I hate the NE bias in things

She’s stepping out of line, she disagreed both with Anduin and she probably won’t buy a Sylvanas justificiation arc, she’s also a Night Elf. She’s more than dead, the night elves haven’t had a tragedy in like a whole patch so they’re due for it

Because you’re commiting genocide against civilians, animals and blighting and destroying forests

What is your problem?

Literally none of that implies a death sentence.

What tragedies did the night elves have in each patch of MoP, WoD, or Legion? What about Wrath and BC? What tragedy hit them when 4.2 or 4.3 came out?

He did it when I went to visit Darnassus in WoD, well before any genocides against his people had happened.

Also, why is this allegedly neutral NPC only seen hanging out with night elves and a single crispy tauren?


Literally all of that does, and that she’s a Night Elf character, it’s already quite easy to accept that she’s dead. She’s against all odds, including the writing team.

I’m obviously talking about BfA and SL, but the Night Elves have still lost quite a lot during WoWs lifespan, just not in every patch.

Provide a single example where your list of hypotheticals have resulted in a character’s death.

BfA then. What tragedy hit the night elves in 8.2 to 8.3?

“Not being there”?

If that’s a tragedy alone, then the tauren are the most tragic race, having disappeared for entire expansions at a time. Likewise for gnomes, dwarves, blood elves, draenie, etc.

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Being a Night Elf? Has caused nearly the entire race to die out and be tortured and obliterated in the maw.

Going against Sylvanas? Saurfang

Stop buying the Horde’s lies and not accepting another genocide / disagreeing with Anduin? Varian

Further death symbols are that she’s being torn apart by her “powers”, nobody even cares to save her (nobody even asks in Oribos lol), and well the obvious hate from the writers and the fact that the Night Elves haven’t suffered a great tragedy in a whole 8 months.

Getting their lands blighted, being tortured in the maw in the meantime, Tyrande not achieving anything as Night Warrior and vanishing from the story, Jaina being the one in Nazjatar telling us about Night Elf history out of anyone, the rebellion against Sylvanas failing and her getting away with it, the war against the Horde being lost and the Horde getting away with another genocide, the Night Elves not getting their lands back and being told that Tyrande is wrong for seeking justice at the end of 8.3.
We’ve also had to watch Anduin hold a heroic speech for the Horde in Orgrimmar while the Horde celebrated the extinction of the Night Elves and put yet another glorious genocide in their history books.

BfA was entirely a tragedy for Night Elves and kept getting more insulting, and SL is killing what’s left of the race, in this case the souls that haven’t been obliterated yet (if there are any) and obviously Tyrande.


I quoted that for you because you’ve already forgotten your ad-hoc reasoning behind the imminent demise of Tyrande. Please find a character who died because of that.

That wasn’t what killed him. He died because he duelled her. He went against her long before his death.

Baine did too. Baine’s still… There. As is Jaina.

Your reasoning is failing.

Not patches 8.2 or 8.3

See: “Not being there”

Also not a tragedy affecting the night elves.

See: “Not being there”

Also not a tragedy affecting the night elves.

Not a tragedy, will be addressed in a coming book.

Not a tragedy, she was clearly proven right for still wanting Sylvanas’s head.

Do you know what the word “tragedy” means?

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Sira Moonwarden?
The obvious reverse is clearly that there are those who fit these and haven’t died as well. Such as Maiev. Shandris.

These were Ethel’s stated hypotheticals pointing to an imminent death for Tyrande.

Sira doesn’t meet any of those. You’re likely confused, because Ethel also couldn’t remember her own stated hypotheticals that result in a death sentence.


I guess Sira could be argued to have “stepped out of line” when she spoke back to Sylvanas, but she was already dying at that point and it didn’t result in her death.

Is what I said, and I gave a reason for all pieces of that.

Uh yea, and what do you think Tyrande is doing right now ?

