I hate Dragonflying

Shrug… Mount Speed on my character sheet stats hasn’t changed. And yes, I am using the same Addon (DejaCharacter Stats) to show this. This is the character I am referencing so I don’t have any mount speed boosts outside of guild perks.

Oh well… not that big of a deal to be honest.

IDK, but they also didn’t help me trust the people who saw it as a positive review of this expansion, who think it’s THE SAVIOUR OF WOW after the Shadowlands disaster.

I only know what I’m going to see, I wish it was the opposite, but that little bit I saw is not what I saw in previous expansions, believe me, I bet that no matter what happens with TWW, they will see it the opposite because I know that because of their ideology it’s not what I wanted and there are people who love DF for other reasons.

There really is a community that doesn’t exist since the good times of the Warcraft RTS trilogy.

I don’t know how you see it, but if you are a fan of Stardew Valley, Farmville or Harvest Moon, those games are just around the corner, it is an MMO and I don’t know what they were looking for, but I can’t judge it either since, as you say, there are changes in what there is not to say that this WoW is not the fun you think, it is another game but that.

hmm… yeah… but this not in this expansion, As I said, there are 2 systems that worked, but they only exist, and without those systems the expansion IS NOTHING, not even to say that it was worse than Shadowlands, it is absolutely an expansion, nothing of what it is, and it will only depend on those 2 systems that will serve for the major turn and the evolution for the future of the MMO.

You get used to it, luckily Blizzard gives you 2 options, believe me skyriding is useless if I do quests, it’s too fast to stop, but it’s entertaining.

I would expect the same for ground mounts, since half of the mounts are useless, and it would be a different but similar version of skyriding where it’s more entertaining on ground and sky.

It hasn’t changed recently, but it went up when the prepatch hit.
Were you playing beta before? Maybe thats why you didn’t notice? Idk.

I use this too so idk. It was 310% since what? cata? It just changed when prepatch dropped to kind of “even out” dynamic and static.
Same with how dynamic got a bit of a nerf for old world.

I’ve this weak aura and it shows the 540% speed of steady flight on my Death Knight (we have a skill that gives 20% riding speed).


I don’t mind dragonriding but it does have its issues.

Obviously you can’t auto-pilot like you have always been able to do in wow or go in the air and be able to go afk without dying like that, you have to land on a safe spot if someone is at the door for instance.

Also… I’ve trying to locate a house in dustwallow where there are so many trees and it took me forever because it’s just too damned fast for that… now I get why they all go hide in the woods when the dragons arrive in House of the Dragons… it’s just not meant for that.

It would be amazing if you could toggle it while flying because yes, sometime it would be useful to limit to 310% speed.

And also…those seriously annoying times you run out of vigor and have to wait. I suppose you eventually get better at that, but geezus this makes you hate this feature so much when you’re trying to climb a peak and you have to land and wait…

To be honest, I’m still debating if it’s a good addition to the game or not, because it sure makes the world smaller, a LOT smaller. Then again, there are 1000 portals now in the game so I guess that ship has sailed.

First of all, it was by no means “always”. Before flying you couldn’t “auto-pilot” and were probably dead before you could get away from your chair, because: no flying + mobs.

That said, you also couldn’t just go afk while flying unless you actually did stop and hover. Actually without just hovering the chances of dying are actually higher with static flight. :smiley:

On the other hand you can actually tilt your dynamic flight mount to where you wanna land, even if it is still a bit away, but already visible and you will arrive alive and you will stand still there and not continue walking like with static flight.

I can totally understand Blizz not making that a possibility. You’d basically combine all the advantages of both flight modes while eliminating all the disadvantages.
PS: It’s 420% since pre-patch, but I don’t wanna be nitpicking. :slight_smile:

To be honest: Except for when you’re gathering (at least for sure since the pre-patch when they took away that one talent), I don’t get why people run out of vigor. Especially considering you can still restore up to 3 vigor with a skill. :person_shrugging:
Even when trying to reach a higher peak. Whan you fly up from valdraken from in front of the big central tower to the top of it (just as an example!) you reach it usually with 2 vigor missing…if you already come into valdraken flying, it’ll be 1 missing vigor even if you start the way up while being close to the ground, as long as you have some speed already.

