I had no idea how unfair AV was until

Yes that doesn’t help. The que times absolutely have an effect on effort.

But que times do not negate the importance of SFGY.

Que times do not change the alliance GY’s from being bottle necks.

Que times do not alter the spawn locations and the mechanic of the starting zone spawn vs a regular GY spawn.

Or the back door of the aid station.

Or the fact that the ride from IBGY to SHGY is shorter than it is from SPGY to SHGY…

But please…keep telling me the map isn’t a big issue here.


In Vanilla blizzard thought nobody would go horde.

For one the horde hate the barrens but it is a safe haven actually.

Horde can lvl to 25 to almost 30 without stepping foot into a PvP area on a PvP server. Alliance start in a PvP at or around lvl 15 to 20.

Also, a few quest that alliance cannot get +25 to fishing, FP, also certain recipes unless they go into horde territory, and of AV.

It’s ok. The only thing is at least move cave back where we both reach mid same time.


Well Horde should have a chance to win in at least one BG lol

“AB isn’t even out yet”
You’re an idiot. I literally have no words.

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Boggles my mind how there are horde players here trying to argue about what Alliance should do or trying to call fabrication on the extremely obvious disadvantages Alliance players have.


…there was a time AFTER VANILLA that alliance could win AV and it was the only BG we could win with regularity…I don’t know when the changes were made but it did happen…but the last couple of expansions of retail went back to horde dominance…I remember about a year ago I went into AV in retail and we were camped in the starting cave by the horde…never even heard of that happening to the horde in their starting cave…Blizzard always has favored the horde…

…wait wut…

This is literally the same post by a different character.


They just don’t have long enough queue times yet :stuck_out_tongue:


I love how you ignored all the points about your team being a bunch of scared pansies running from one hunter rather than dismounting and fighting.

I keep hoping one day the ally zerg charges the horde zerg in the same way the reverse happens. Y’all are the prey.

The horde are under the impression that we have an entirely different group of people playing in the battlegrounds where it’s possible for them to lose.


This game was built for horde and there are so many aspects of the game where the older developers gave the advantage to horde. Glad to see you noticed 1 aspect of the game that is tilted. So many other people don’t have the attention span. So much of Classic is spoon fed to the horde. If you want a real challenge you roll alliance (As you did) but then you end up saying “WTF??” a whole lot more.

Anybody ever play War Thunder? Remember how they juiced all the Russian planes because Gaijin (the developer) is a Russian owned company? It’s no secret that a vast majority of the older developers in WOW played horde and they added in a ton of extra juice for the horde.


Eh? There’s no mystery at all is what Im saying. Alliance pugs are garbage at AV (not all but most) and its not as easy as pointing to one thing and saying “this is it”. There’s a few things that come into play and if you want to throw the map in there that would easily be the last thing on the list, if at all.

The mystery part is why someone would blame a map advantage as the sole reason for being completely ineffective when any rational person who plays the battleground can see its because their teams and their strats aren’t designed to win against a motivated and dedicated horde team who can only see the inside of AV a few times a week at most thanks to queue times.

Two months ago you could barely convince ten horde to summon Lok. Now 25 horde bolt to the summoning ritual when the appropriate text appears in the chat window. What changed? Not the map.

If you never played alliance during this crap shoot, you have no idea how frustrating it is for us. I mean , as I said above its hard to do for us to win a game. But it can be done with a great team. Most people do give up though right away. It takes a great leader to keep up the fight. I think alliance work very well together when they want to. AV is truly a challenge for us and it’s hard to keep everyone on board once we start a game.
I think it’s both the map and alliance just skating through content and this they can’t do that with. It is beyond frustrating to be on a team with some of these people because in reality they shouldn’t even be there in the first place because they want their cake and they are not willing to work for it. This what I have seen out of 100’s of games. I don’t know, like I said I’m glad I’m out of there.


Its not easy to take SPGY when most of the alliance team is there actively preventing the horde from doing so. Its so difficult and time consuming that there are plenty of horde who prefer to not deal with it by purposefully giving alliance gy’s south to spawn at so they don’t have to contend with as many at such a difficult choke point.

But if the alliance isn’t giving you the option you’ve got little choice in the matter if you want to win the bg. So you either find a way or lose trying.

Don’t worry he can’t explain that because it would prove av is pure horde biased.

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If Alliance is holed up at Stormpike you’ve won the game. You will take SPGY 100% of the time, even if it takes two hours. At that point Alliance has no way to deal with Lokholar or prevent his summoning, and attempting to kite him to our cave to kill him usually ends with the Aid Station being taken.


The horde are insanely busy deluding them selves that it’s skill winning av constantly. They are no better as players than alliance are individually or as a group. They have map advantage and better racials for pvp.


The game isn’t won until Vann dies. The point is the game and/or opponent does purposefully put these challenges in front of you to overcome so maybe what some are referring to as a mistake isn’t actually a mistake and something they need to contend with instead of just whining all the time.

Sorry you’re not getting the alliance to come back to lower your queue times.
If you want them to come back advocate for a balanced map. You can’t expect alliance to be forced to be 2-3x better then the horde and blame us for losing.