I had low expectations but this xpac is a whole new level of bad

Gameplay is the same old wow we love.

The city hubs being boring apartment complexes is the real issue!

Who knew underground was so…… flat

I think we gotta come to terms wow is shifting to be more of a casual game than we got used to, Blizz tried and failed to bring new young audiance to wow so now they are desperate to keep the old one, as player base is constantly aging and has less times to play they shift content so that its more easy and accessible to lower end of players, they also overtune serious end game so that extreme grinders have something to min max always. Leaving players that are in the middle of these 2, with nothing. Don’t be discouraged with bad comments on this thread ur speaking truth.

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Elden Ring is more casual friendly than this game.

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TLDR baitt

TL;DR version:

  • doesn’t understand the preseason period
  • mad that questing isn’t 20 hours long???
  • can’t understand professions
  • easy delves are easy, shocker
  • deeply confused by “bind to account” being renamed to warband and completely missing how many things are now BOA.
  • mad that hero talents aren’t exclusively active abilities

May be some more in there but I’m not spending any more time searching for points buried in obtuse extra words.

Only because it’s offline