Neither of them wanted to or did fight Sylvanas, that’s a difference. We’re also literally told that if not to Sylvanas, Tyrande dies to her powers.

Of course, or how do you explain that Tyrande was neither there in 8.2 nor in 8.2.5? Was she just having a vacation in ironforge?

How is the main architect of the Night Elves extinction and eternal torture getting away with it equal to not being there?


How so? If anything the book would reconfirm the Horde’s ownership of Ashenvale.

Nope, she’s obviously consumed by vengeance and wrong and crazy for wanting to bring Sylvanas to justice. Anduin forgave the Horde without them even asking for it, why would it be different with Sylvanas?

When you had your entire race and their zones eradicated from a game and then being told that bringing the genocidal maniacs that did it to justice is wrong, that’s very well considered tragic (or a tragedy).

I thought those all fit Sira Moonwarden.

She was at the meeting with the others who disagreed with Anduin where he said he couldn’t send troops to Darkshore and didn’t really want them going either. And I doubt she’d buy a Sylvanas justification arc (maybe now that’s she’s undead, but not pre-death).

I took ‘she’s stepping out of line’ as part of ‘disagreeing with Anduin and not buying the arc’.

Again, clearly Maiev and Shandris both did this without issue.


You actually didn’t. Only the night elf part.

Killing things in Torghast. Certainly not dueling Sylvanas.

It’s also not part of your stated criteria.

Genn fits your entire list of criteria, unlike anyone you listed (save being a night elf, of course). He stepped out of line with Anduin when he supported taking back Darkshore, he fought Sylvanas, and he’s doing fine.

Irrelevant. It’s still not a tragedy. You said they have had a tragedy every patch in BfA and SL. You’ve yet to show that.

Night elves are not extinct. Given her temporary escape is not itself a tragedy inflicted upon the night elves, your argument amounts to “not being there”.

Do you need me to go into details about book publication now?

Provide a source confirming this. After MoP, a book confirmed Ashenvale returned to the night elves. Why do you automatically assume this would be different, given a more Alliance-friendly leadership of the Horde, compared to Vol’jin’s Alliance-neutral position?


Incorrect. Everyone wants to bring Sylvanas to justice. Even Anduin.

Darkshore and Ashenvale are not eradicated from the game.

I… Got my dead night elves confused there. I was thinking of Delaryn.

Sira’s fate was more “standing against Nathanos”, but I’ll grant you there’s a single example where going against Anduin’s orders, hating on Sylvanas and being a night elf did result in a death.

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I honestly had to search them because I couldn’t remember the names from each other either.

But yeah, since Maiev and Shandris are fine despite being in the exact same scenario, obviously this ‘rule’ is nothing more than a fabricated attempt at acting like the writers have it out for Night Elves.


You might want to reread what I said then.

Yea, and who’s in Torghast waiting for her? Who does Tyrande want to bring to justice? Like Saurfang before her.

Baine didn’t fight Sylvanas, he opposed her, he never tried to kill her or to bring her to justice.

I’ve shown that, your definition of tragedy might just be different. The development of the Night Elves and the resolution for Teldrassil was in fact tragic.

They’re very close to it.

It’s not a temporary escape, and the lead writer already confirmed that she’ll escape justice.

Because the Horde’s ownership of Ashenvale was already confirmed in a short story and they made sure to never have the Night Elves reclaim it. If there’s another confirmation, it would just be double information. That would imply that the book even mentions Ashenvale, which is also not a guarantee.

Not really, bringing the single individual to justice that wiped out and tortured, then obliterated her people is not “consumed by vengance”. It’s just a writer’s attempt to make Tyrande seem crazy to kill her off.

There’s no source that Anduin wants Sylvanas to suffer consequences for her actions. Not one, even after the Burning of Teldrassil he offered her to peacefully surrender in Lordaeron.

Teldrassil is and Ashenvale is not their zone anymore.

Oh yea Delaryn was a tragedy in herself, the Night Elf that would rather join the Horde to inflict even more misery upon her own people after all the atrocities they commited.

