I hate the NE bias in things

Not to mention, the lion’s share of horde players are all blood elves anyway. People go damn gaga over elves.


Turns out Blizzard does in fact know their audience.

I think it’s that AOE silence they have myself.

It does. Because it makes Zandalari have exact same experience that day as Darkspears had. Additionally Rastakhan was killed, a Pope-like figure which he had an opportiunity to know better. Rastakhan even sent Aid to rescue Rokhan at the Blood gate. And they were fighting side by side while PC went to Talanji.

I’m saying it’s both mix of investment he had with Zandalari, and a reminder what Proudmoores are really like.
Jaina invaded trolls just like her father did.
And a reminder that it was her troopes that reached Durotar with intention to attack both orcs and trolls.

What she did recently outweights what she did many years ago. Especially when all she did in the past was not to get involved while Rokhan and Rexar and Chen went to do the thing.

It hasn’t been an AoE silence for a while now. It’s an AoE purge, which isn’t as useful, especially for ranged.

The real reason we all play blood elves is the obvious game-breaking benefits of our twirly jump. Twirly jump is super-OP.


Heh. I’ve noticed. That’s why I said “I wish” and “can we.” Be the change, yknow?


Yep. Alas, the only thing I can do about either is continue to remind myself that they’re the vocal minority, and try not to be a jerk myself, and try not to let their negativity infect my perception of the whole player base.

It’s rough sometimes – I still remember the gaggle of white frat bros screaming “for the Horde!” and shouting gendered slurs at me and my Alliance bumper sticker, me just minding my own business and old enough to be their embarrassed mom. I admit it freaked me out pretty hard, and it’s part of the reason I’m reluctant to ever attend Blizzcon.

But then I stop and think of all the Horde friends I’ve made – even one Forsaken rogue I met during an RP-PvP event who was so genuinely sweet and polite when he asked if he could give me some pointers about playing my class. He had a bad rep Alliance-side as a ganker and camper so it was with low expectations and some trepidation that I said yes, and he became one of my dearest WoW friends.

We’re all just people, after all. Individuals every one of us. We aren’t a hive mind, and I remind myself of that when I start to feel like every Horde player hates me for playing Alliance. I know better.


this playerbase is bigger than the handful of jerks <3


No, YOU’RE bigger than a handful of jerks!!

JK, you’re wonderful.


Bowl goblins. Well … Few gems, the main stone is ugly, mostly single paint is used. The main stone was replaced by the adjacent one, but it has not yet been polished. The bowl is small, they rarely drink.

Any other complaints from the goblins? Excessively a lot of Gallywix, little time devoted to Gazlowe, the main narrative is an explosive comedy, they rarely participate in the main plot.

Hmm. Amphora filled with charcoal smeared with soot? And there’s a dead smiley on the soot? Gazlowe will be graphite.

Yeah, they changed it in, what, WoD?

I think it was changed in BFA, just in time for some raid to require dispels to kill adds and the BE dispel just so conveniently happened to do that.


Goblins ironically are one of the few races that have actually benefited from the last few expansions in terms of lore. Since Cata they’ve consistently gained more worldbuilding and spotlight that’s almost entirely positive. Their Heritage chain, while not my favourite, was the best in terms of advancing the race’s story. I think it helps that almost all the negativity is focused on Gallywix, who is/was their leader but was also their antagonist to an extent.

One of the biggest strengths in terms of the goblin narrative, though, is something that Blizzard needs to do more of for the tauren as well, which is recurring characters. At the moment, the characters we see associated with tauren who come around are either associated with Highmountain, or they’re neutral… or they’re Magatha. This is one of Blizzard’s writing failings, in that they insist on making up new characters and leaving behind old ones, even in the same expansion.


Actually, I think it might’ve been BfA, like Sarm said.

Feels a lot longer, but BfA does sound about right.


The Horde is nothing as a faction. All the greater meta plot of the game is covered by the Alliance. The Horde in comparison doesn’t matter cause they have no connections to the cosmic powers the same way the alliance does. If you delete the Horde nobody would notice the difference. It is ALWAYS Alliance characters who get the screentime. Never the Horde. The Argus plot says it all.

I think they were trying for “open world BG’s” with some world PvP with the new War Mode system. Obviously they either missed some serious deadlines and decided to launch it anyways, or they once again didn’t consider how players would abuse it.

I stopped wearing WoW patches when I flew because of the negative attention it would garner. People take faction stuff way too seriously.


Warfronts were intended to be a throwback to the RTS game, with resource management and building things and all that. I believe that’s what the Blizzcon announcement was. But even then, there were two easily identifiable problems with the very concept.

  1. Trying to have a resource management game where you have 20 people working together through the same queuing system as Raid Finder means you can only go with “impossible for a random group to complete” or “trivially easy, requiring two people working towards the objectives”.

  2. By making the gave a battle against an AI, you need to choose to compound on either of the above scenarios. If the AI behaves intelligently and strategically, 20 strangers will always fail. If the AI behaves less than intelligently and strategically, the difficulty decreases dramatically.

  3. Finally, by putting a gear reward at the end, you either have to make the gear utterly worthless, or valuable. If it’s worthless, nobody’s going to bother. If it’s valuable, everyone with an alt or freshly leveled main is going to rush queuing for warfronts.

They wanted people to do warfronts, so early Arathi had (for the time) valuable newly-120 gear. This means people will rush to it, so it has to be something everyone has a chance to complete. Because real RTS objectives would be too complex for a Raid Finder-type group, they have to simplify it, and if the AI is actually challenging, even simple mechanics would result in failure.

So instead of being a well thought out RTS-style mini game in an MMO, it became a grindable Raid Finder style quick gearing system most people were done with in a day. The open world objectives were actually more challenging (such as they were) than the warfront.

Warfronts should have been PvP, with smart AI assistance on both sides. It should have been a system with two difficulties at launch; Normal and randomly queuable, and Heroic premades. And it should have had real RTS elements across the board.

Instead it was a bad idea, created with bad choices, then left completely unfinished.


Do the pandaren have a bowl? Or was it a disposable cup? After all, no one even cries about them.

If the Alliance has it better, why don’t you play Alliance?

Because the Alliance is my enemy and I will never stop fighting them until they have a massive loss.