done with these icons? What’s the story you want to be told and who’s involved?

And I see you still didn’t answer my question about what culture the Night Elves stole from the Tauren.


Druidism and connection to the land, but in all ways, I am sorry.

And? Why would you want something that’s near imaginary?

And I noted there’s no clear relevance of the Light. And the first two have no desireability.

Proving my point, lol.

Hey! You yourself studied poorly, the teacher left you and came to us! Or they studied well, but rarely came to classes.

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The Tauren are much more connected to the land than the ne’s

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breaks out the buns, the ketchup, and the mustard
“I’ll take two dozen Tauren burgers to go please and thank you :yum:!”

Sure, no problem


And? Druidism is ours! Yes, I did not understand shamanism. But we have a Dream! I don’t know why I’m bringing him in.
What is the Dream there? A dream of Azeroth or something else?

We Tauren actually connect to the earth by not spending 10,00- years off of it


Is that why they assisted in burning a world tree and blighting forests?


But do you admit that druidism belongs to the night elves?

Unfortunately, the planet - and the earth - is quite capable of existing without life. Elementals don’t need life.

The Tauren have always been shamans so there is their connection, but they were never druids. Cenarius taught the ancient Tauren druidic and magic but in fact Malfurion was the first mortal druid. He learned directly from Cenarius and then taught it to the Night Elves. The Tauren then learned from the Night Elves sometime after WorA.

Apology accepted.

As I said, it’s not imaginary to the Tauren.

But like the Light, they are a religion therefore clearly relevant.

That’s not hogging the light, that’s lore. I’ve seen Elunite users do things both on the same scale of Light worshippers and more. Such as the Night Warrior, sealing the minions of the old gods in Silithus, cleansing the Nightmare, Elune’ tear being pillar of creation. That’s just the lore.

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This might be a spicy take but why care what the NPCs think about their own religion, if theirs is the only one to effectively be imaginary as far as game’s presentation is concerned?


Why care what NPCs think about anything?

Again, why would a Night Elf fan want things that are clearly inferior to their religion? I don’t know what you think this proves.

This is like a poor person saying, ‘I want some of that rich person’s money’. And the rich person says, ‘I’m not asking for your money!’

These all seem inferior to the Light to me.
Also, far as we know, that’s just a titan made rock.


That doesn’t make it any less post of the lore, it’s just been overlooked. It’s a part of the Tauren identity and it would be just as wrong if any other race fan started saying that it’s imaginary or it belongs to more than just the Tauren just as it would be for them to go after Elune. Are the Tauren’s not Sunwalkers? Isn’t there connection to the light through their reverence to An’she, just as Elune is for the Kaldorei or Rezan was for the Zandalari prelates. I believe it is.

It’s not just about wanting something that belongs to someone else, but also bashing and discrediting something that is important to another race, not for a factual or legitimate reason but because your side isn’t getting enough attention. That’s wrong.


ahem I regret to inform you but…no WQs in Ardenweald for you…

But as far as I know, An’she doesn’t actually have to be real for tauren paladins to be empowered by the light. They’re just apparently wrong about the source of it. But…yeah, An’she effectively does seem imaginary because it seems like the one odd race out that believes its holy blessings come from something a little off-target from what otherwise seems to be a universally agreed-upon Light that humans, dwarves, draenei and blood elves believe in. And maybe Zandalari; I dunno about them much but admittedly I didn’t pay much attention to them.

The Naaru talk about and express themselves as beings of light. We’ve seen Elune’s power in-game outside of what their priestesses do. Tauren may as well be worshipping a giant question mark.

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