I hate the NE bias in things

But the Alliance doesn’t have to be your enemy if you don’t want them to be.
You could just choose to play them.

That is never gonna happen. Like ever.

Why not? If you think they have it better, sounds like you would enjoy it.

It is rather curious that as pro-horde as you claim to be, you consistently portray yourself as the most visually un-horde-like racial option.


I mean, of all the things he says where he is very open about just being anti-Alliance (and not pro-horde in the slightest) … his avatar race is just a drop in the bucket don’t you think?

I think he hates the alliance so passionately because it’s borne out of jealousy. He can’t be the ally belfy boi of his dreams without impurifying himself in void. :slight_smile:


“Maybe”? But he certainly doesn’t seem to like the Horde, with so many of his chioces both for the Horde and his council being almost reactionary and contrarian to either the Alliance (or the current council)? I suppose he may like the DBZ esk power scaling of the Alliance reps I suppose? That is possible to an extent.

I’m not sure if he’s even ever tried playing Alliance

Playing the opposite faction even when they don’t appeal to you and you are unlikely to stay can at least provide clarity as to why you prefer your home faction. It’s why I still maintain some Horde alts even though I switched to Alliance in BC.

Now’s a great time too, leveling is the best it has ever been in this game’s history.

I did give it a shot during the prepatch, and as stupid as this sounds, it actually left me feeling a little embittered over how much more pleasant the questing felt when the character I was playing didn’t have that big ol’ genocide cloud floating over my head. Most of what little I remember of the war campaign felt almost nauseatingly cheery, though. I guess it was meant to counterbalance the BFA prepatch but it felt overdone. But it probably didn’t help that I had little attachment to alliance NPCs and still had no interest in killing horde characters.

I might have stuck with it anyway but it felt so amazingly crappy to not be part of the guild I’ve been in since I started in TBC, despite the fact I was actually in its alliance sister guild. It wouldn’t have helped that all of the alliance races save for one had even less appeal to me than horde ones do, and even if I DID want to abandon my entire roster of alts and start from scratch, a good half of them would be even less visually interesting to me than before because of it. Then again, BFA killed off a lot of interest in me playing those alts through its content anyway, so I guess not much would have really changed on that front.

We are the majority of the Horde population, Sarm. We are the Horde. Between us and the nightfallen, we’re gonna Make Orgrimmar Beautiful Again. #MOBA!!!


Everyone wants to talk about the NE bias in WoW but nobody wants to talk about the NEET bias in WoW

Except he didn’t twist anything and you are the one twisting what really happened. What Baal said is 100% right. That thread you are talking about was about making the tauren sun god a real thing ( since they lost their moon god to the night elf) that would be on pare with Elune but wouldn’t be like Elune, it was different enough in many way as proposed by the OP.

Than few alliance poster and you came in the thread, decide that Elune being unique and alone was all of sudden canon ( despite the complete lack of knowledge that we have about her) and therefore every other universal god was stealing from the night elf…

Meanwhile the reality is that Elune being unique or not is something that we just don’t know so not being unique can’t be taking away from the night elf.


Hmm. If the wisps speak up and the night elves learn to call upon the elements thanks to some ancient dark troll who is loyal to the night elves, would that be stealing some of the Horde’s themes? Does the Horde have anything else to steal? Shamans, voodoo, bloody rage, spirits, spiked everything, a mountain of muscles, weapons of mass destruction, “survival in a hostile world” … Hmm, only shamans with spirits and voodoo want to steal.

I mean, the Alliance already have shamans, so no?

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Yes, draenei, dwarves, all that. But since Elune is the goddess of the night elves, I “trade” on their behalf, and training from allies … Hardly. Again there will be “a little patience” or something similar. Druids will fall asleep or leave for Silithus, the night elves will not be able to control the wisps because of this, the groves will begin to fade, hunger. And if the allies help, it will again become a “girl in trouble” situation. There is little help from the draenei due to their “small numbers” mentioned in the War of the Thorns; the dwarves will scoff, dwarves Dark Iron for sure. No, shamanism must be studied independently and thereby overcome the crisis.

I do like the Horde. I see it as an instrument to destroy the Alliance for good. Blizzards alliance bias has ruined the game far too long. It is time to end that status quo and pull the cord for good. The Horde will rise and the Alliance fall.

No, it really wont in a two faction game.

And your response proves my point. Your entire relationship with the Horde, save for a few characters that embody your “villains without consequences” power fantasy, is reactionary to the Alliance. You don’t really “like” the Horde, you just hate the Alliance. And I feel very safe in saying with how arbitrary your “Council List” is, you don’t even like the majority of those on it. You just hate the current Council. What a truly empty image of what the Horde could be or is, still defined entirely by the Alliance.



You do not like the Horde. You keep posting about all the things you need to see changed about the Horde, usually while also talking just as much about the Alliance.

You talk about the Horde like you’d talk about the new SO, trying to change them and make them the polar opposite of the lover that spurned you (the Alliance), all while weakly saying you really do love this new lover.

Just be honest with yourself, Everin. Admit that you miss the Alliance and maybe they’ll take you back. I ship it!


He longs to bask in Anduin’s loving grace once more. That’s why he acts out; it’s the only way his seme-pie will notice him.


The Horde without the villainy doesn’t matter as a faction. It is empty and without purpopse. But as Alliance enemy we have a purpose. FIghting against the Alliance will be the same relationship like the Republic has with the Sith Empire. I say it is a cool dynamic.