I still believe dynamic flight is a great addition to WoW, even if not everybody is using it. If you look around in the game, you can clearly see that most of the players do use it at least to some extent.
And it is a lot of fun for quite a lot of, even if not all, players.

You always have the option to use static flight in moments when dynamic flight is not feasible or if you don’t like it or for some reasons are not able to use it.

That said, I do think they still have to add the possibility to override the chosen flight mode on a per mount basis and (probably with a glyph) for the druid flight form. That way nobody would even care for the 5 seconds anymore.

Dragon isles you can use steady flight right now without pathfinder

TWW do the four campaign and explore the four zones and bam it unlocks.

I know it is not much to do, but to be fair: For those who are not able to use dynamic flight because of disabilities and alike it means they’re grounded till they do that. And that means they have to go by foot through huge zones, in part full of mobs and made with flying in mind. So, I do completely understand those people complaining about static flight being locked behind pathfinder.
I also do think locking the inferior flight mode behind an achievement which was once meant as a feat of strength and had an upgrade as reward, it doesn’t really make sense and is a real downgrade on the achievement.

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Oh its definitely not. It was just a real solid turning point after the bfa downtrend and sl disaster.

Stardew, no. N64 harvestmoon, heck yea.
But in my opinion it doesn’t compare to wow systems.
You mentioned requiring another profession, which the way they did it with crafting orders wasn’t bad.
Throw up an order and forget about it. Vanilla, you had to spam chat to find a crafter or make an alt.

They also introduced mining while mounted which was amazing.

I don’t think so. SL was a culmination of bad things. We didnt see a lot of those repeats in DF.
Like the retcons, massive amounts of cut content, covenant locks, etc.
DF started a new story from scratch and kept up with new content with all the mini patches.

So there was a lot more than just 2 systems.

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This is why PF as reward for a mount is fine. But gating TBC normal flying is not reasonable at all.

TWW maps are designed with the z dimension in mind and not just a ground oriented design.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Pot, kettle.

I’m sorry you feel that way but if I had dynamic flight in one expac and had to go back to air-swimming the next, I’d drop that expac hard. It’s fun to go fast.

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i wonder if this is all macroable? I use a mount macro and having an option for skyriding or not could be nice…

huh, good idea me! going to go check that out now and probably be disappointed!

I thought it a big waste of time considering that flying was already in the game.

They’d get rid of the old devs flying if they could, cause if the tried the player base would revolt.

Dragonflying is only a thing because they made it faster than old flying.

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It seems to save the choice to me. I switched all 41 characters over to Steady Flying including 22 level 70 characters yesterday and they were all in Steady Flying today.

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I think it’s fantastic that Dragonriding/skyriding is here for those who enjoy it and can do it.

For those of us who can’t do it, it’s not a nice thing at all. Prohibits us from flying period. That said, there is the toggle, which is available once one completes Pathfinder.

I’m told that pathfinder is easy and quick to complete in TWW, so I really hope so.

The only time I do skyriding/dragonriding now is for the timeless quest where you Have to in DF. And then take off and crash somewhere… Hopefully not into a mob. lol

So, for me it’s nice to have it character wide for all mounts as I don’t use skyriding.

But I definitely see the advantage to also being able to perhaps select a few mounts individually for a specific flight ability. Would be nice to have both systems. :slight_smile:


I feel the same way. I could never got back to old flying. It isn’t even just the speed for me. I tried out steady flight with Soar with the newest patch because I wanted to see how it was like, and I just found it awful. No matter what you do and what direction you go in it is the same speed. There is none of that sense of being able to play in the air that I get with skyriding.

I mean, steady flying for those that want it, sure, but if it ever became the only version of flight again I would be sad.

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I love sky riding.

But the one thing I would prefer is if there was no flying at all.

Yes you two can be happy! You can also walk to do the campaign! No need to worry with any mounting at all!

Maybe I’m naive on that one, or maybe text communication is to blame, but I think Liadariel was actually asking the question out of concern.
But I might be wrong.