I hate the NE bias in things

We don’t know that until if it happens.

I mean we all make fun of the Night Elf debbie downers.

But turns out everything they claimed as worst case scenario has come to pass. But if you want to give the benefit of the doubt feel free.
Though assuming the worst usually means that surprises tend to be more positive.


A lot of Night Elves died in Ashenvale but from playing it Hordeside it’s not “every one”.


Not everything they’ve claimed has come to pass, as shown in the Night Elves now having Ashenvale.


Why would you necro this.


To debate the Night Elf stans.

I am trying to oblige but I don’t think I am gloomy enough to suffice.

It’s returned to the status quo of “Contested”. The Horde still has the stakeouts they made during Cataclysm.

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To prove to Elesana that I predicted correctly.

Does it say that in Exploring Kalimdor?

Well it was bad and dumb and I hope your two brain cells are very embarrassed.

Hard to say until we see it, but they seem to be gearing the the book towards not having much on Kaldorei zones other than a historical recount because “welp, they’d murder us if we had a visit.”

You’re bad and dumb. Atleast I have brain cells unlike you.

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Please, you are both pretty and can go to the prom.



I have at least one brain cell thanks. His name is Hank, he wears a funny hat on Wednesday.

On topic, because I guess we’re doing this now, Tauren and NE both get the short end of the stick in different ways.

One gets generally ignored in the story and gets little advancement. The only recent damage to their lore comes from Shadowlands which basically beats up all prior Spiritualist lore, which is the core of Tauren culture.

The other gets advancement, but backwards. The ‘bias’ therein only exists insomuch as there is a consistent fixation on breaking Night Elf things.

They are not the same.


Smallioz, I find you trollish at times, but there’s no need to punish yourself by sinking to the black depths of gloom that some of the Night Elf ‘fans’ seem to exist at. You must rise above and ignore them.

We should pity them, but engaging with hem is a waste of time, and we must certainly never become like them.


They are what Blizzard created. they weren’t always like this.


Everyone they could see, even civilians. Though lore wise the horde player had a chance to spare the civilians, but most didn’t as seen by the wall of souls. I remember one the NPCs mentioning how large it was implying that most elves didn’t survive the onslaught. We wont likely know, but have an idea that the majority are dead. Considering that lore wise the Night Elves lost Ashenvale for a time until the Fourth War concluded, and that implies the Horde held on to Ashenvale during the war and if Gallywix and Sylvanas had wanted to be successful in destroying hope and making profits. They would harvest as much lumber and resources from the Kaldorei forest to insure maximum amount of suffering. Not just physical, but emotional losses.

I think that given the impression of the Fourth War we can deduce most civilians are dead and what remain is barely enough to continue the Kaldorei population on Northern Kalimdor going. Not saying total extinction, but significant enough to be considered a largely successful genocide of the Darnassian people. It will be centuries before the Kaldorei return to the numbers pre Third War. Remember the Night Elves have been on a continuous population loss since Warcraft 3. They’ve won the wars, but always at incredible losses to the people. Just remember the lore from Vanilla to Cataclysm, to BFA and at present.

it makes me wonder which of the many ever-shrinking elven nations of Azeroth currently has the biggest remaining population? It could still possibly be the Night Elves, though they are likely at least much closer to the lost-90%-of-our-population Blood Elves than before. High/Void elves are probably still at the bottom, Nightborne elves are a big question mark-there only ever had the one city for 10,000 years, and likely would have needed strict population control to prevent overcrowding/resource depletion.

How? The Night Elves are officially nearly wiped out, I’d be surprised if the Night Elves have higher numbers than the void elves / high elves at this point.

Many of the surviving High Elves that weren’t on Outland Withered during Cataclysm. The Void Elves would barely fill a school building with their numbers so more than likely Night Elves outnumber them both put together still.

High elves lost 90% of their numbers. Then most of the high elves became blood elves. That was all pre-WoW.

A fraction of a fraction is likely smaller than just a fraction.