I hate the NE bias in things

They’re not going to kill Tyrande. There are far too many foot-fetishists that play world of Warcraft for that to be a viable option.

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The problem is you. Look, I’m a massive Night Elf fan too so I get that your upset, but your constant, never ending negativity is exhausting. Compounded by the fact that you say stuff that is wrong or is based on what you think blizz will do and not what they’ve actually done. It’s ridiculous and enough is enough.


Um … What does a foot fetish have to do with it? Or is it about humiliation, and not about legs?

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I dunno, you tell me what her feet have to do with it.

No, but serious answer. Tyrande is a popular character and Blizzard only kills popular characters if they need them out of the way.

So, I have a question…

How do we have a Mag’har Allied Race?

Are we populating them from the Mag’har from Outland? Or are they from the AU (where Draenor is dying)?

This seems like a race destined to be extinct in a year.

Never mind, population sizes don’t actually matter. Sorry. Carry on.

Feel free to point those out then.

So far the resolution for Teldrassil has been the total obliteration of the Night Elf souls after eternal torture, failing to find a solution for Tyrande, not getting our lands back and having to watch a Sylvanas justification arc according to Danuser. This is while we’re getting told left and right that Tyrande is consumed by vengeance, crazy and about to die, and if not to her powers, then to Sylvanas.

You tell me what I’m supposed to expect to happen with Tyrande, there is literally no other outcome than her dying in the most humiliating way possible without seeing any justice done, because Night Elves have never and will never get a victory.

If you still want to be optimistic after all that happened to the race in SL and BfA, then you’re just fooling yourself


I had assumed that if the Lightbound become a thing again that we’d see another (and probably last) influx of AU refugees (including Bound by the Light AU Mag’har we can bolster their cast and population with). But, no, you are right. They don’t have the population to really justify being an AR right now; and if nothing changes they’d be gone in like a single generation. But, as you said, population numbers don’t matter. :smiley:


It gets especially silly when they trot out that the writers personally hate what they like.


Maybe if a Mag’har Orc and a Corrupted Orc have a baby, it’s a Mag’har Orc?

In which case, Green Skin will die out.

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One of Thrall’s kids is green and the other one is brown, so the Mag’har have a chance.


Kai, you lovely, oddly dark skinned (when did night elves get the sexy skin tone? Was that in SL? Do I need to go change my druid and hunter??) night elf. Have you never heard the old saying “you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot get the horse to stop bashing their face into rocks near the water, crying that the water is too wet and God nerfed water as a personal attack on hordekind, and pretty soon all horses will be killed and forced to reroll alpaca”?

We say it around these parts all the time. Ethel just gotta be Ethel, bashing their horse face.


Wait what? When did we see them :V

Fel blood does “wear off” while leaving the skin tint. If it is just a pigmentation change of some sort then I guess all the babies would be Mag’har. As a terrible analogy, just because someone uses a ton of tanning spray, doesn’t mean their baby will come out tan.

If fel blood actually causes a genetic change of some sort though there is a lot of variables to take into account. Green skin could increase viability (don’t ask me why because I have no idea), or green skin could be a mutation of strands that doesn’t usually get passed onward, and that’s not even getting into how many different actual pairs are involved in just picking something like that.

It could just be everyone ends up being brown skinned at the end (or whatever the midpoint between orange and green is) though there would be a long time period in between. It could be as you said where as long as one parent is Mag’har they’ll have Mag’har babies.

Edit: I wrote orange and green and someone else said brown and green. I have to use a program that changes color tints so I see them as orange, sorry.

Tbh I don’t know, it’s literally just something I vaguely remember reading on Reddit. Or maybe it wasn’t Reddit?

I honestly always liked the idea of fel being so corrupting, it affects you on a genetic level. I think that’s pretty neat, shows how nasty such magic really is.


Thrall was born green, so at the very least it continues one generation.

Ah, the in-game model for the son is Brown, and we haven’t seen the daughter yet.

I figure maybe Fel Corruption only continues down 1 generation? Blood Elves already are getting eye changes and it’s only been 10ish years since the restoration of the sunwell

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Oh my sweet, summer child…

Let’s start with your massive misrepresentation of an article that you chose to use a a reference in terms of Sylvanas getting away with everything.

Thank you. Yes it was in SL. It’s kind of Nightborne looking too.

I was going to answer the rest of her post then I saw this was thought better of it.

Ehriel just stop. A lot of the stuff you stuff in that post isn’t true.


It literally confirms her redemption / justification arc, you know the worst case for night elf fans?..


I don’t think you know what literal means, Elesana.



All I can say this whole “Wait and see” for the Alliance revenge plot from BFA is dragging on longer and longer with no resolution in sight.

The end better be worth it but I doubt it.