I hate Dragonflying

People who believe passive flying should be as fast as active flying are mental.


Some people like you don’t like dynamic flying and that is ok. Should all the others suffer from you not liking it? Hell no!

Static flight gives you the advantage of hovering, Dynamic flight the advantage of speed. That’s the way it is. If you would make static flight same fast, you not only break that balance, you’ll even make static flight “better”, because you don’t have to do anything to reach that speed with static flight. So that’s not gonna happen.
Blizz was already fair enough about it by raising the speed for static flight with the prepatch to, I think it was 420%.

I like Dynamic Flight when I fly from Valdrakken to like the Iskaraa Tuskarr Community Fest or other long distances.

Any short distance flight is trash with Dynamic Flight. You have to double jump to get into the air and then it catapults you a mile up in the air, quite often a hassle depending where you are, like in Stormwind as example.
The 5 seconds cast time is just the cherry on top.

Before I could simply have 2 mounts to fly, granted I was forced to use one or the other of those Dragonriding Dragons which I dislike. Now I can finally fly Invincible all the time… but if I want to Dynamic Fly it is locked behind 5 seconds.


My toon spawns in with his fishing gear on
It’s just a bug
Annoying, but quite manageable

The people who struggle with dragonriding make me wonder how they even play the game its pressing space bar every once in a while if that is to much I can’t fathom what kind of games they can actually play.


To be fair, with a little bit of technique, it doesn’t catapult you up that high.

Or they can use a ground mount/deactivate skyriding and do that

I dislike Dynamic Flight. But I am all for options. Me not liking it, does not mean it is bad and no one should use it, heck I use it myself despite not liking it. But I like the option to turn it off when I not feel like playing that minigame… like WoW doesn’t have enough minigames already.

If you would make static flight same fast you would not necessary break balance. The speed of Static Flight depends on your angle, you can only reach max speed if you fly perfectly strait towards the horizon, which is something not that easy.
Dynamic Flight doesn’t have that limitation, it even flies faster when you aim towards the ground.
I felt that Static Flight got somewhat faster, which is a good thing. I am all for player choice.

Wait! You can’t just use a ground mount to do the campaign?

Wroooooong! The original Steady Flight option is a product of its time and was in dire need of an update. Even at 310% it was far too slow and completely unengaging. Having the faster more dynamic option has made travel times and farming legacy content much less of a chore now. There was no way in Hell that it would remain an expansion only feature like Island Expeditions were. It was a huge quality of life update and I could not go back to the original version. (Much like I wouldn’t play Classic WoW over Retail).

Don’t worry, I didn’t mean you at all and I also think they should keep static flight as well. I even think they should also, next to the global “for all mounts” setting we currently have, let people set mounts to a specific flight mode. Same goes for the druid flight form.

It’s actually the first time I hear anything like that and I also never did feel any flight speed difference. Unless you mean the 420% follow your angle and therefor your forward speed relative to the ground is variable, but that is same for dynamic flight.

Dynamic flight on the other hand also doesn’t necessarily flies full speed, especially upwards. And you have to handle those bubbles, etc. While static flight has all the advantages coming with the possibility to hover and doesn’t rely on bubbles.
So I think it is totally fair, that dynamic flight has a higher speed.

Yes, you can.

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It makes me nauseous.

Dragonflying was the sole reason I never came back during Dragonflight and had to wait. It was literally a make or break feature for me.


I do not hate dynamic flight but I do dislike the 5s cast time for switching (less would be preferable as well as a “per mount” setting) but the thing that I actually hate is the new dynamic flight animation that they forced onto the Headless Horseman’s Mount. That skipping from left to right and vice versa in mid-air just looks and feels dumb.


If this is still an issue, have you tried some of the accessibility options to see if they help? might or might not, but worth a check.

Not the only mount they did that with, looks like they did it with all “hooved” mounts, that did not have wings, that could fly.

It would appear that they indeed did so and it looks terrible on those others as well …

I’m just more annoyed about the Headless Horseman one because originally I deliberately made that one my primary (flight capable) ride due to its low levels of movement animations (which in some of the more pronounced cases induced motion sickness for me like the bouncing of Raptors) in conjunction with its relatively small size (in relation human, elven and even smaller races).

Now I might have to go back to a dragon with lowest amounts of dynamic animation plus switching flight mode whenever I don’t need the speed of dynamic and then going for the Horseman ride again. Not necessarily the most convenient situation. :frowning:

I didn’t mean to make it a “make or break” deal for me. I was just going to wait it out until they brought regular flying back. But then it was longer and they added Pathfinder - which seemed like an insult to injury punishment. I did start out learning dflying - got most of the glyphs, and did pretty well in the races despite the motion sickness and such, but…

Still, I tried to get back into the game later and made it to just before Emerald Dream.I just don’t see how you can see where you’re going that fast w/o the map open.

Yeah, some of it was fun when I just flew around the way I wanted for the helluva it, but by then I just didn’t get attached to the story. Not many people were playing open-world - there were basically endgamers left way over-geared than me swooping in killing everything on site while they waited - while I was trying to do a quest. Anyway, to be expected and not whine about. I just lost interest. And now I’m not exactly excited to come back.

Now they’re making the same mistake. Though I did realize I liked just being on the ground. They did a lot of beautiful and hidden gems on the ground. Just not sure with dragon flying still so messed up for those that don’t want to use it.

Yeah no. Dynamic flight is a million times better than that old garbage mode. You don’t like it, don’t use use it.

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Oh well, static flying was old and boring mostly for afkers. I like the different new styles. So tired of the turtles who need to be slow for some reason. Funny also is my cast stays the way I left it on each toon. Haven’t once had to change it because of logging off…

Devs had to rig up new animations and models, and tweak the physics engine to allow for dragonriding in Dragonflight. It was never going to be a one-off feature of a single expansion regardless of how popular/unpopular it ended up being.

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