Glory days of med pop pvp servers that had a soul are gone I suppose. These types of servers have every drawback besides getting boosts which shouldn’t even be a thing.
Megaservers are good if all you want to do is spam dungeons and raid log.
Megaservers suck if you want to engage with the world in a meaningful way and build a server community.
Posting in a deranged Soofikins thread.
First it’s world buffs now it’s hating the servers… idk what’s next in this saga.
Disliking megaservers is new?
How new are you?
In other words…they’re built for the Retai experience. And don’t capture the spirit of the old game.
I’ve been telling people this for so long…
The sweaty dorks that rush to 60 and skip as much leveling content as possible don’t care about the spirit of WoW they just want the best gear possible so they can dab on people.
I am aware of that, and that’s exactly the type of player Blizz is catering to in Classic, sadly.
Actually in terms of the megaserver decision I think that’s just an ancillary byproduct. The real reason is just that it’s cheaper and easier to maintain 1 server. And that’s all that matters to Blizz.
When they announced it they said “It’s the best way to play WoW”, because they also enjoy megaservers because retail players.
Come play Era Classic; we’re legit med pop and no layers and a real chill community.
Over the last few days the humble beginnings of a new leveling wave has started. Only about 45 of us so far allies side.
I hate WoW with a 4GB VRAM GPU (or whatever it is).
Why cant I go back to playing WoW with a GeForce 256(MB)?
Did they really?
Ugh. I hope that was just a lie to try to justify the megaservers. If the Classic team truly believes that…they should be looking for new jobs.
Yeah they suck, I hope they break them up but it is what it is.
You must have a crush on me
I have a 35 Pally on WM Cluster.
Come level, I re-rolled another new warrior. Is level 12 now in 4 hrs 13min played solo self found. Need to turn in the warrior quest stuff in East Vale then off to Westfall.
The community right now is small but everyone is really chill and helpful. Its fairly easy to also make gold on the AH since the flood of evil from off server has stopped. If you need help with anything send in game mail or DM me, ill help ya.
Anniversary is definitely far less fun than 2019 because of the megaservers. I just think Blizzard doesn’t want to deal with all of the faction imbalance and xfer drama that plagued the game. All of the snowball xferring killed all of the good servers
I would be happy to play on a medium population realm again. But Blizzard have learned their lesson spinning up many servers for classic just for everyone to transfer to mega servers because "the economy…can’t find a tank… " Or what ever. And then the people who didn’t transfer would be in a real bind and Blizzard would have to open up free transfers…so this time around “too bad you are all on the same server!”
Megaservers exist for two main reasons
The community effectively created them in 2019 via transfers. Smaller servers were straight up depopulated so people could move to higher pop servers.
It’s not 2006 where wow is growing and players are joining faster than they are quitting. Server populations reduce over time, so unless the pop is already high, servers will naturally empty out. See Era where they had to cluster pretty much every server to get enough bodies to count as even medium pop by Classic standards.
Given the choice between “sense of community” (which is still there on mega servers), and “getting to play the game”, people will pick playing the game they’re paying for every single time.
Megaservers are horrible. So last year. Ruining WoW by the year as the playerbase foolishly demands server consolidation just so they can run BFD at 4am with a 10 second wait to form groups.
Microservers? So hot right now. Come join us. Nearly four years strong on Era and our small town server nestled under the sycamore trees.
I was just about to summon you, sir, but you’re already here!
Grob is BiS!
(so is Jarl )