I hate the NE bias in things

Parts of it have been brought up, though when they have they’ve been proven wrong.

Nope, that’s just not true.

you quoted me when I said “nothing positive has happened” and called me a troll for it

This is a Crapsack World. Nothing positive happens to ANYBODY. It’s al abut surviving. (or not surviving) the latest in unending series of calamaties.

Really? Etheriel in her various incarnations claims the race is EXTINCT.

Like I said, back to the status quo version of “Contested”. They still have more of a presence in the territory than they did in the first days of Classic. On the other hand they no longer have sole ownership of the Barrens and the Night Elves have more outposts in the Sttone Talon Mountaisns then they used to have and Feathermoon Stronghold is expanded.


I said you downplay any positives to turn them into even bigger negatives, which is hardly anything remotely qualified as “keeping insisting”. I also never called you a troll. I called you the Anti-Night Elf Erevien.

Which might have been unfair. Erevien never created a conspiracy theory about the lawsuit, which affects real people in very real ways, with an anti-night elf agenda.

So, sorry Erevien.

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The problem is that there are no positives in the first place, so I wouldn’t even be able to turn them into negatives, so your logic doesn’t make sense.

They do - there are some in Hyjal, and some in Darkshore, and now we know there are some in Ashenvale too!

They exist. Contrary to your nonsense trolling.

The Night Elves are not extinct. They have at least some holdings in Ashenvale. The Night Elves are being used by the Devs in the story going forward.

Your doomsaying has been proven wrong.

Is that what we are doing? Oi vey…

I am still not sure. It feels like someone developed a program that makes new NEFPA Alts, and spams the same tripe - even as the lore unfolds, and proves them wrong.

It seems like a poor attempt at artificial intelligence.


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As victims of suffering and tragedy.

Nope, I have been right about Sylvanas and the Horde getting away, the Night Elves being near extinct, their souls being obliterated etc. despite people like you insisting that I was wrong.

The phrase the Devs used was “nearly wiped out” - they didn’t say “nearly extinct”. You made a thread about it, and you still have it wrong.

Those are different words with different meanings. And that means they were not wiped out.

All your posts saying they are extinct are proven false.

Also, there are multiple Maw Walkers, saving many souls. Ardenweald specifically sends its Champions to save Night Elf souls.

Night Elf souls get better treatment than almost anyone - they specifically get saved. Maybe Zandalari Trolls have it better, because Bwonsamdi kept them safe. But Night Elf souls at least get special attention for salvation, compared to other races.


These are the same.

Anyone else: Gets to live.

Night Elf Souls: Get murdered brutally, go through an eternity of torture and are eventually obliterated.

Cursewords: Night Elf Souls get better treatment than anyone else.

And as we know, the souls still weren’t saved as of 9.1 and 9.2 also has nothing regarding Night Elf souls, meaning that they are obliterated.


The more you post, and defend your lies, the more you prove yourself wrong.

I wonder if “anyone else” died? Or if “anyone else” was murdered brutally, or their souls obliterated…


Except non Night Elves don’t have a Covenant dedicated to saving them specifically. Night Elves do. Even Horde Characters who Play Night Fae and cheered the Burning can save Night Elf souls every week!

Many were already saved, and continue to be saved. That happens in game. If you actually do the quests.

Anything else you want to be wrong about?


Nobody else had to be the victim of genocide, spend an eternity of torture in the maw and then had to be obliterated just for the person that inflicted this misery upon you to get away without a scratch.

We saved around 100 Night Elf souls, the specific numbers are 80, 8 and 3. That’s a tenth of those that died in Teldrassil and many many more died in Darkshore and Ashenvale.

We have no mention of having freed the souls in 9.1 or 9.2, that plot was either forgotten or intentionally left out to imply that the night elf souls are obliterated. Either way, the souls are gone and this means there can also be no renewal and no hope for the Night Elves to ever recover without having their souls rescued and then revived.

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Again, canonically there are a lot of maw walkers. We are like Azeroth’s personal squad of problem solvers. Also aren’t you conveniently forgetting the weekly quests? Between those two facts your numbers are way off.

Also can you please stop phrasing things as if the Maw is a special torment devised by Danuser and his team specifically for the Kaldorei just to be spiteful? It is a catastrophe afflicting the entire cosmos. You do remember that every person dying EVERWHERE is being sent to the Maw, right. The Kaldorei were a drop in the bucket compared to the flow of souls tumbling in there every day.


And again, there is literally no mention of the night elf souls at all in 9.2, and in 9.1 we only found out that the jailer claimed them all and they never reached Ardenweald. If this weekly quest that you keep mentioning mattered in any way, we’d atleast have gotten an update on the souls in 9.1 or 9.2, but again there is nothing except that they never reached Ardenweald as of 9.1 and are still gone.
My numbers are not off, they are literally the exact numbers from the quests we got.

The spiteful part is where the Night Elves had to die painfully, go to the maw, suffer an eternity of torment and even though there was the perfect opportunity for us to free them, they had to be obliterated.

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Anyone want to mention….AGAIN….that multiple maw walkers did free most of the kaldorei souls? No? Okay than. :wolf:

To be fair, those are not specifically Nelf souls. They’re just souls. Which means it’s very possible we’re taking a few irredeemable monsters along.

Also what are yall doing arguing with Ethriel?


Night Fae members canonically rescue a whole bunch of nelf souls in a repeatable quest. No numbers are assigned to the total.

You decide the total is only 3. You decide every other soul must be obliterated, because one scenario (which is done before you unlock that repeatable) says most of the souls in a single amalgam were obliterated. You claim because 9.1 and 9.2 don’t specifically further address this, it must be whatever truth you choose.

Rescuing souls in an ongoing effort and bringing them to Ardenweald is a positive. You lie and distort truths to turn it into a negative.

I stand by the truth of my statement.


It is hard to refrain. They push my buttons more than I should let them, admittedly.

And those souls being saved weekly all use generic night elf greeting lines, so I am pretty sure they are supposed to be Kaldorei.


They do? Which souls are talking about, again?

The weekly quest you get in Ardenweald. It might Just be if you are Nightfae, not sure.