I hate Dragonflying

Responses like this are why I rarely take low post count players for serious when it comes for the hot takes like this.

hes the local blizz apologist and contrarian to every topic

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Or… I’m not a sheep crying over a non-issue every day in the forums.
who would’ve thought of that.

shouldnt you go time your 5000th M+

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Is that the best you can do? Be a bully online that just harass others that do not share the same opinion of yours?

Maybe bring another alt of yours to tag me, talk about me or like your posts.

all you do is instanced content why do u care about someone voicing an opinion over something you don’t even use

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I know it does not pay to feed the trolls (but, heck, for someone who does not like what OP is talking about, they sure are giving it a lot of visibility…)

However, I never said I did not like dragonflying. Indeed, I love it. But, I also love OG flying, and I wish we could set it so certain mounts take one over the other

With the Radiant Echos event, I had to exclusively turn off dynamic flying because of how laggy it is. I would love to default my Druid flight form to static, maintaining my mounts to dynamic so I did not have to do the little “shift flying style” dance all the time

Yeah, my herbing toons have that stupid garden hat half the time that makes them look like they’re 95. And not in elf years.


And who are you to say what content I do?
Are you following me? that is kinda weird, don’t you know people frown upon stalking?

And since when did you became the person that determines who uses what?
You have no idea about how or what I play, so please, stop with this nonsense.

It is unbecoming.

Sure buddy. Keep it up, great argument. Very convincing. More people having different opinion about the very same topic which less than 0,001% of the complains about will definitely make a difference.

Cool man, good story.

ur so mad lol

Ain’t that weird that someone would just go off and break the code of conduct with harassment by saying someone is mad just because couldn’t even argue about the topic itself?

That is definitely hilarious.

In fact, there are many reasons to hate Dragonflight.

As I said before, if it weren’t for the Talent system and dragonriding, the expansion would be worse than Shadowlands.

Well, it turns out that dungeons, questlines, lore, and the farming and grinding system in professions are the worst.

  • In DUNGEONS, I don’t understand, why did Blizzard want to go back to what was Vanilla? The Azure Vault sounded more like Sunken Temple but instead of stairs there were teleporters and Neltharus so why give a free field to choose bosses if the disaster of the dungeon becomes a linear dungeon puzzle.

Seriously, these dungeons would be entertaining but for Vanilla times, nowadays with other systems and dungeon difficulties, I see that with reason many criticized the experience of Mythic + in this expansion considering it the worst of all.

  • In questlines, it’s a disaster, as a new player I knew how you would start the new expansion with a single step, whether it’s big ones like TBC, WotLK, Legion, BfA and even Shadowlands, it was impressive, a good opening to start your new adventure in a new zones in this expansion, but DF IS WORSE THAN CATACLYSM.

and each quest that it gives is really a cringe of each objective of each mission, What is this? doing farming jobs, carrying out errands for new dragons to do farming jobs, what kind of WOKEcraft is this? Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Farmville? At what point did WoW become like this? Where is the war, the battles, the execution missions? It is really the beginning, and I don’t want to imagine what comes next.

  • Farming System: one thing I hated in Vanilla in my profession is asking for another mat from another profession, something that would be more personal and easier to do, but it leaves a lot to be desired, there are things that are better kept and others that are better removed for the sake of a new evolution of the game, but they do the opposite with things that are useless and others that are not necessary to remove.

That is why this expansion is only saved by 2 systems, but believe me, it is not good to overvalue it, worse than they only consider Shadowlands the worst expansion just because it was due to the scandals that Blizzard arose in that year and the pandemic.

its time to take a chill pill i bet those M+ timing really get the blood pressure spiking

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I commend for your genuine concern with my health, but I would recommend you to take care of yourself first. Like, follow your own advice when air swimming around.

These aren’t good stances to have since they are all subjective. You should start with
“I think” or “In my opinion”, because tbh the dungeons were fun. Prof were a new take which I thought was interesting.
Lore is meh, but that was also because they were starting from square one.

SL was bad because of the major lore/plot holes, major retcons, cut content and just bad writing.

It’s easily better than the last few. It was a fun xpac to play. There were CONSTANT content updates with very little droughts.
So hate on it all you want, but these are pretty major subjective takes and you have to admit it was a MAJOR turn around from bfa and sl.

Did they really though?

I just thought they got rid of the top level of mount training and give you that level sooner. I am not flying faster than before 11.0. I was at 420% with steady flight before and at 420% now. Not really complaining but I didn’t get a speed boost. Don’t know if I want it to go too much faster either but…

i understand skyriding is difficult , there’s no need to disparage it like this

It was 310% before.

420% is the maximum base steady flying speed available now, it was 310% before and you can get up to 504 or so if you’re Death Knight or have Crusader Aura.

Boy, if that is hard for you I feel that you should concern yourself with other things than my health :slight_smile:

these playground taunts are a sign of delirium

take a xanax