Tww is objectively a larger expansion then sl what are you talking about?
Source for that? Got a source? Didn’t think so.
Tww is objectively a larger expansion then sl what are you talking about?
Source for that? Got a source? Didn’t think so.
if it’s “objectively” you could drop the facts… because i feel like sl was much bigger
you could fit the whole of current tww just with the “shadow realm” or whatever it was called.
I don’t understand people who buy an expectation knowing full well they’ll be disappointed by it.
Are they stupid?
The zones are physically larger.
But hey where is your source for the claim I asked for? Maybe I’d care to source my claim if you sourced yours.
they still like the m+ score chase and raid prog. thats the problem actually. we keep coming back no matter what.
at this point they could straight up give up on lore and quests and presentation… just give m+seasons and raids one after the other. numbers would still be good. that’s how problematic this situation is.
I hate SL with every fiber of my being, but…no, SL was actually bigger at the start, largely because of ridiculous time gates and the devs wanting to make our lives hell. lol There was a lot to do. It’s just that very little of it felt like it was worth the effort. They were bleeding subs not even a month in though. How the expansion lasted a full cycle is beyond me.
They’re aren’t being split, I know you aren’t the sharpest in the shed… but basic reading comprehension, I already stated I combined them all.
I’m sure you believe that little buddy.
Does that explain all the low pop servers the classic portion of the game has.
You have classic installed, look at the server list
FOMO events? Plunderstorm is just a bad battle royale, that I heard nothing good about and the mixed reviews of remix? Which was just a sped up version of MOP…
Where are they now? Same place as TBC and WOTLK servers.
Yea, that retail is king. You showed it with twitch, not to mention the forums are majority retail, then we can talk about all those low pop servers on each version of WOW… but do keep trying, this is pretty entertaining.
Is that problematic if people enjoy that?
Same issue here is time gates.
I’m having a blast. I haven’t had this much fun since Legion. I didn’t even think I’d care about the Earthen and the super-casual content, but I love them.
My only gripes are the continuation of the DF crafting system, which is designed to waste players’ time, and the Dawnbreaker dungeon. The developers should have learned from Nokhud how bad flying dungeons are.
They still exist, yeah, and will always be part of content design. But the main difference is that they aren’t anywhere near as time consuming or punishing in TWW when compared to SL. Heck, when SL Renown was first figured out, it was estimated that you would have to grind anima for at least 5-7 years at that time and with consistent daily participation in order to get everything from the vendors. That was…insane and entirely unreasonable.
Maybe I’d care to source my claim if you sourced yours.
Maybe I’d care to source my claim if you sourced yours buddy.
The zones are physically larger.
Big nothings to fly over. There is literally 0 content down there.
The thing is. It’s like this on purpose. I don’t think the story should be timegated but s1 is makes sense it makes certain that peopkle of all play time availability can start endgame around the same time. There is less needless fluff for those who have less time. And if you have excess time my honest recommendation is to take up a side game or hobby. I loved legion but you often felt like you had to play A LOTto be caught up with everything and SL made that so much worse.
Nope not how that works. You made the claim first. You have to source your claim first.
But hey I will just dismiss your comment.
Objectively false.
Jarlaxle is behind it all.
So, you’re agreeing with him.
Sweetie, not everyone raids or does M+ and PvP. In fact, I would wager that only a small percentage of all the people who play wow do raid, M+,a md PvP content.
In modern retail?
No. Thats like 90% of people. The rpers and profession andys are like unicorns.
How about a Tldr just sayin.
I don’t particularly care if you like the game or not, I just don’t understand why you’re paying for it, or on here ranting about it— knowing full well 1. No one cares (most likely) and 2. its unlikely that it will change soon (historically true)
I rushed through all of the quests because I hated the questing experience. The first zone is bland and with nothing to go see or explore. The second zone is underground and was already burnt out on that. Every time you try to take off and fly you hit something.
Hollow fall is okay and beautiful but the story once again was stupid. Why are we even here? We don’t encourage them to leave and everything we have done for them could have been done on their own and they’re like “we know it’s sucks here but in well.” And by the end of the quest line the dailies are pointless and repeat way too much.
The anub zones are 100% pointless. The only thing worth even grinding for is mounts but who cares if you get them or not? And wtf is the point of gear anymore anyway? Nothing feels exciting about this at all.
I can’t even bring myself to level one of my alts. I have no interest in repeating any of the questing experience and this has never happened before. IMO this is the worst expansion they have ever done.
too long to read