I had low expectations but this xpac is a whole new level of bad

Hello I am Katherlaris and I’m an Altaholic.

I’m having fun. But gonna have to wait until the 10ths for the fun to really begin.

No you don’t. You’re a :troll: attacking the retail version of the game because the version you like isn’t popular and the forum section is DEAD…

I’d love to see your evidence of this, because we both know that’s not true.

Well, supply your proof of it then… I could really use a good laugh.

Get wrekt.

So, you’re admitting I was right and you’re nothing more than a sad desperate :troll:, gotcha.


No. You just made a statement with no proof.

And then when I make a statement you start demanding proof.

You’re just “one of those guys”.

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same. while at this very moment i would currently place tww as offically the worst xpac of all time, miles worst than shadowlands. i cant just yet. i need to see how much fun and how busy i will be once season 1 starts. but as for now it is not looking great. the dungeons are a bore and after doing every delve on 3 at least 1-2 times each, all i can say it, well, nothing. lost for words. i think i even fell asleep in 5 of them.

now to summarize on why both me and my feel this way.

  1. we hit level 80 in about 6 hours of playtime and finished every other available quest in about 12 hours of playtime.
  2. we did every delve 1-2 times each.
  3. we did every dungeon 5-10 times each.
  4. we are both currently 586 ilvl. both got all pre season bis items.
  5. we killed every available rare and collected 2 tabs of warbound items.
  6. we did the fishing derby.
  7. we farmed and got the Soaring Meaderbee mount.
  8. we farmed and got the Siesbarg mount.
  9. we farmed and got the Beledar’s Spawn mount.
  10. we did the races and completed the meta Kaz’Algar Completionist: Gold on august 31st.

and thats it. we been flying around trying to kill rares that are never up and loot treasures that are never up for rep and currency. but that is it. there is nothing to do. i will eventually do all the pet battles etc… but we consumed the entire xpac of what was currently offered in 5 days.

shadowlands didnt have us lost and bored this quick. in fact we are still farming anima to collect a few odds and ends we still need. tww didnt even make it a week. and if you dont raid or m+ then bye bye. the xpac is literally over for you.



Keep making excuses little :troll:

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  1. we hit level 80 in about 6 hours of playtime and finished every other available quest in about 12 hours of playtime.

Ah, but you didn’t “stop to smell the roses”

So it’s your fault you’re not having a good time. /s

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well we play every xpac the same. its just that this one we consumed in 5 days. you cant make something from nothing.

you butchered the quote to. ltq.

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Also I did provide proof. I said twitch numbers.

And also the fact that classic Devs budget is increasing while Retail Devs budget is decreasing.

So not only did you not provide proof in your statement. But I provided 2 forms of proof, both of which you ignore.

Unfortunately for you I know how to deal with debate lords. My brother used to be a redditer.

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Idk to me it feels like df 2.0


Twitch? :rofl: That’s just grasping at straws and you know it.


Another new claim? Without anything to support it?


I’m sure you believe that, how are those classic sections of the forum doing? 7 or so comments every hour or so throughout the entirety of classic sections? Yikes.

This isn’t a debate, you’d lose if it was, we both know the reality of it… this is just me entertaining myself at a :troll:'s expense.

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Twitch? :rofl: That’s just grasping at straws and you know it.

Better metric than the forums.

Brother I’m on the retail forums and I don’t give a crap about retail.

Another new claim? Without anything to support it?

No proof? Look at Cata classic vs TWW and compare it to BC classic and SL.

I’m sure you believe that, how are those classic sections of the forum doing? 7 or so comments every hour or so throughout the entirety of classic sections? Yikes.

The classic forums are divided between 3 games, yours isn’t.

This isn’t a debate, you’d lose if it was, we both know the reality of it

If retail was more popular than classic more people would watch it on twitch and youtube.

But they don’t. It’s usually SoD stuff and Hardcore stuff.

It’s a well known fact that classic is completely carrying the subscription at this point.

So… :troll:

You can view them all, same results… :person_shrugging:

I was counting the full thing, not just one… :wink:

Another clueless :troll: response, I view twitch quite a bit and retail is king.

Anything else you wanna try? Maybe we can could count the amount of low pop servers on the classic side… I mean, do you have anything of value to bring to this?


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Your wall of words is full of “I want it and I want it NOW” while Blizzard made it clear they’re making the game for those with real lives who can’t play 24/7 … please feel free to something other than play WOW every minute of the day, it’ll still be here when you want to return.


I was counting the full thing, not just one…

Gee it’s almost like splitting the forums into 3 sections kills engagement. Who’d of thunk.

Also the fact that people post on the forums is proof that they’re NOT playing the game.

Another clueless :troll: response, I view twitch quite a bit and retail is king.

Definetely not. Only when a new season comes out. For the rest of the time it’s losing to hardcore classic my dude.

Anything else you wanna try? Maybe we can could count the amount of low pop servers on the classic side… I mean, do you have anything of value to bring to this?

Retail barely even has servers. Why would anybody switch off a server in retail?

Again are you going to present any proof?

Look at plunderstorm. Look at remix. Blizzard literally took devolopers from retail and put them to work on alternative game modes.

Because the WoW devs see the writing on the wall.

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Can someone please explain what all this throttling at gatekeeping is supposed to protect casual gamers from?

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Source for that one?

Tww is objectively a larger expansion then sl what are you talking about?