I hate the NE bias in things

Except the part where they say that they have to hide to avoid a crisis. Not exaclty what i call being welcome.

The issue seems to be that they easily broke into and prowled around in multiple zones.
Though unironically if anyone can sneak through is Rexxar.

But if Blizzard had any courage, they would have Rexxar make an observation of the utter devastation and loss of life left in the wake of Horde’s invasion in BFA. Maybe for once have Horde characters be self-aware of their actions for once.
Rather than, everything is back to normal.


Except if they cant see any NE town because of NE presence.

Ashenvale have always been a really big savage zone that even NE never really settle everywhere in it. It was always just many outpost in a way bigger wild zone. The horde probably used only a small path into that big zone.

It just make sense that both of them aventure through the wild unused part of the zone in order to avoid NE sentinel.

Why would Rexxar go into a land where they would be killed on sight for crimes they committed?


My assumption is that he’s taking a shortcut to get to Azshara.

Doesn’t Orgrimmar have a gate to Azshara? Where is he travelling from that Ashenvale is the shortcut?

Anyway my point is if the purpose of the book is to give an account of the different lands of Kalimdor with two Horde characters. Post BFA if they are going to go through Ashenvale and Darkshore then Blizzard should give us some really good descriptions of the horrors done by the Horde.
Not really a fan of “and every went back to normal! teehee” thing they got going on right now.


They’re probably coming from somewhere in the Northern Barrens that’d take longer to travel from if they were to go back to Durotar. If they go to Darkshore I’ll be more critical since that place isn’t connected to anywhere besides Ashenvale.

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Suggested route: Durotar; Azshara and Mount Hyjal; Dark Shores; Teldrassil; Azuremyst Islands; Ashenvale; Mulgore; Feralas; Silithus; Un’Goro Crater; Tanaris; Steppes and Dustwallows.
This is good enough as a suggested route, or am I misunderstanding the information? It seems there is still a picture with the route, but I’m not sure if it exists. Or I am confusing it with the Eastern Kingdoms route.

Uh … Did I put the information out of place?

Because the book wouldn’t be call “exploring” kalimdor if they didnt explore it. Simply as that.

Excellent. So my point stands as follows.

Hopefully we get to explore the death and devastation caused by the Horde with as much as detail as possible.

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War of Thorns the Horde killed every Night Elf in Astranaar and greater Ashenvale to the point where the entire zone’s Night Elven population was able to create a wisp wall to protect Darkshore from the same fate… Guess what happened in Darkshore and Teldrassil? The Night Elves lost these zones and even if tenatively regained portions of it. The lives lost mean they cannot control the zones or even use the resources as intended.


The Horde avoiding conflict with them disproves this.


Oh, don’t you know “night elves have never gotten nice things, and nothing positive will ever happen to them” despite being up there with orcs and humans as the main focuses of the development?


Do you have the exact quote of this?
That the Night Elves are such a terrifying military power right now that the Horde avoids them and their lands at all costs except Rexxar of course.

I don’t need a quote for it. If the Night Elves can’t control the zones then the Horde would take control of them without problem.

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This is like Warhammer, there will always be enough bodies for the sake of moving the plot forward.

If the night elves really went extinct, there would be no playable night elves.


How do you know the Horde simply didn’t leave Ashenvale? Afterall whenever they want it back they can just march right back in and take it.

Maybe they don’t want to piss off the Alliance right now by marching into Ashenvale due to the armistice they signed with Andiun.

Rexxar has a bear thing, and Bears are the Apex predator in Ashenvale. Ashenvale is like the Bear Zone of Warcraft, so I think his enthusiasm can be understood.

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Regardless, the Horde does not have control of Ashenvale.

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On that note. We agree.
Though full control, partial control and actual in-game depictions now and in the future we can agree that the Horde will be right where they have been. In Ashenvale chopping at trees.