I had no idea how unfair AV was until

I don’t think anyone really enjoys AV, especially melee. Sure, it’s kind of entertaining to have massive PvP brawls and just try to kill whoever you can and to be on the winning side of that is going to be more enjoyable than not, but as melee you’re just sitting around looking to either pick people off and still probably die or you just suicide in.

I don’t think Horde are really itching to get back in either. The only reason I do it is because I’m working from home thanks to COVID so I queue up like twice a day and get a couple games in as a break which I will see how far that can take me for ranking. Only other people interested in AV are solo rank players or people who are sick of premades which makes AV all they got.

So Horde should just not try to win? There’s two points of discussion here, the AV map and the Horde strategy. Are you really going to blame the Horde for doing what works?

The reality is that, as someone pointed out before, the good players on Alliance aren’t queuing for it anymore and that has noticeably crippled the Alliance. When AV first launched both teams zerged the other side and whichever was faster won. Then people got exalted a lot of people stopped queueing and the Alliance premade meta happened, and then broken. During that time period of Alliance premade winning or losing seemed to be a bit of a toss-up when we didn’t play against one of the premades. But then premades were broken.

Your good players have abandoned AV which has exacerbated the flaws of the AV map design. That’s basically what’s happened.

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Someone said it above - every game is the same now. Both sides fight like hell for SF. The horde fight like hell to get SHGY, the alliance fight like hell to keep it. Meanwhile, I go north with like 3 people and take both northern bunkers, most times with barely a fight. Like 1 or 2 allies show up at most - I guess that’s because the map is telling them to keep fighting and dying in mid for 40 min.

Some alliance try the same thing, slip around the defense and cap stuff. When 1 ally stealther hits TP, the horde send 10 guys to take it back. Because they didn’t wait two hours to lose a game by letting one stealther cap a freakin tower.

I mean, Ive had games where Ive capped IWB with maybe one or two others while the alliance still had SHGY and maybe a couple of level 54’s would try and take it back. If I didn’t personally witness stuff like this maybe I would agree with yall but I just cant. Ive also been around long enough to see the alliance dominate that bg for years so I know it can be done.

Name one single choke point that favors the alliance more than the horde. Thanks in advance.


If you have 40 people in discord you can overcome the map disparities. That’s basically it.

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Horde can hold/wipe 30 ally at IBGY with 10 players because you can keep rezzing and coming back killing us maybe 1 at a time. Meanwhile that leaves the remaining 30 to take everything behind us.

Listen clown, that is not what I said, nor was I addressing you. Go work on your reading comprehension and buzz off.

The whole “you suck at reading comprehension” bit kind of falls flat on its face when you post a single sentence. A for effort at trying to be edgy though.

Throughout WoWs entire history there has been a direct correlation between queue times and win rates. When queues are fast/instant your average joe doesn’t care about winning or losing because the next game is right there.

Not really. You missed what I said and made assumptions of your own. Not my fault you are a fool.

players ask for vanilla
blizz gives us vanilla


Explain the even ratio of wins/losses in WSG and AB please.

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Was this before or after Alliance were no longer able to premade in AV?
Asking for a friend.

Honestly there wasn’t anything to misinterpret. I took a jab at you for how you said it and then spent a paragraph explaining what the real problem is as I see it, but you want to hone in on that first little bit.

Funny how reading comprehension problems work.

Every single game is a zerg of allies running like gazelles from Cheetahs. I’ve never seen the allies plant their feet for an initial team fight.

I’m a hunter. I pre-fap and quite literally walk into your zerg to frost trap. You do nothing. Your players are weak and do not fight. You lose almost every single battle everywhere on the map.

The map very well may be imbalanced, but until your teammates start learning to plant their feet somewhere, I’m gonna keep exploding your clothies as you hilariously and hopelessly try your zerg strat that’s been dead for months.

What’s happening is the equivalent of an alliance AB team only and always zerging to farm, and then wondering why the horde have 4 other bases capped. Stop letting me frost trap your raid. Why does no one dismount and do something?

It’s hilarious how delusional you nerds are.

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I have spent many hours in there and I try to get us to break up the horde by taking SF or rushing IBGY, this method only worked two times. Out of 100’s of games what I think happens is that too many people are shouting orders,now what I say is that we all rush SF or IB, there is no inbetween, meaning that we have this one chance to move south and land a gy. Sometimes this works but mostly it does not. The threshold of ibgy is a joke, however the game that made me exalted was one that we truly tried for and we took Ibgy and we all went there and took the towers and fwgy. I think It is a mind set as others have said and also if we keep pushing south it can be done.
Horde move the map pretty easily so we had to send at least 20 people back to keep them from capping SPgy, now this is very very tricky to do because the choke at IB alone can set us back a mile, now if we get it, once we get it. I tell everyone to push forward to fwgy no matter what. I think it takes a great team to achieve a win in av for alliance , but you do achieve those things, the game seems so much more worth it. I mean I was guarding the fwgy when I got exalted . It can be done is what I’m saying. It is a bit harder to do though, but once we get a gy south it should be easy. That’s how it works. We need many teams cut in half to progress and one of the most important things is that our moral is already down due to losing and I’m not that person but most are and it’s truly frustrating when I am trying and no one is. I am glad I’m done with that bg. It is a wrecking ball of bullsh!t.


I’ve been saying it’s impossible to get SF first or even interrupt the cap for forever.

It immediately starts the match off at a disadvantage as assaulting a flag cap with 40 is harder than defending a flag cap with 40. And once SF is turned horde side, that’s it.

It’s all just a matter of time at that point.

Pollz has this idiotic notion that the advantage is alliance side to play defense first because of SH bunker.

SH bunker is nowhere near SF GY and SF GY is the bloody key to the entire map.

SH bunker won’t hit horde players that ride round the back side of balinda and up that ramp.

SH bunker won’t even hit horde assualting SHGY on the SH bunker side once they are up the ramp.

SH bunker is a non factor.

The key to the entire damn map is SF GY and it’s practically gifted to the horde.

And that’s just the first fun uphill climb alliance have to contend with in AV.

Map is complete and utter garbage and any schmuck who thinks they can devise a strat to win on the alliance side that doesn’t involve either a premade or capping SF GY is a lunatic.


If Alliance were not good at PVP we would be losing 99/100 games in AB/WSG. Are we?


I was here on the forums when it was originally announced Astrogazer, and the players asked for AV 1.5. I am sorry but your comments are misplaced. We did not get the AV we asked for.

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Why is it a mystery to you why they aren’t motivated to win? The queue is short and the effort required to win at the disadvantage we have is monumental to the point of it being more efficient to just take the loss ASAP and get to the next one.

This isn’t rocket science.


“the map very well may be imbalanced”

Bud. It’s imbalanced. If you knew anything about strategy you’d be able to call that out.