I hate Dragonflying

They did increase normal flying, to 420%. One requires pressing autorun, the other requires consistent engagement. Makes sense that one would be faster than the other.

Get over it. A lot of people like skyriding.


Y’all sound like retirees complaining about the latest tech them’ whippersnappers are into.


Someone this pissy about it is definitely seething due to a skill issue.

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Seems like you have the unpopular opinion.


Imagine being a game developer now and trying to please everyone, i think i would just trash the game and work at Micky Dee’s, that seems less stressful

So my issue with Dragonflight was how heavily the expansion was focused around it with a feature that literally makes me physically nauseous.

I cannot even watch Twitch streamers who are doing it. I am glad it is a feature that is available for people who enjoy it but also glad it is not some forced thing.

If they ever did I would have to unsub and never look at WoW again.


Agree 100%

It’s there because people complained that they didn’t like being forced onto ground mounts. This is actually a pretty decent alternative. I am a little bummed that my SST won’t be getting much use in the new expansion, but ground mounts will still be better in many cases.

They are also solving the problem that’s been bugging the devs since at least MoP. I remember Ghostcrawler talking about figuring out a way to keep people from mounting up for short trips. Dragonflying does just that.

Why not? Because you don’t like it? Hm. Maybe I should advocate removing Big Macs from McDonalds because I only like the Fish Fillet? See how dumb that sounds? If you like steady flight, go for it! I’m happy for you. But why deny someone else their choice?

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I think you fundamentally misunderstand what the word “forcing” means here.

You have absolutely zero logical leg to stand on with this argument other than to be frustrated by the bug and lack of saved preference.

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I have three issues with Dragon flight.

  1. Take off and and doing a short hop coupled with “realistic” turning circler makes controlling in feel bad.

  2. It messes with my action bar and 9 times out of ten instead of landing and attacking something I instead take off.

  3. There is no none Dragon flight flying mount.

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Flying shouldn’t even be a thing, it was okay for one expansion, not making it permanently into the game. Or at the very least allow us the option to teleport to a flight path location for some extra gold. “Forcing” people to complain about flying clogs up the forums.

Haha, that is the one thing, that also still happens to me till now. :laughing:

Oh but there is
only when dynamic flight is active it converts into ground mount only. The one I know is the otterwordly ottuk (achievement for 500 mounts)

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Dragon flying ruined the game please get rid of it. Just keep regular flying

How did it “ruin the game” explain? o.O

I like dragonflying but i agree let it save to the last option toggled.

Honestly watching my headless horseman mount bounce around all goofy like is embarrassing
 thank the gods you can turn that crap off for your favorite normal flying mounts

I wish you could choose which mounts had dynamic versus static flying. I prefer riding my griffins static and my cloud serpents dynamic

Hey, look, another low post count character creating a new post about Dragonriding.
Who would’ve thought that it would’ve happened

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey, look, another low post count character creating a new post about Dragonriding.
Who would’ve thought that it would’ve happened
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Responses like this are why I rarely frequent this forum.