I had low expectations but this xpac is a whole new level of bad

i’ve played wow since classic.

to be perfectly honest, i am on your side so please read this carefully.
and this goes for anyone else that needs to hear it.

maybe, just maybe, you are tired of wow itself and no new amount of features or content or changes will make you happy. try not playing for a few years. try other games. it might help your mental.

and i dont mean just stop playing either, i mean completely remove yourself from all things wow. no videos, no news, no checking in on it from time to time. move on with your life for some years. then maybe you will start to miss it and actually want to play again.

yeah im not reading that novel.

I read the forums at work, and I will alt-tab into the forums when I’m on a flight path or something, but yeah I’m mostly playing the game.

That’s a very interesting take on the behind the scenes dynamic that I had not thought about. That could explain a lot :thinking:

I didn’t read all that, but the expansion is pretty good so far imo.

I really don’t get the people who are “bored”.

What all have you done? (Predicted responses in italics.)

How are your faction reps coming along? Up to 12 in everything?
I don’t want to do quests.

Oh. Okay. Well, how about Delves, have you leveled up Brann and are happy with his selection of power-ups?
I don’t want to do delves.

Oh. Okay. Well, what about professions? Doing patron orders as much as you can to get acuity? Treasures all discovered and KP maxxed as much as possible?
I don’t want to do professions.

Um. Okay. Well, what about collecting? Bunch of toys/mounts/pets already available.
I’m not a collector.

Hm. Okay. Well, have you at least maxxed out your adventurer track gear to get ready for the season 1 start when raids open?
I don’t want to do anything in season 1.

What the hell DO you want, then? Why are you even here? Except to complain, of course.

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Sorry, didnt wanna read that book ya typed. But judging by the length of your post you need to slow down a little. Smell the flowers as they say.

Stalarac, thank you for posting your feedback about TWW. I feel much the same way but for different reasons.

I played DF and cannot say there was anything about the expansion that I enjoyed. Quite the opposite. I found Dragonflying nauseating, nerve wracking, upsetting, and terrifying (that’s not fun). Also, for decades I was an avid crafter in the game and I absolutely HATE the crafting tables - so, they ruined that part of the game for me as well.

When I heard they intended to lock Steadyflight behind another Pathfinder , and crafting was going to tied to tables again, I had to make a difficult decision. For the first time in almost 19 years of playing WOW I didn’t buy the new expansion (TWW) and will likely not renew my sub. In my opinion, the past 2 expansions are NOT the quality I expect from Blizzard, and I’ve lost faith in the company to produce a fair & fun game.


This is the cycle of players like me and OP.

Quit the game, go play something else. Start to miss WoW. Check out the new expansion. Realize it’s even worse than it was before somehow. Repeat.

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I agree. If Blizz is going to keep recycling ideas, then the price on these expansions should be lower. There is absolutely no reason to timegate anything. Let the sweaty tryhards do their thing, then unsub until next season. It’s going to happen sooner rather than later anyway


How are your faction reps coming along?


Okay. Well, how about Delves


what about professions?


Okay. Well, what about collecting? Bunch of toys/mounts/pets already available.


Well, have you at least maxxed out your adventurer track gear

Why would I do that? It’ll all just be replaced.

What the hell DO you want,

Literally all we want is to be dropped into a world with well crafted area’s, difficult challenges, cool mobs, and good loot.

And WoW doesn’t have that.


Then… why do you play it?


Because waiting for the next good action rpg get’s boring.

Fromsoft needs time to cook.


Nostalgia is a strong force.

I seriously loved my early days playing WoW. I loved the journey a lot. I always hope that the game will go back to that fun.

The reality for me though is that I don’t think it will as the developers are dead set on keeping the same formula.

I can expect a squish to come soon too. The ilvl scaling is just going so stupid and the fact in 20 years they never figured out how to properly do ilvl just shows how bad the game is at its core.

I really am here for the anniversary. After that, I’m pretty sure the only time I’ll be back is for the REMIX series. That was a blast and just shows how good wow can be if they don’t time gate you into boredom and let you have some character power.

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i love this expansion it feels like i am a kid again playing wow for the first time.

I had low expectations but this xpac is a whole new level of bad

So I guess you will be leaving us. Just one request, can I have your teeth?
I have dredger friends in Revendreth that are always asking.

Well, I have the ability to browse the forums when I’m working. So that’s what I do.

Sorry you’re not enjoying the expansion. Maybe it’s not for you? Don’t know what else to tell you.

I’m enjoying it, but that’s me.

Hope you find something about it more enjoyable at some point or find something else to enjoy.

it’s not bad, but uninspired is the term i like to use, being a subturean expansion, the zone laytout should be more like deepholm, and it’s not, doesn’t even feel undergrounds, feels more like above ground, no azerite caves, no nothing

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if thats the case why torture yourself by coming back when u are repeatedly disappointed