I hate the NE bias in things

He’d give anything to just get lost in those sensitive blue eyes again. :smiley:


It does explain why he seems to hate Baine most of all. He sees his true love cavorting with another man, and immediately that affection rival becomes his most hated enemy.


Why don’t you want to play Alliance when you’ve acknowledged they have it better?

Protecting their people and the world from threats is a very clear purpose.

Because I hate the Alliance and I want them to suffer. They deserve the exact same treatment the Horde got in Bfa. If that happened things would be fair again. That includes the Alliance losing 2/3rd of their characters cast and leaders.

That is not the purpose of the Horde. They get fully ignored by Blizzard in neutral content. The neutral content is covered by the Alliance super heores. The Horde has no part in that. All past and present expansions are proof of that. The Horde without being the enemy of the Alliance is nothing. Proving Sylvanas right.

And while I know some will disagree, but I think securing more geographically sensical borders and getting to expand into some of the less (or not) occupied by the Alliance territories could expand that purpose. Mere “survival” is not enough, as early Cata Garrosh once reminded us (before Blizz committed fully to Orc hitler). You deny people a chance at security and prosperity, things can get hairy too. And MANY of those territories Stonetalon South on Kali (or Hinterlands North on EK) could provide the Horde races of those regions plenty of fixer-uper projects that could one day provide avenues to that security and prosperity.


Yes it is. That’s stated right on the promotional material.

No they don’t. A number of their characters are involved in that.

I typically include basic security and chances for prosperity in the vein of survival.

Baine and Thrall are moping in the corner doing nothing in Shadowlands so far. It is Jaina who stands together with Bolvar at the mission table doing important stuff. The Horde doesn’t matter at all.

Because they are always winning and get cool lore characters they can identify themselves with like Jaina and Tyrande, while Horde characters purpose is being killed off. The Horde is a dead faction.

They are not. They do nothing that would improve the plot in any way possible.

Sadly, that sort of association has never really been allowed to extend into the Horde’s definition of “survival”. Prosperity has always been a hazy option for them when Blizz did focus on it, and has just been outright ignored for a long time. Especially after the faction became more a plot-device to use by the devs, rather than a coherent Faction of people to write and build up.

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Your reasons for hate would be gone because you’d be benefitting from the winning and cool characters. So why don’t you play on that side?

Their help is a big part of Cataclysm, Legion, Warlords, Wrath, and Burning Crusade.

Because I don’t like playing a faction that is lead by humans. Humans are the most boring race in any fantasy franchise.

Legion was Turalyon, Velen, Alleria and Khadgar and Illidan. No Horde seen anywehre. Warlords was Khadgar and Cordanna, again no Horde to be seen, Wrath was Tirion and Darion. Two humans. Only cataclysm was about Thrall and that was the only time a Horde character did anything useful for the story.

Hate to agree with Erevian on this point, but it is true that the Horde wasn’t really allowed to really shine in any of these end of the world style conflicts; and the Alliance or Alliance/Neutrals took center stage. With Legion being the most apparent offender, where the Horde was so inconsequential in that fight that Turalyon didn’t even know the Horde had Paladins until Arathi. Despite Liadrin being one of only two Horde reps “allowed” on Argus. Shows you how truly and utterly worthless and optional the Horde was for that story.

The Alliance-Alliance/Neutrals defeated the Legion, the Horde just kinda watched.


So they don’t have it that great because they’re super boring?

Legion was order halls that had basically every meaningful character. Saurfang, Hamuul, it setup the two later characters of Thalyssra and Mayla.

Warlords had all the garrison characters. Blood Elves in Talador. Thrall.

Wrath had Saurfang again. All the characters staging towards fighting the Lich King. Thrall. Garrosh.

For thinking humans are boring, you get really hyper focused about them.

and visa versa in faction conflict story, where the Alliance partly played no role in the past or always played a storywise unimportant role(Forgiving victim), the plot of Factions conflict was always about the Horde and it was in the center.

And thats, i think, is on purpose from blizz.

Neutral content : Alliance Character (not the Alliance) in focus
Factionconflict: Horde (Faction)focus

The problem that has arisen is that the Alliance as a faction also needs focus, and the Horde needs a new moral foundation.


Yes, because clearly the Horde is allowed to “shine” in Faction Conflict expacs too… We get more focus, nothing else, but lets not kid ourselves that Blizz (in both the Cata/MoP and BfA eras) weren’t just Blizz drowning the faction in sewage so they could use it as a Plot-Device to settup future content, future expansions, and future villains. Which is why things like “motives” (let alone valid ones) are luxuries that the Horde doesn’t need.

Totally irrelevant in Expacs that require Heroes (that’s the Alliance’s job), and a weak, ineffective villain plot-device during Faction Conflict ones. The Horde sure has it good amirite?


Neutral content : Alliance Character (not the Alliance) in focus
Factionconflict: Horde (Faction)focus

The problem that has arisen is that the Alliance as a faction also needs focus, and the Horde needs a new moral foundation.

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This is because they get the most screentime obviously.

Thrall disappeared after he killed Garrosh. Final patch was about Yrel and Khadgar.

They were underrepresented. Exarch Maladaar was the main focus in Talador.

Mostly alliance characters. Even the organizations mostly Horde races themes had had Nobundo representing them. In this case the earten ring. Horde did almost nothing to defeat the Legion. That entire story was carried by the Alliance up to the point when the Argus plot started.

Because they are the writers pet. Anduin and Jaina are the best proof of this.

You only ever see heroes, the characters, in the alliance, but you completely overlook how UNIMPORTANT the alliance is in the story as a faction. There are always only alliance characters, there is no good alliance bond, there is no feeling built up about the alliance as a whole.

You should really look at both sides and you’ll see, no, the alliance doesn’t have it better. The problems of the Alliance are the strengths of the Horde and visa versa.


you are being dishonest. The Alliance got a massive amount of feel good moments in Bfa. These three videos are the best proof of that. All the Horde got was a long series of defeats. Admit that the Alliance got it much better and the story and we might can have a honest debate about the problem of Alliance bias.

Well that’s blatantly untrue. Anduin’s and Jaina’s roles were important to resolving the entire BfA conflict, from Andy motivating Saurfang to rebel, to pushing Saurfang again to actually confront Sylvanas, to Jaina giving Baine a measure of forgiveness to motivate him to finally join the rebellion. Tyrande had an important role in Darkshore, as did Malfurion.

In Cataclysm/MoP, Varian was front and center. He might not have been as prominent as Garrosh, but he’s a damn close second.

Pretending these characters weren’t important to the narrative is just plain dishonesty.


Truly, ask yourself? Do you want the type of “Faction Focus” the Horde just got? Truly Zahir? Because “being forced to be the FORCED proactive villains with ZERO motives, and Blizz actively shaming you for it for 4+ years now” has destroyed the Faction. Its DESTRUCTIVE “focus”, because the Horde is not the goal of that attention. It never was, that was damage control. Using the Horde to settup future content and villains is (Garrosh and Sylvanas THEY were the important part of those stories, as well as the expacs THEY could lead to).

Moral Foundation? We found ours apparently, by being as submissive and convenient for the Alliance (the LITERAL Moral Litmus test of this setting, they ARE morality itself at this point). And we need a whole lot more than that, with Blizz destroying the Faction Identity, Racial Fantasy, and Character Roster of the Horde for that apparent “Faction Focus” some Alliance players keep implying they covet. Things that will take years of passion and focus to even attempt to start repairing. You know WHY the Alliance doesn’t get internal focus and “Faction Stories”? Because they can’t be allowed flaws enough to cause enough lasting friction and differences to create them.