I have. I quoted it for you too, because you seemed to have forgotten it.

Waiting. Not dueling. Not even fighting, or even seemingly aware of her existence in Torghast.

You’re presuming the end is certain of an event that hasn’t even happened yet, for no other reason than to presume it.

I use the accepted definition of the word. You’re using it to apply to everything you don’t like. Is a snowy day also a tragedy? A chilly one? If you forgot to grab your keys before leaving the house, is that a tragedy?

It is.

Irrelevant. We have a whole book coming out this year to clarify these issues.

His words are the source. Lordaeron throne room. “You put the torch to Teldrassil.” “Surrender or die!”

Not their only zone.

See above. Also, still not eradicated.

Nor is Hyjal, not is Feralas.

She must have read some of the posts here and gotten fed up with certain nelf posters.

Waiting? She’s literally trying to bring Sylvanas to justice, and she has stated so multiple times.

The end to Tyrande’s fate is her inevitable demise, one way or another.

No, having all those that commited genocide against the Night Elves get away with it and letting them keep their lands is a tragedy though.

Nope, see the rest of my sentence.

The issue is that the Night Elves don’t have their former zone anymore, not that we don’t know it. It has already been confirmed in the past who has the zone, not sure why you need another confirmation for it. Are we also to assume that Durotar is in Alliance control now because we haven’t heard of it in a year?

Also, the chance of Ashenvale being mentioned in the book is very slim

See above.

Ashenvale, Teldrassil and Darkshore were their zones. Out of those they only have Darkshore left, but only in a 1 (2?) week cycle. 50% of the time, the Horde has the zone and it’s not even accessible for Night Elf players. It’s also blighted and destroyed.

Not their zones.

Sylvanas isn’t bringing Sylvanas to justice. You asked who’s waiting in Torghast for Tyrande. Dear, you’re forgetting your own arguments left and right.

It’s still not a duel.

You have absolutely and utterly failed to support this premise and continue dancing around the subject, ignoring the actual story events (Ardenweald and the Night Fae campaign), and making increasingly less sense.

It is. It was also not what you called a tragedy before, which was not being there in Nazjatar and the Sylvanas confrontation. Redirecting won’t change the fact you think “not being present” is a great tragedy. I pray to whoever you believe in that nobody ever misses an appointment around you.

But that actually is the issue. You’re presuming they don’t have it. We won’t know that until Exploring Kalimdor comes out.

Wait, where have you finally admitted you’re provably wrong? Because unless you did, then there’s nothing you’ve said about Anduin’s lack of interest in holding Sylvanas accountable that can match up to laying siege to the entire Undercity and trying to bring her in to justice.

No, they have Darkshore back 100% of the time. They won the battle there, canonically. We’re still waiting for actual confirmation on Ashenvale, no matter how badly you want the night elves to lose it permanently.

Feathermoon Stronghold exists literally in Feralas. Def their zone as much as Ashenvale was, if not more.

Hyjal is where the night elves currently live. If you were a night elf fan, you’d know this. It’s their old home, where they lived before Teldrassil, and it’s their home again. All their own.

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My mistake, so what? It still doesn’t change my argument. If she doesn’t engage Sylvanas she fails to see justice done again. She will also die to the Night Warrior’s powers. If she does engage Sylvanas she will die like everyone else who has tried.

The campaign explicitly mentions that Tyrande is going to die to her powers and we failed to find a solution, maybe you should play it. In Oribos nobody even asks about Tyrande either, none of the lore characters care. We’re asked to recover all the leaders but Tyrande.

It all comes together to the Night Elves being ignored after losing everything, all those that commited genocide getting away with it, the Night Elf souls then being destroyed and the Night Elves never getting their zones back. Also Tyrande, the only one that wants to see a little bit of justice done, dying and being painted as wrong and crazy in her last moments.

