I hate the NE bias in things

There is weekly quest to save 20 souls, which, I’m pretty sure, are just souls. Ysera has a quest to specifically save Nelf souls and no other covenant does this. I couldn’t remember if it was a daily or a weekly.

It is just for Night Fae.

The /ignore function is there for a reason.

It’s a quest that comes when the covenat calling for Torghast soul retrieval comes into play until you’ve saved all of the named souls that you’re supposed to add to the Heart of the Forest, at couple of which were featured in “Elegy”.

The quest “No Wisp Left Behind.” is weekly. It provides no benefit to the Covenant Sanctum, unlike the Redeemed Souls quest. I think it’s actually possible that the quest being weekly is a bug, however.

Ignoring the Burning of Teldrassil, a lot if the lore is biased towards Night Elves. The Sunwalkers were created specifically due to Night Elf bias. The Tauren were forgetting An’she due to them.


Don’t compare that nutjob with me. My fight for the Horde is very rational and thought out. The night elves lamenting the past is just over the top butthurt wihtout a solid base.


Aren’t you mourning “the glorious past when the Horde killed everyone and everything”?

I mourn a time when the Horde wasn’t about crawling as deep in Anduin’s and Jaina’s butts as possible. That is the Horde we are forced to be with now. A bunch of incompetent idiots whose only goal is to make appeasement with our enemies. That is no faction anyone can be proud of. If the Horde wants to ever be proud of itself again we need to get rid of the council and installing a leadership that is ready to attack the Alliance again for the goal of ruling over all of Azeroth.

How is your crying different from Ethriel’s crying? Why is your cry less hopeless?

@Ethriel , how is “Ethriel” read? Et-hri-el - Et-ri-el - Ez-ri-el?

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That would seem to indicate that the Night Elves are still a force in their lands… enough to keep the Horde equivalent of the National Geographic out.

People talking about how much of the lore favors night elves are ignoring the fact that lore only serves to homogenize the races and water down Kaldorei identity.

There is no “favor” granted here. The Tauren suffer from a different problem entirely than the Night Elves do. Blizzard wrote the Tauren as an after thought with no identity of their own. They were see as a big, silly, cow race, played for cheap laughs and sometimes as an accessory to orc naturalism. Thrall saw a strong people with mighty warriors and who were attuned with nature, and wanted to emulate that nobility with the orcish race. But Blizzard never defined what that actually looked like.

Night Elves were created with an identity of their own. But over time that identity was meticulously deconstructed due to sexism permeating Blizz’s corporate culture and fanbase. Downplaying the dominate role women played in their society, portraying powerful women as emotionally unstable or irrational. Continuously putting Night Elves in positions of weakness solely for the narrative benefit of a masculine character.

I am sick of people playing the tic for tat game of “This race has this, therefore, this race doesn’t have that.”

Shut the hell up, we are all eating a crap sandwich out here.


The night elves are by far really NOT the worst treated race in the game. Orc lore died in WoD. Trolls get slaughtered every 2 expansions in raids and dungeons. Forsaken lost their leaders and were turned into beggars on the streets of Orgrimmar. There are many other fish in the ocean and they didn’t get nearly that much of identity and powers like the night elves did. Night elves are doing fine.

shut up Erevien


No. You are spreading dangerous misinformation. A lamentating choir that annoys the whole community. The 3 year long cries of night elf fans have gone far enough, it is time to stop it. Get over yourself. You are not the worst treated fanbase. And you should stop acting like you are.

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Nope, because the Night Elves still haven’t had any positive development since then. So nowhere near enough.




There was never another playable race subject to genocide during the history of the game.


You don’t need to be genocided in order to have your entire race concept ruined. Trolls, Forsaken and Orcs are victims of the writing too. But you never see them complaining because they have a common sense of being adults who don’t set the bar on their entire happieness about a video game fantasy.

At least blizzard still remembers your favorite playable race is in the damn game.

We worgen fans get little scraps thrown to us once every couple years when blizz can bothered to remember they made worgen playable. Don’t start with the Horde have it worse because your side sure as hell doesn’t :wolf:

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