Horde all my life - Rerolled Ally... WOW!

I rerolled Ally.

The two armies meet under SHGY, near Bal, on the ally side of the field of Strife.

In order to win, Horde simply need to sit there, under SH/SFGY, and farm for Lok and take nothing, offensively, before summoning him from behind a hill in a secret valley, well behind the action, while the ally summon Ivus under the horde gy in the middle of the field. ( and we all know how that goes)

It is physically impossible to get to SF before Horde. IMPOSSIBLE.

Ally HAVE to take a GY, Lets say SF. When we do, we leave SHGY open or lose SF. If we take IBGY, the Horde spawn 30 seconds away. The ally spawn a forever away from SHGY.

Blizzard is awful. I have seen Horde outplayed 20 times this weekend and yet horde wins.

I know in the pre-made era, 1hour queues and 7 min games sucked in January, but the horde trolls who believe this is a balanced map, as I once did, have no idea. Really, no idea, and Blizzard for allowing this, have even less.


are you actually attempting to spam the forums with this same post over and over? this is why alliance is a joke and is hard to take seriously…


This isn’t Facebook, grandpa.


What’s Facebook?

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Sure, you def seem like a horde reroll.

You dont know what Facebook is? Out of my Myspace top 5 you go


It’s where old people go to become radicalized. 4chan for people who can afford mortgages, if you may.


In case you missed it he did say he was a reroll. FYI…

Facebook is also great if you want to volunteer all of your personal info for free, its not just boomer chain posts and minion memes.


He’s just claiming to be a reroll. Getting destroyed in AV in retail for 15 years I really enjoyed the exalted AV grind now. I don’t have a 60 Alliance, but it seems like most of them are afk or making snow angels instead of fighting in AV.

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I am well aware that most Horde are simply just better at PvP than Alliance, and this is why we lose AV. Most of the Arena enthusiasts, Ex-glads, multi-glads, Rank 1’s, rolled Horde when classic came out, for the racials, trinkets, shaman, and badass-looking pvp gear that Horde side gets. Almost everyone who takes pvp seriously is Horde, and Ally is generally a PvE faction.


You missed looks. Horde appearances are a lot prettier than Alliance :wink:

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You’re playing AV as Alliance?

Zug zug.

do you realllly believe that tho? even if its true, he joined his true calling so whats the diff lol

Spamming this is not educational, nor does it help your cause what so ever. You’re just acting like a sore loser.

Please evaluate the message instead of attacking the messenger. This isn’t grade school.

but why spam copy/paste this instead of make the original thread big?

We did that in its original thread. You want us to copy/paste like you did? Just use the original thread, not create duplicates. You mention grade school but what I just said is like forum 101.

it’s sort of like Myspace but with likes and pokes.