I hate the NE bias in things

I had it this week and it was my fourth one?

Not according to Zahir :roll_eyes: lol

Wild God post-Shadowlands just means “sufficiently powerful nature spirit”. Dryads (his daughters) die and stay in the Shadowlands, Cenarius did not.

I actually have a theory about this:

Well no.

Taunka and Highmountain lore, yes, but Yaungol is the precursor race. The Night Elf equivalent of thinking Yaungol lore is Tauren lore is insisting Troll lore is Night Elf lore.


Really? And they were specifically nameless ones, right? Because I only got that quest twice somewhat early on and it’s never appeared again since then.

Yup nameless.

Huh. Maybe my account is bugged since I did that quest twice in one day, due to me going back and doing it a second time before I turned in the calling it was tied to.

My bad, then. I guess I’m just locked out of being able to repeat it.

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the chronicles are from titan pov, no one says that they have the right answer on this term.

Tauren fans loved when Baine was a spineless do-nothing until it was already too late in BFA and resorted to sneaking around to undermine Sylvanas (RIP Zelling), and became the damsel in distress for the 12th time in Shadowlands.
I know tauren fans are hyped to see how much of a joke the 10 foot tall bull man can be.


And Night Elf fans loved when Tyrande went through a deadly ancient ritual, then together with Malfurion couldn’t get anything done against Sylvanas’ sidekick and is now being portrayed as wrong and crazy for trying to bring Sylvanas to justice before the Night Elf genocide is justified by the writers.
We also loved seeing Tyrande get ignored in both fronts in BfA, the faction war and Azshara since she was neither present in 8.2 nor 8.2.5.

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The point I was trying to make that “getting attention” from modern Blizz writers usually means “dragged through the wringer with little to show for it”.

I have a hard time thinking of when a character/race getting lots of lore attention meant something positive for them. Except gnomes.
We came out pretty okay with Mechagon.

Team “must be bugged” here too. I got it twice the first time it was up, twice again the second time, but never again after that.

Maybe Baal’s the bugged one? Baal, did you complete the covenant campaign?

Not really. The night elf/troll were always two distinct races that ended up being connected later on by Blizzard.

The Yaungol was always design to be connected to the taurens from day one.

It would be more like how Suramar lore is technically night elf lore until they became the inhabitants became nightborne.

Or how the Silvermoon elves lore is still related to the night elf lore.

They were retcon’d from offshoot race to precursor race in the same expansion they were introudced lol

Point is Yaungol lore isn’t tauren lore

That in the most pedantic non-argument I’ve seen today.

It’s utterly irrelevant when Blizzard connected two races. If they are connected, either they all share one lore, or they do not share one lore. Either troll lore is night elf lore, or yaungol lore is not tauren lore. You don’t get to pick and choose when logical reasoning applies.


He brought up bias but night elf tragedies has little to do with the substance of his argument. Tauren have gotten crumbs of lore since their creation… and somehow the night elf pity party says attention will get your race killed off and that he shouldn’t wish for it on the Tauren.

The burning and how tragic it was has nothing to do with bias or the lack of Tauren lore. As a collective we need to quit infecting every forum topic by making it about teldrassil.

No pun intended but everybody is literally burnt out by it.


What do you mean with always? WC 3? If so yes.
The connection already existed since WoW Classic though.

Then here is my question. Is high elf/blood elf lore also void elf lore?(void elves were effectively all three). Is Dath’ramar Sunstrider’s lore just night elven lore until he founded Quel’thalas? My issue with this is this is that Baalsamael seem to think there should be some arbitrary cut off point.

And if there should be one, I would say yes, some troll lore(particularly the dark troll lore from when they started going to the Well of Eternity to their transformation) should be classified as part of night elf lore(note, I dont think all troll lore should be considered night elf lore in the same vein I dont think all night elf lore should be considered Blood/void/high elves lore). Similarly Yaungol/ Taurens should get that same treatment.

Yes that is what I meant. Heck reading wikipedia the RPG listed the humans as the night elf pre cursors as oppose to the trolls which makes me think even by Vanilla WoW Blizzard was not 100% sure about how they would write the night elf precursor race.

We Goblins also benefitted from the Mechagon. As weird as the gameplay loop was for that little zone, looking at its writing and its counterpart Naz’jatar … someone put the Interns on this zone and they just had fun. Gobbo writing (as little as it was) was on point throughout all of BfA. Wix. Gobsquad. Gazlowe. Mechagon. Heritage Questline. Included more creativity and charm then that PC race has seen since the Cata intro tbh.

EDIT: Thank you Gnomies for sharing the good time. :smiley:

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Alliance player using WC3 as a main lore argument to oppose WoW lore? Check!

Is WC3 the only argument that alliance player can bring up lately? I swear that nearly all story forum thread argument end up with a night elf or a MHP being ‘‘muh WC3!!!’’.

Don’t know why you had to bring WC3 to say that troll wasn’t always the night elf precursor. Troll WERE always the night elf precursor. Not because we didn’t knew it in WC3 that it isn’t true in WoW.


LOL, I get the point, but I’m not sure we’re much better off here on the “We Like Thrall’s New Horde” vision ship. We lasted … well, until the end of WotLK before Blizz got board with that idea. So we’re better off than the “Savage WC3 NE” crowd, but not much better off.


We are not talking about lore here. We are talking about how meta wise(as in what the devs were thinking about at the time) did not have any particular plans to connect the two(or least didnt tell the players until around cata).

Warcraft lore is warcraft lore. Regardless if it was the RTS or not. Especially considering to this day characters and events from the RTS still keep influencing WoW(Like Sylvanas, Turalyon, Alleria, Tyrande).

At least ‘’ Thrall’s horde’’ was a thing in WoW and is still bring up from time to time like end of mop to legion and end of Bfa until now. Even there, i personalty dont even see the current horde as neither of the WC2 or the WC3 horde. I see them as something that blizzard make however they feel like they need to make them, which is either the alliance enemy or either the alliance side story.

As for the alliance use of WC3, i feel that since the human and the night elf were so overly favoured as the protagonist of the story, that night elf player and mostly MHP just overuse it as a reason for why the night elf and human should have more than every other race and end up denying WoW lore just to make WC3 as being the reference.

A few example is how lordaeron should be alliance despite being horde all of WoW lifetime.

How night elf should have half of kalimdor despite other race not having one single zone.

How night elf should be able to defeat the whole horde despite the horde being stronger and the night elf getting weaker over WoW ( which was need because how OP WC3 make them).

How troll lore just stole everything to the night elf and is just retcon despite being a thing since Vanilla…

I feel like story forum thread always go down to this lately. Probably have something to do with some forum poster always derailing thread…