Nope, I know it since “A Good War” is canon.

Until stated otherwise, the Horde has it, and the likelihood of Ashenvale being mentioned in the book is very slim.

Nope, I said that he offered her to peacefully surrender after the atrocities she commited.

Nope, feel free to log on a Night Elf character and use a portal to Darkshore, it switches between Horde and Alliance on a weekly or bi-weekly cycle. 50% of the time you only see Horde NPCs there and everything is destroyed and blighted.

We don’t have to since we had that 3 years ago.

I don’t want it, but I’m not going to assume that the Night Elves had something good happen to them when the writers would never allow it and when there’s no official source for it at all.

Again, why would we assume that the Barrens are Alliance territory?

Uh okay? That’s like 1 town? The Horde also has several towns in Feralas, the same amount if not more than the Alliance.

There’s also no source on that, and it becomes especially clear when you look at Stormwind and see the darnassian refugees still there. It was just the location of the meeting between Thrall, Tyrande etc. in Shadow’s Rising. Feel free to prove me otherwise, but it’s nowhere stated that it’s the Night Elves’ new home and the refugees prove otherwise.

Also, there’s no source that the Horde left or would be willing to leave Hyjal, and in Cataclysm there was still Horde presence.

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Your argument wasn’t an argument there. You asked what Sylvanas was doing in Torghast too. She’s waiting.

Night Fae say otherwise. Your hypothetical fails in the glorious might of the evidence.

Finish the campaign. We’re gonna spread her power among all the former night warriors.

Just because we haven’t already done it is irrelevant, as you should already know. Tyrande hasn’t failed her mission yet, but you’re already treating it as fact.

Anduin. Jaina. Genn.

It’s also set during the war, therefore you’re still presuming.

Not true at all.

He specifically said “surrender or die”. You’re now just blatantly lying.

Canonically they canonically won the canonical battle and canonically won Darkshore canonically back with it.

In canon.

Cry more.

The peace between the Horde and Alliance hadn’t happened yet.

They would and will.

wut r u even here?

It’s a full military base. You should learn some stuff about the night elves, you might start to like them.

It’s in a whole book you clearly haven’t read.

Ethel, you’ve been fun. I’m’a step away from playing with your crazy, but please do keep chugging along. It’s a great laugh.

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She’s waiting until her actions get justified, so she did escape justice in the end.

Nope, it’s stated multiple times by multiple characters that the powers will kill her. Also, the campaign is over and we didn’t find a solution, so now it’s a race between Tyrande dyinh to her powers and her dying to Sylvanas.

I finished it, we didn’t do any of that. The campaign is also over.

Neither Anduin nor Jaina do, Genn does but he was left behind so that they didn’t have to kill him off too when Sylvanas actions get glorified further.

Uh yea the war ended and the Night Elves didn’t reclaim it, therefore: Horde zone. That’s ignoring the fact that a near extinct race of refugees wouldn’t be able to reclaim it anyway.

That’s how facts work. We know that the barrens are a Horde zone even though it hasn’t been mentioned in a while. There’s no reason to assume that Ashenvale is an Alliance zone when the last time it was officially mentioned it was a Horde zone.

Point proven? He offers her to surrender after everything she did.

Canonically they won the Darkshore warfront. This doesn’t mean that the entire zone is in their hands as Arathi isn’t entirely in the Alliance’s hands either.
And in the game, Night Elf players can’t even use the zone 50% of the time.

And returning Ashenvale was never mentioned as part of the peace treaty, therefore the Horde got a peace treaty that allowed them to keep Ashenvale, an even greater victory for them

Nope, they never did and they never will.

It’s a base just like the Horde has bases in Feralas. Feralas is not a Night Elf controlled zone.

If you’re talking about the confrontation between Tyrande and Thrall, then no that’s not a confirmation that the Night Elves live there now.

Weird way to admit to being proven wrong, but go along.

It’s left on a cliffhanger, not a definite no.