I hate Dragonflying

Maybe you are, but I don’t exclude the possibility of me misreading either. But it felt to me like Liadariel answered my previous post in a passive-aggressive-sarcastic way. That is why I told both that they can walk.

Who in his/her right mind wants to Ground Mount because they can’t use Dynamic Flight for whatever reason? But that is another discussion from another thread.

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I hate dragonflying too. I miss my old horse mounts that didnt jump around like idiots in the air.
I hate this new system forced on us.
I hate how it is effecting the disabled community.

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The animation of the horse mounts in dynamic flight mode is actually hideous, I can agree on that. But you can still use them with the old animation, when using static flight.

What is really affecting them and on that one I’m with you, is that you’ll first have to make the pathfinder achievement before you can use static flight. But at least this time pathfinder will be available from the start and not like “max out rep for all factions”, etc

The pure existence of dynamic flight is not affecting them at all on the other hand.

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As well as earnable via ground mount, which just places it back to how it was in BC, Wrath and MoP.

It’s still a bad decision in my eye, but yes. At least that.

I would at least want a mount for it and not only “downgraded flying” x)

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with all the arguing about steady being locked behind it, we might have overlooked if it includes a mount.

This can vary from one person to the next, like is it “downgraded” if it is the more precise flight? In a lot of the game, precision is king for quests and gathering.

Nah, last time I did check on beta, it didn’t…at least I think so…

I use dynamic flight for precision flying without any trouble. Also for questing. The only thing which is better in static flight is gathering…at least since they took that one talent away…
So yes, in general it is the downgraded option. For some it might differ.

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They have already nerfed dragonflying (more than once)… they should just remove pathfinder and let players be happy.


On that one I would (partially) agree. Remove it as a requirement for static flight? Yes. But they could just exchange that with a simple mount instead of removing it altogether. :smiley:

Or they could keep in it, but also allow players to buy steady flight on at least a per character basis, could even place it at the point where dynamic flight is unlocked (just recall here it it is not right out the gate, but like waking shores a short ways along the campaign in).

How does that make any sense? o.O static flight will be unlocked for all chars at once anyways.

It gives those that have issues with dynamic flight/sky riding, and don’t want to go via ground an option. They still might have to do pathfinder for the account wide, but if they can do it the way they want, on at least ONE character, would it be as much of an issue?

That does literally make no sense. Just remove the achievement requirement and everything will be good. :person_shrugging:

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To you maybe, but some of us are trying to enable those with issues to get what they want without feeling like we don’t matter to Blizzard.

Can you actually read my posts: I wrote they should remove the requirement altogether. How is that not enabling those?!

I think most are happy it was carried over.
As for the other point, each flight has its advantages. If you need steady flight, speed is where you lose the advantage.

I love skyriding.
Skyriding is love.

People who hate love are hateful.

Hateful people are not cool.

That group just needs something to argue about in here. lmao.
As you can see, PF is dying now…very short this time around. Ion might just remove it entirely as a requirement next expansion. And that sort wont have anything left to argue about if he does, lol

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Do I really need to spell it out? You said:

But as one that knows human nature, that won’t be true, it will either go quiet till something else comes up that people think is “unfair” or doing as you say will just open the doors for people to whine about “Blizzard catering to Karens” or along those lines, for peace on the forums, either both sides need to be accounted for OR people need to STOP TURNING THEIR VITORIL ON OTHER PLAYERS.

I hear that that talent is coming back in the gather tree itself in War Within. I can’t confirm since I have not checked myself, but I do hope so. I hate using old flight for gathering, and would much prefer just to keep using my skyriding mounts.