I hate the NE bias in things

The Night Elves were also just a fraction of their former population even before their genocide in BfA. Now there’s only a handful left to the point where they can’t even bounce back anymore.

Ok Erevien, the Anti-Night Elf version.


If wanting the Night Elves to keep existing and having anything positive happen to them (even though that ship has sailed now with their souls obliterated etc.) is considered anti night elf nowadays then I’m curious what you consider pro night elf

Naw, it’s massively overstating the negatives and promoting false narratives to deny the positives and turn them into even larger negatives.


I think Ethriel is having a human response where what they experienced was traumatic but is distressed when people try to minimize it. Intentionally or not…

And this causes Ethriel to take the most depressing outlook because thats what Blizzard made them feel with BFA.
Y’all remember the genocide, tortured PoWs in Darkshore, deathcamps (that got patched out), nathanos raising undead NEs, no payback on the horde or Sylvanas? And its been over 4 years since bfa launch.

So when Blizzard or players come in with “hey at least we saved the souls from super hell!” or “hey not too many died” doesn’t change the visceral… pain? that Ethriel had to feel.

And thats what I would say if I had to armchair psychology this.


But the thing is that they never did this.

They specifically had us only save a small portion and had the rest of them obliterated, and then they said in an interview that the night elves are nearly wiped out now which means that they can never recover.

There have been no positives so far, and the negatives as I describe them are exactly like they are in the story.

Yeah I know. You saw the Night Elves lose everything and for an expansion kept being told they are nearly extinct and now that Blizzard is backtracking their massive F up nothing is good enough to makes things good again.

Even if we used that stupid 3d printer to make everything go back before they did BFA.

Yeah, I remember Cataclysm.

You know what they say. Find something you love and you will never work a day in your life.

The thing is, that is all reasonable. Feeling the pain is fine. Being upset? Fine too.

It’s when you have to deny the in-game events, willfully misrepresent interview statements, outright lie about past events and so forth for literal years ongoing, even when shown clearly contradictory information, that it stops being about pain. It stops being grieving. It becomes intentional or irrational.

I don’t think Ethel is irrational. Everything seems intentional to massively over-state things for a purpose.


given how incredibly the slow the content is this is pretty much like 4 patches of content.


Night elf soul rescue was 9.0. Drip fed content still exists, regardless of quantity. Complaining it isn’t enough is not the same as outright denying quests exist while people are doing them.

Ethel does the latter, regardless of the former.

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I believe the word you’re looking for is trolling.


Freeing a very small portion of the souls simply isn’t going to cut it, especially when they are also never mentioned again in 9.1 and 9.2.

Freeing a hundred out of thousands of innocent souls isn’t enough and as of 9.2 they completely ignored the rest of the souls, sending the signals that they are obliterated which fit perfectly with the rest of the Night Elf Story that only has them suffer and nothing positive at all.

Oh Ethrevien.

You keep insisting that there is something positive, yet failed to ever mention it.

Or are you seriously suggesting that freeing a handful of souls while having to watch as the majority is obliterated is somehow positive

Source? Where did I insist this?

In your previous comment?.. and all the comments before.

Except tauren religion is the most accurate.

Earth mother; the sun and moon just being “eternal one” beings.

Is that why it hasn’t been so much as thought about in the expansion focusing on cosmology :thinking: