I hate the NE bias in things

This is another dishonest statement, because faction conflict is also just pushing specific NPCs to the fore. BfA ignored the Horde as a cohesive entity as much as it ignored the Alliance. We were just the boogeymen y’all fought, until we were the boogeymen we all fought. We as a faction got as much focus as your guys did. The only difference is, our “focus” was to pretend all past developments after WC2 were irrelevant.


To me, the problem is that when it comes to neutral content and fighting generic threats, it’s more easily perceived as positive content even if it doesn’t advance whatever geopolitical stance the alliance is lacking. But for faction war stuff, while it may be content, it came with more villain batting.

So it kinda sounds like “the alliance gets this positive content and the horde gets negative content. Both sides are the same,” to horde players who hate what BFA did.

Edit: But to be fair, this depends on your definition of positive and negative.


Can we revisit your original comment?

Well which is it, are they too boring or do they have it the best? If they’re super boring, obviously they aren’t really great. If they’re really great, apparently it isn’t all that boring.

Because those developments, like with the Garrosh era, would have been inconvenient to the vision and story Blizz was trying to tell. That relied on Sylvie being allowed to use the Horde as a vehicle and tool to do what she needed to to settup SLs. Just like Garry. Which is why despite Blizz using the WC3 vision of the Faction as a safety net to save the Faction from all that, Blizz spends years prior to the use of that “get out of jail free card” actively having to suppress and silence the majority of Characters and Themes that would normally conflict with that Sylvanas/Garry use. Its also why they run away from any opportunity to build up that WC3 vision.

I mean, this could never be more apparent than with Derek. WHY was Derek the catalyst that started discontent and rebellion against Sylvanas? Because Teldrassil happened way too early in the story to serve that same role without it getting to much in the way of what Sylvie needed to do. So, Teld was nearly written out of the Horde story entirely after the WoT, and Derek became our outrage moment. You are absolutely right. Despite what those fancy cinematics might suggest, the Horde was merely a vehicle for those Faction Conflict expacs; just as the Alliance was a passenger. Neither were the focus, or were driving that nightmare road.

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We need a reverse legion expansion. Some plot where the Horde is the focus of the plot and the Alliance is just watching the Heroes doing their stuff. If we get that we could have fairness in the story again.

What strengths Zahir? Truly?

What developed characters do we have left? What Faction Identity can we claim to have? We as a Faction are in such a horrific spot after BfA that Horde players are not only being forced to somehow defend our factions very existince in this game; but are actively (and repeatedly) being shamed by the very same writers that took our faction for two joy rides? It is going to take years of passion, effort, and attention to even attempt to start fixing what Blizzard has broke in our Faction; after two rounds of the stories you claim to covet.

And again, part of the reason the Alliance don’t get what you quantify as “Alliance Faction Stories” is because they can’t be allowed flaws enough to justify that sort of internal nuance and variety to allow for them.


Well, everything was going well, they could quarrel over An’She and “theft” … It’s a pity.

There is no history of the Alliance, there is a history of people saving the day! The Horde is hated entirely, the Alliance is loved only in parts and there is no Alliance Fantasy, there are People and those who die around them!
Team up against Human!


I agree. Humans are the enemy of the community. We need to get them out of the plot so that the other races can have some spotlight of their own in the future.

You keep saying that because the Alliance is all good, the Horde must be all bad, but we know that the Horde is always written first, we’ve had that confirmed several times and the beta servers of the last few years confirm it as well (Horde side was always finished first).

But where the Horde is diversity, the characters are diverse and not a hegemonic mass, it has become a “human first” with the Alliance.

Because the Alliance feels sluggish and always just reacts, the Horde acts.

By advantages/disadvantages, I mean basic advantages and disadvantages of the factions

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See, I’m more… Not forgiving, but more understanding with the Cata/MoP stuff because it fits in the story being told in Vanilla and Wrath. Vanilla was full of instances showing Thrall’s grip on the Horde is loose. Thrall wants peace, but the Warsong are still fighting the night elves, the Frostwolves are doing a thing in Alterac, the forsaken are being sketch all over the EK, the Burning Blade is alive and well and in Orgrimmar, etc. Thrall wants peace, but there’s too many elements who still want conflict. Tensions rise in Wrath, to the point everyone is at everyone’s throat after the Wrathgate, so seeing people fall in line under the banner of a more aggro leader? It’s a reasonable story progression.

Not a good one, mind. But I can see how it gets from A to D without skipping B and C.

BfA doesn’t have that. We were all chummy after MoP. We had an Ashcan thing happening, but whatever the story was there besides an ogre artifact, nobody knows. But at the Dark Portal we fought side by side, then we tried it again in Legion. And that ended badly, sure, but other than a couple die-hards on Alliance-side, nobody was actually thinking the Horde betrayed the Alliance. Genn and Jaina, sure, but Andy doubted. Varian seemed unsure for the last minute of his life. Everyone else seemed uncertain at worst, and seeing both sides made it clear the Horde was clearly overwhelmed. Stormheim happened, but that’s a fight between Sylvy and Genn, who has a personal vendetta against Sylvy.

