I hate Dragonflying

They will complain about it anyways, who cares?

That doesn’t help much in older content though (untested by me). But yeah, I heard that as well…but I didn’t check it

If static flying is in the game I am unsubscribing and never buying another blizzard game again.

If blizzard cares more about pandering to crybullies then actually making a good game then this company isn’t worth supporting.

It is in the game, but currently locked behind a VERY EASY pathfinder (hit max, all main storylines done, fully explore).

The complaints come more from those that want it available from the start.

But your post just shows the duel nature of the community, if x is included, y players will quit, if x is not included, z players will quit

Another thread on Skyriding hate.
And it is an alt of the same people who keep posting it all the time.


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I think there is a bug. I turned it off on a lot of my guys and it appears that it stays off.

At least for now. Will double check when I get home from work tonight.

Yep, I know.

I’m just here to offset all the old flying psycho’s who want to ruin this game.

Anytime they say they won’t buy the game I’ll buy an extra copy. Everytime they say they will resub I will unsub.

This is what quite a few don’t seem to get, one man’s trash in another mans treasure, or what ruins the game for one will save it for another.

Eh it’s not hard to understand. They just narrow-mindedly value convivence over immersion and gameplay.

Path of least resistance, for sure not a new concept.

Just saying.

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I am not sure about others, but I prefer the “path of Kings”. The path of least resistance may look easier, but more often then not winds up in a dead end where as the “path of kings” leads to bigger and better things.

Some people are leaders, but most are followers.

Lot’s a sheep, not so many shepherds etc.

and some of us are in the middle, not a shepherd, but not a sheep, more like either the ram that leads the flock or the sheepdog that helps the shepherd out.

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You mean Draenei right?


did that to me when I left dungeons, fell to my death a few times…

some here are for intentionally harming others no matter how sweet or polite they write.

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The old no clip helicopter flying is dead, get over it.

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That is same wrong like what he did write

and some claim BS like this because they don’t like what one is posting.

If I want to hurt others, then you want to hurt me for the simple “crime” of having a different opinion from you,

If one wants or needs a lift due to their disability, I’ll give them one, if one wants to argue that the one dungeon needs work for those that are disabled, I’ll side with them, etc.

If your argument is that Accessibility option A is not available at the start is hurting disabled people, but option B lets them get option A without issue, your argument is less about accessibility and more about whiney brats throwing a tantrum due to not getting their way.

I mean for crying out loud here, the thing he said does not make sense is my idea for a gold cost tied to flight on a PER CHARACTER basis. You and yours would get an option, those of us that want to earn our flight and not take the easy way out get ours, everyone should be, if not happy, at leas ambivalent to how things are,

I said it many times in posts already. I do think sky riding is fantastic.

However I am thinking it’s stupid on a per mount basis you can’t set if it’s dynamic or static flight.

I also think pathfinder should just be removed altogether.

But the that said pathfinder in TWW is about as simple as you can make it.


I love Steady Flight because it doesn’t make vomit like Skyriding does. I love no :face_vomiting:!