I hate how much time I spent this week filling my vault for nothing

What they are describing is FFXIV loot system :man_shrugging: . Gear is easy to get , so you can do the harder content .

Engaging with any system In the game that feels bad or generally not good probably means it needs to be improved. There are ways that this sytem could be improved. The mentality that ā€œwe didnā€™t use to have it now we do so it doesnā€™t need to be improvedā€ is silly


And, if people preferred FFXIV, they can go play that?

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and a lot of people did at some point and blizzard begged on the knees everyone to come back

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Blizzard never did this.

Someone has short memory.

So, when did this happen? And improving wow / innovating isnā€™t begging players to come back.

Plus recently, we had stuff like Choregast, Azeriteā€¦

Nuh uh.

Didnā€™t people go to FFXIV during one of the content lulls, then once WOW got new content, they abandoned the game?

Started by some streamer if I recall.

I had a different issue, but i feel your pain. The first three weeks i was racing to get something each week. Level cap, earthen, pvp gear capped. Then conq capped.

I just gave up. It wasnt fun and it wasnt worth it.

I mean to be fairā€¦it kinda happened it shadowlands. Ff stopped selling their game because there servers could t handle the influx of new players. Weather they were from wow idk or if FF is that goodā€¦I have no idea. I havenā€™t played enough of it to say. But SL did have a MASSIVE exodus of the game and a lot of those players did go to FF

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And when did players allegedly come back? DF was the make things harder period.

Yeah, no.
DF S3 and S4 easiest and most popular seasons.
Your strawman didnt work again.

It would be great if the game only consists of season 3 and 4. (Not really.)

DF S1 is harder than TWW S1.

No its not.
I didnt play DFS1 but I believe other people who did, TWWS1 is hardest so far.

Then those people didnā€™t play DF S1.

In relation to +20 keys/ +10, like everyone was ahead of where they were in DF S1 at the same point in time.

Thereā€™s nearly no one behind.

People left FFXIV once they found out leveling and gearing isnt a zerg fest . They left cause theyve invested too much time into their wow characters and didnt wanna put forth the effort/time again .
Id also like to point out , they left wow and went to ffxiv in the middle of content patches on ffxiv as well . Im just saying, no need to be standoffish :man_shrugging:

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What you need to understand about Faux:
their only goal is to sell carries and tell eveyrone else they are worse than them.
That is all.
Both not working so we dont care.
Just keep it in mind.

Lol? Your posts are repeatedly about make the game easier, while not knowing how things were in the past.

Find me one player who has played both, and was ahead in DF S1.

If itā€™s the last 3 weeks of DF S1 being easier than TWW S1, well, we have to get there first.

I mean I would like to see blizzard be able to get a good middle group where the sweats can be happy and the ā€œcasualsā€ can still have their place as well. The brick wall for most players this season is far lower than in the past.

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