I hate dungeons now

As I said in another thread, I can’t stand the current dungeon meta.

Back when I did high-end PvE and mained tanks, in dungeons I always made sure the healer had mana after a large pull or tough fight. Granted, I was mostly always running with guildies, and your experience varies wildly based on whether you’re with pugs or guild members.

Though even with randoms, back when you had to pug in trade and manually form a group/summon, running a dungeon felt like more of a team effort. Now you just go as fast as you can unless you die, then point fingers. It’s toxic to me.

As a tank in Remix I got kicked once… for running back to grab a quest item I’d missed. I was stunned.

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Hmmm well I have chains of Ice, will that keep me alive?
i doubt id survive the first boss in a mythic encounter without someone carrying me

What on earth are you talking about?

Are you a tank? Do you have defensive abilities? Use them.

You’re generally not responsible for healing the tank on a healer other than a minor amount. Your job is to keep the dps alive.

well of course. As a tank in Remix you are supposed to leave everyone in the dust, kill the final boss before anyone else can get in range for kill credit and leave group asap.


Wtf that’s news to me, can you tell the tanks I’ve been running with? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just let them die they won’t learn any other way

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I didn’t get the memo. :dracthyr_shrug:

When it happened I was leveling, not quite at god mode yet where I could do that… though I did see tanks like that as DPS. My friend and I started calling them “demi-gods,” lol.


Random dungeons are a total crapshoot now but at least they are a crapshoot that you can basically triple team.

They’ve designed it so that 2 out of 5 can be total muppets and still achieve victory.

It’s the third one that is the charm.

They can either make dungeons even harder or nerf Tanks even more in which case I’d say target their Aggro make it harder to hold the more trash you pull :dracthyr_shrug:

The solution is to remove gear from dungeon instances where players are grouped together and award gear only from solo queued instances, e.g. follower and delve.

Running an instance with other players then becomes “story mode” where you can tell people that “hey I know there’s no point to it but I ran an instance with other people!”


yeah remix taught a lot of players some very bad habits.

Im still dealing with the loss of windwalker gem making me invulnerable to fall damage. I never knew how much i should have died from dismounting in mid air


Not really, you can get kicked because some folks will believe you’re too slow.

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I didn’t try remix until the very end, but while I was doing it I kept thinking what kind of shock it would be for these people when they went back to regular WoW.

Luckily for them normals and heroics in TWW are pretty close to the Remix “Press W for victory” play style then I guess.

Let them die. They don’t deserve heals after that


The bump in difficulty that Mythic+ will bring will undoubtedly force tanks to change their strats

I make sure to have LoS problems with a tank that makes sure to have LoS problems with me.

Accidents happen. Sorry you’re dead and I healed the ret paladin through the rest bro.


I hate that in order to get good dungeon gameplay, we have to play M+.


I’m glad you said this broadly the way you did, and agree, because it is not a tank only issue.

I am happy to accept a degree of bumbling idiocy, in fact it is honestly refreshing to see that kind of player some of the time, but we don’t need to actually have 95% of the game cater to that and lock any challenge behind 0s and non-queued raids imo.

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