I had no idea how unfair AV was until

What am I referring to as a mistake?

If this is some kind of RP…I’m not interested.

The map is broke. Focus on that.


Horde had the instant ques during that time so they also had the majority of afk leechers and the like. I mean both sides had it, but during that phase Horde willingly gave up SF and stood their ground at Galv on defense while the rest of their forces went to SH.

That was the strat from what I recal and it doesn’t take advantage of any of the maps lopsided advantages. But now we’ve min maxed everything to the most efficient methods possible and this new strat of taking SF (which is gifted to them) is a crazy uphill battle to overcome.

Pun intended.

SFGY is the key to the entire map. It’s gifted to the horde at the start.


Get better.

Very strange - I play ally and it amazes me that we continue to lose a BG that we should win because we play stupidly. Just literally run to TP and south and win.

That’s pretty much it. Send a couple of rogues back to Snowfall. Not hard.

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Obviously they were not outplayed if they won.

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Some stupid hunter thinking his frost traps are why ally losing lmao. Ok bud

Give us another graveyard that spawns 20 at a time right next to SHGY for us to revive at then we will see how well you are winning these games with your frost trap.

I should seriously make a horde to see how many times I can die at IBGY rezz at the cave 10 feet away and come back in the 5 minutes it takes to cap. I am thinking about 10 times?


Blockquote “hOrDe HaVe BeTtEr PlAyErS”

Claiming players are that much better is scientifically implausible. The law of averages completely destroys that theory. Further, if your argument were true, it would be the same across all battlegrounds. So to continue holding to this theory of yours is purely ignorant and arrogant.


The argument that horde are just better is further destroyed because alliance do just fine in AB and WSG, the mirrored maps.


Lol, all of your points attack minor issues so you think it’s fair in your head.

Let’s say alliance arrive at the bunker 3 seconds before horde in your argument. Why is it another 20 seconds to arrive at the first horde tower? Why do horde get to arrive at their tower 40 seconds before alliance?

Or alliance arrive at Belinda 3 seconds before horde. Why is galvangar also 20 more seconds away?

Distances between objectives is huge. The #1 biggest problem is the graveyards for pushing.

IBGY has a shorter travel time from the horde cave than SHGY. Horde cave also rezzes more players at once meaning more players available to defend the capture, and they can reach it quicker. Defending this is 100% an uphill battle.

If SHGY is captured, alliance rez at SPGY. You can reach SHGY from IBGY quicker than alliance can from SPGY. For horde this is a downhill battle.

And the “bridge chokepoint” defense is played out. NPCs were removed and archer damage nerfed 3 times in classic. This is an old, bad argument–especially when our base has 2 entrances.


It seems the old vanilla strategy of capping SFGY and letting horde have SHGY still works. I’ve recently started playing AV again and it’s 5wins 1 loss when using this strat.

It’s way easier to take the Captain/IBtower/IBGY with a closer spawn. It also prevents the Icelord from being summoned as easily since SFGY is overlooking.

Also, Alliance want to defend dun baldur bridge and not SPGY. SPGY is the worst gy to try and defend in the game. The bridge can be defended with 10-20 indefinitely depending on how many horde are on offense. Defending SPGY is actually bad because alliance have a harder time getting to offense with the chokepoint at icewing bunker being horde favored. The Bridge stalls up horde so badly since they effectively need double the numbers to get past it.

It is unfortunate the backdoor to dun baldur was made so easy in the classic version of AV. In vanilla it took some careful walljumping to do it instead of just one easy jump like it is now. Still it can be defended with minimal numbers.

Horde do have some massive advantages in AV but taking SFGY reduces those advantages significantly. SFGY is the key. If it cant be taken in the beginning of the game, it can still be ninjacapped later on with a group and you can ride it to victory if enough people defend the bridge properly.

The problem with this strat, is that you have just turned the game in to a base race by doing this and you are already a graveyard behind the horde.

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Which is why you still need a defense. Horde will defend IBGY, their strongest choke. Alliance should defend their strongest choke, The Dun Baldur Bridge.

Defending anywhere else gives horde the advantage.
Stalling them long enough at the bridge gives your offense a chance to catch up.

The other thing that’s sad about this classic version is that warlock summoning is not available like it was in vanilla. I used to join AVs already in progress with horde having control of everything up to the bridge and win because i was able to convince 2 others to take SFGY with me and summon up an offense.

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This is your brilliant suggestion? “Run to TP and south and win”

Unless you are a coordinated premade with set support. This will fail every time as horde squeeze off half your group in FoS. What few that don’t get picked off are now vulnerable for the next 5 minutes. (the time to turn a gy)

You just gave the Horde SFGY by doing this strat so they will have that before you have any south GY. Now their goal is to simply hold what you gave them, and recall enough to pick you off for the next 5 minutes and recap whatever you tried to take south and force you to either spawn at SH or even worse SP…which now starts the bottleneck rep farm.

GG your strat sucks.

I am absolutely amazed that neither horde players or alliance players are aware as to what the hell is actually going on in AV.

The problem with that strat is that it takes too long and alliance get better HPH in other BGs. That was the entire problem with killing premades. Takes too long turns into rankers not playing the BG. The win rate wouldn’t be 50/50 with rankers in AV, but it would be close to 40/60. But straight up, without a boost in potential HPH in the BG that makes playing out a longer AV vs a short and simple AB/WSG, there is no way to entice the best Alliance rankers into the BG.

This strat CAN work, but it is very risky ( but at least it guarantees a quick match). Keep i mind that the horde can successfully defend IBGY with a much smaller force than alliance can defend due to the proximity of rezzers at the cave. Almost better off skipping IBGY and just rushing straight to FWGY or RH. But of course you run the risk of losing your slow mounts and ending up with a force in front of drek that is incapable of taking down the war masters.

Anyone who rolled easy mode should never tell a player who rolled hard mode to “get better”.


Especially if it involves a map that favors said easy mode player.

It just comes off as shallow and silly. Trust me. If you were an alliance player you would fair no better in that map. Would likely fair worse as you wouldn’t have your insta fear break to crutch on.


Also you can only bring 5 people in and deal with pugs. Much easier to just form a FULL premade or mostly full premade that doesnt have to rely on any unkown factors.

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WSG is a nearly perfectly mirrored map where Alliance win rates are 50% or higher.

AB is a nearly perfectly mirrored map where Alliance win rates are 50% or higher.

AV is an imbalanced map where Alliance win rates are 5% or less. Alliance are losing because they suck at pvp not because of the map though?

HMMMMM something about these 3 things doesn’t exactly logically follow.


Can’t work. Or should I say has a very high probability of failure for the reasons I’ve already detailed.

It’s a very VERY easy counter to deal with.