I hate dungeons now

Not going to lie OP I thought you were going to say they break LoS and that mob they just built up immediately turns on you as I’ve seen that happen a lot lately too. I’ve actually delayed dealing with actual people in dungeons this expac but the story required dungeons aren’t any kinder with the ai escorts being beyond dumb. Like the ai tank not pulling aggro on last boss of Dawnbreaker so the boss wipes party phase one…I let them take charge and we finally get past phase one only for phase two to be beyond stupid. Most embarrassing death though was looking down the drop in the stormrider dungeon after second boss and seeing water and thinking okay i can jump down and be fine… only for water to act as if it doesn’t exist and I die on impact with hard ground. Lot of buggy dungeons this expac… hoping they at least fix them as it’s harder to fix people


The only possible solution is to make players not want to do content that is utterly trivial difficulty to them.

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apparently not enough of a joke if tanks still need to be healed through them


That heavily depends on the players gear and if they know how to play a tank correctly. You can be in the current BIS tank gear but still be garbage.

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Find yourself a ret pally and just pocket heal them for when the tank dies. Couple divine storms and we have threat anyway.


lol accurate

All the while getting pelted by all the caster mobs and aoe in their wake, barely able to stay alive yourself.


Go back to 1 dungeon difficulty by removing Normal & Heroic from the game.


as a druid, can’t you just keep up with the tank?

So you want to dumb down mythic to the level that normal dungeons are at now?

Not at all. Delete Normal & Heroic and keep Mythic where it is.

so first dungeon you ever do in basic quest gear is gonna be mythic?

That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

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I’ve done it every time, the last few expansions. Need to use some CC at the start, but people will be fine.

Well said.

When playing a healer (which can be one of the most stressful choices in a dungeon or raid) I do my best to stay with the tank - but then I have to decide: do I stay with the rest of the group and try and keep them alive or run off after the tank and let everyone else die?

I shouldn’t need to make that decision. I mean, do we do that in an organised group? No, people use their heads and think and make the right choices. Being in a random does not change being right.


Its basically throwing 2 very different groups of players with different expectations into the same content. I agree that it probably results in bad feelings all around.

Granted all my queues have been fine, but mainly ive been running with a group so idk i probably dont have the numbers to judge it properly.


Why shouldn’t heroic dungeons be part of the end game?

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In my dungeon last night just a regular mind you not even heroic the tank was moving so fast there was literally no time to loot mobs. I’m just constantly running and trying to dps down these massive packs before they make us wipe frantically. No timer or anything, the tanks have just evolved to pull like this now it seems. We even killed the bosses and the healer and tank didn’t even loot them they just kept going lol.

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FFXIV builds it dungeons with this playstyle in mind, pull to the wall.

Wow hasn’t, and Remix broke everyone’s brains.

I haven’t enjoyed dungeons much for a decade, after a while they are all essentuially the same, a hallway full of mobs. Learn the dance get your prize.

I only do them to level.


make a tank, problem solved. ques are instant are leveling is fast. be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

What needs to happen to make dungeons slower and more strategic is something I doubt Blizzard would even consider at this point. But the TLDR is they would need to change core mob and tank mechanics to make this type of tanking entirely unproductive.

    1. Tanks loss aggro if the tank stays out of range too long, Maybe only melee mobs.
    1. All players damage reduction falls off based on the number of mobs that are hitting them. Which is a totally common sense and realistic mechanic, if 5 people try and hit you at the same time you’re not blocking or dodging all of them.

These two things would force tanks to stay with mobs to hold aggro and not over pull. But I imagine it would be WILDLY unpopular with the “I wan’t to see big numbers on my screen” crowd and is probably too much work to casually pull off mid expansion.