None of this is a real rising tension between the two, not like before. This wasn’t a Wrathgate situation, where Sylvanas’s people started throwing plague bombs on troops trying to fight Arthas, causing even Thrall to believe Sylvy was behind it. This wasn’t a… The place in Icecrown (zone), where Horde and Alliance troops ended up fighting each other and got Scourge descending on them. This was an easily cleared up misunderstanding.

And BfA’s plot didn’t even bother using any of that to really push the narrative. While Cata and MoP addressed past tension, BfA said “nope, it’s Tuesday. Tuesdays are for suddenly being at war.”

I can forgive Cata/MoP. I can’t forgive BfA.


The Horde surley deserves more fistbump moments. Bfa left them starved for that. We had nothing but defeats. If Blizzard cared about the Horde they would at least give us ONE victory against the Alliance in the ongoing fights. We surley deserve it.

Well … Cata sort of did. Kind of. But it is the expansion where Blizz starting really becoming super noncommittal with Alliance acts of grey and aggression. Which is why after Varian declaired war on the Horde in WotLK, there is a convenient treaty signed in an in between book. Just in time for Garry to break it. And then despite Theramore actively and heavily throwing neutrality out the door in that conflict, Blizz wrote another convenient treaty in another in between expansion book just in time for Garry to attack and blow up Theramore (unprovoked). All while throwing all nuance out the window with him over time (as mistakes of dev communication) to just make him Orc Hitler. Because nothing screams “addressing past tensions” and “nuance” like Hitler.

Oh, and you also see Alliance whitewashing during that period really skyrocket. Like how more effort is actually put into absolving Hawthorne for Taurajo, than was actually placed on Taurajo itself. Or how the part of the Purge of Dalaran scenario that had Aethas (the guy who’s vote committed Dalaran into aiding Jaina and Theramore against Garrosh) stumble upon the theft of the Divine Bell just a moment too late to stop it; and he’s given an ultimatum where he is forced to either condemn his people to the wrath of Jaina, or literal Orc Hitler … was “conveniently” bugged out. So that Blizz can make him look like a Clown later in the Mage Order Hall scenario. Where they force Aethas (the leader of the VICTIMS of the Purge of Dalaran) to get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness. So that the Horde could be allowed access to the city again and aid in combating the Legion.


If you love the Horde so much, why are your speeches so lacking in depth and conviction? Why don’t I get t he sense that you’ve actually committed to playing the Horde at any length? All I see here is someone posting on a low level Avatar trying to be all Edgelordy on us.

Because I want the Horde to change. We deserve true power. Currently we are currently stinking down against the Alliance leaders who all have some sorts of special powers what makes them cool. Horde doesn’t have that. The power parity is a big iffy moment and I think this can be solved by taking my guests at leadership for the Horde instead what we currently have. The current Horde leaders are at best normal soldier tier who can easily taken down by common soldiers. Alliance leaders don’t have that problem. Their leaders can solo entire armies if they wanted to. Like Jaina, Tyrande and Malufrion already did in the past. Horde deserves to be as powerful as the Alliance is. That is my biggest gripe with the story.

No it don’t… Stop lying over and over while claiming that ‘‘this is the truth!!!’’. We were never told that the horde was always writing first. That are just some lies that the ''horde bias ‘’ propaganda have been claiming on the forum.

And once again no, the horde aren’t always finished first in beta. It is in reality kind of even. Bfa horde was finish first, which is probably what you consider as ‘‘always’’ but Shadowland alliance was finished first ( they had access to the new levelling island first and if i remember well, only alliance could level in shadowland at first in beta).

So once again stop using all the lies you see on forum and making them as the ‘‘truth’’. This is the same as the famous ‘‘all dev play horde’’ that came because ONE dev ONE day said that people in his work space were mostly horde. The thing that people don’t mention is that the same also happened to a other dev who said that most dev in his work space was alliance…

So please get a clue before saying thing like ‘‘we know that’’ or ‘‘this is always like this’’. You do the same for the story while acting like your own head canon was the reality.


stop confusing me with you, i mean, we have even A LETTER who tell us that. The horde story and work is allways first, we got even a statement from the dev about that (bfa, mop, wod, cata proofed that and shadowlands have no faction exclusive Part…, you know…) if the alliance one was finished, the horde one was aswell.


So, Erevien is still trying to convince people he loves the horde and Zair is still pretending he’s neutral? Did I miss anything in my absence?


Erevien did get banned for 1,000 years but then he bought a new WoW account so he could keep posting. That caused a few laughs.


Not only that but keep posting in a forum that hates him and constantly makes fun of him. He’s paying a monthly fee to do this.

There is something about World of Warcraft Lore that breaks brains and I would really like to see a team of professional psychologists and sociologists study it.

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I’m terrified of the results they would find. I’ve witnessed perfectly normal people become hostile over WoWs story/lore :smile: